Yo wussup niggas. i'm tempted to take a dna test for ancestry with something like 23andme. is it worth it though...

yo wussup niggas. i'm tempted to take a dna test for ancestry with something like 23andme. is it worth it though? you can post your ancestry results here in this thread if you want to

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23&me says my Chinese gf is part Ashkenazi Jew so what up? They just tack that shit on to everybody so we treat them better?

how high was her percentage of Ashkenazi Jew?

i love sucking nigger's cock


I am probably whiter than most of you

Attached: Whiter than you.jpg (847x495, 44K)


ok. but you are not ashkenazi jewish masterrace though

get on my level mutts

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i have no results (at least yet), therefore cannot compare. do you think that it was worth taking the test?

yes. fun to know. plus get a bunch of health info

I've used three different companies and got three different results. It's a scam.

how much different were the results? was there a really big difference between them?

Low sperm count inbred Anglo. Nice.

Excellent evidence-based opinion (bolstered by facts and reason). 12/10 will never DNA test myself.


as says, they're not reliable. don't waste your money on them

Well not him but the fact is they gather certain groups of peoples D.N.A. that have a paper trail of ancestry. These "trails" can be false of outright wrong. They then lump them into a haplogroup and compare the results with your D.N.A.
The process to get an actual D.N.A. test with proven genetic markers and verified Haplogroups is very expensive.

One of the 23 and me people once admitted to adding black "ancestry" to results of people they suspected of racism.

Just 23? Get on my level.

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lol jealous troll

I had 100% European, no Ashkenazi Jewish or African or whatever

fucking spic

Just 23? Get on my level.

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Trust me you are white and Christian just because you said nigga

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Fucking nigger