Let’s see those 937 sluts or fav Ohio Slut

Let’s see those 937 sluts or fav Ohio Slut

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Anyone have the discord by state?

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Is it kelly or Haley? I’ve heard both

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Fat slut ex titties

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Kelly. I know her info but won’t tell.

Got anymore pics?

Does anyone have any other Chardon? I have some of BRooke’s leaked stuff

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never any good avon/avon lake feelsbadman

Damn, that’s a new one I haven’t seen before. She still married?

I don’t personally know her but I know too much about her for my own good. Seriously have the hots for her. She’s not married.

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Would never doxx or contact her. Hope you do the same.


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Don’t blame you man she’s sexy AF. Someone told me she was married. Info is all wrong I guess lol

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Don’t know her well enough to do either.

Is that her? My source says she got divorced.

It was posted awhile ago in a thread of her and was in the pic of the album some guy had so I’d say yes

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Chances are slim to none but does anyone have any Megan H? Went to John Carroll, just moved to Colombia with her husband. Use to be really slutty.

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Please post all you have of her

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Anyone near 614?

Gladly, hope others do the same

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Have that one

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Anyone from 740?


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It’s actually not

Different people jack ass lol

Have that one too

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how do you guysknow her

Any one have Aubrey B. Went to UNOH in Lima. Played softball I think.

Have it

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Anyone got hope f. Parma?

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Looks like we may have all the same ones now.

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New and I’m all out

Got one after this

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Any Georgie W? Cosplayer from Colombus

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Both new to me. Gorgeous girl with killer tits

Fucking stunning. Now I’d someone could only post some university heights for once then I’d be set haha


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Anyone have Leah k from Lorain county?


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ou girls?

No clue who it is but was posted as OU

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finally some 330 ugh

Anymore Sara?

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Not 330. Reddit girl. Special sweets or something like that.

Someone said she was from Wooster


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kelly p??

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hello ou user


Which Brooke?

you got nudes?


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jumbo shrimp
alone together
ohio proud
open secret

who do you have?

none, i just said.

Anyone got Brooke G? 440 chardon?

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Canton sluts?

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what an ass!

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I never see anyone I know in these and it’s a bummer


Nice anymore?


cat 216

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Anyone got Lauren Laney from Akron?

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