Vocaroo thread?

Vocaroo thread?

Which one of us speaks more languages fluently?

I speak 2 languages natively and another 2 fluently, and then another one poorly.

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Are you Scottish?
Are you reading this reply?
If you answered yes to both questions, post a vocaroo of yourself.

top kek. Always here

try some English:

Dearest creature in creation,
Study English pronunciation.
I will teach you in my verse
Sounds like corpse, corps, horse, and worse.
I will keep you, Suzy, busy,
Make your head with heat grow dizzy.
Tear in eye, your dress will tear.
So shall I! Oh hear my prayer.
Just compare heart, beard, and heard,
Dies and diet, lord and word,
Sword and sward, retain and Britain.
(Mind the latter, how it’s written.)
Now I surely will not plague you
With such words as plaque and ague.
But be careful how you speak:
Say break and steak, but bleak and streak;
Cloven, oven, how and low,
Script, receipt, show, poem, and toe.
Hear me say, devoid of trickery,
Daughter, laughter, and Terpsichore,
Typhoid, measles, topsails, aisles,
Exiles, similes, and reviles;
Scholar, vicar, and cigar,
Solar, mica, war and far;
One, anemone, Balmoral,
Kitchen, lichen, laundry, laurel;
Gertrude, German, wind and mind,
Scene, Melpomene, mankind.

and some German

Gute Nacht, Freunde
Es wird Zeit für mich zu geh'n
Was ich noch zu sagen hätte
Dauert eine Zigarette
Und ein letztes Glas im Steh'n

Für den Tag, für die Nacht unter eurem Dach habt Dank!
Für den Platz an eurem Tisch, für jedes Glas, das ich trank
Für den Teller, den ihr mit zu den euren stellt
Als sei selbstverständlicher nichts auf der Welt

Gute Nacht, Freunde
Es wird Zeit für mich zu geh'n
Was ich noch zu sagen hätte
Dauert eine Zigarette
Und ein letztes Glas im Steh'n

Habt Dank für die Zeit, die ich mit euch verplaudert hab'
Und für Eure Geduld, wenn's mehr als eine Meinung gab
Dafür, dass ihr nie fragt, wann ich komm' oder geh'
Für die stets offene Tür, in der ich jetzt steh'

too long, my english is too poor for this

Requesting French and Norwegian

post Spanish

then just pick a few sentences or find something else

I speak 2 languages natively, but only 1 fluently. I'm utter shit at Mandarin.

Brazilian and French bros pls r8 my accent

Acento colombiano

Your English accent is hot



Have some french :

C'était là la terreur de ce pauvre être que le lecteur n'a peut-être pas oublié, de la petite Cosette. On se souvient que Cosette était utile aux Thénardier de deux manières, ils se faisaient payer par la mère et ils se faisaient servir par l'enfant. Aussi quand la mère cessa tout à fait de payer, on vient de lire pourquoi dans les chapitres précédents, les Thénardier gardèrent Cosette. Elle leur remplaçait une servante. En cette qualité, c'était elle qui courait chercher de l'eau quand il en fallait. Aussi l'enfant, fort épouvantée de l'idée d'aller à la source la nuit, avait-elle grand soin que l'eau ne manquât jamais à la maison.

You french is easy to understand, of course you have an accent but it can't be avoided.

English: Was pretty good all in all, a few errors here and there but a nice accent and good flow. Here is my native version: vocaroo.com/i/s1NAC5dkjdRf

German: I found it nice, can hear the french accent even though i'm not German :^)



kept cutting out my mic for some reason. Only got some down. r8?



That was pretty cool :DD. Are you learning german?

Could be worse.

Nice job, there are some tricky ones in there. A couple of errors but nice and clear. Can hear the yank in you :^).

Here's the native version: vocaroo.com/i/s1NAC5dkjdRf


En un lugar de la Mancha, de cuyo nombre no quiero acordarme, no ha mucho tiempo que vivía un hidalgo de los de lanza en astillero, adarga antigua, rocín flaco y galgo corredor. Una olla de algo más vaca que carnero, salpicón las más noches, duelos y quebrantos los sábados, lentejas los viernes, algún palomino de añadidura los domingos, consumían las tres partes de su hacienda


Not bad, m8. Like your accent.

Thank you, lad.

I tried to but I guess I gave up when I got a russian gf, I focus more on russian now.

Nice, I need to practice some of these.

Someone post Russian!


my first attempt at Spanish. N-no bully

>try some English:

Also, I fucked up a couple of the lines.

>my first attempt at Spanish

Sounds like it, it's not too bad though.

You`re easy to understand until you started stuttering. Couldn`t get what you wanted to say there. Your accent is fine btw


Great job, the only thing lacking is the pronunciation of the [u] sound, like in "source".
Thanks for the rating, there are some words I tried to guess without knowing proper pronunciation.

Not bad, it feels that you know how to pronunce french. There are some small problems though, like lack of consistency when you meet "u" : sometimes you pronunce it correctly, sometimes you pronunce it like a "ou".
Or a lone "s" surrounded by vowels : sometimes you pronunce it [z], sometimes [s]. There are hard rules for those two letters.

One additional thing is you are not "linking" the final consonants of a word with the starting vowel of the following word, but this is very minor.

This is my own version :


Mike volume is a bit too strong.

I wanted to say I'm level B1 in portuguese. but ended up mixing it with French by mistake and said "B un" (1 with french pronunciation). Then I fixed it and said "B um" (1). Sorry for that

I guess we've learned about new differences between British and american English. I don't know anything about the church of England. And as far as corps go, I had no idea you didn't have a plural pronunciation. Once you posted this I checked the oxford dictionary (where I normally go for British reference) and there was no mention of a plural difference. Of course if you go to Merriam Webster (best source for american dictionary) there is a separate recording for how the plural form of the word is pronounced. merriam-webster.com/dictionary/corps?pronunciation&lang=en_us&dir=c&file=corps002

Because to us the one written word translates to two difference pronunciation, depending if it's singular or plural.

>pronunciation of the [u] sound, like in "source"
Cheers lad, I always found that tricky tb h.

>there are some words I tried to guess without knowing proper pronunciation.
As the yank said, a lot of the words are near obsolete so nobody would blame you for not knowing them. Was a great effort in any case.

>american dictionary) there is a separate recording for how the plural form of the word is pronounced. merriam-webster.com/dictionary/corps?pronunciation&lang=en_us&dir=c&file=corps002

Got my neurons firing double time. It seems the differences run deeper and deeper the more you delve in.

Here's the spanish one


>it feels that you know how to pronunce french

I took french for a couple of years and lived in France for a while but I haven't spoken french for years now, I guess that's why.

Remember the H is silent in spanish though, unless it's ch or some particular word like hámster. Ha is pronounced a.

And you keep stressing the wrong syllables.

Of course you sound very frenchie. Understandable though.


I'd like to try Italian


Are you an expat?

Also post some swedish.

Don't know what you were worried about, it was good. Just work on your "r" if you're trying to sound more native.

Stilla natt
Helgade natt
Allt är frid
Stjärnan blid
Lysa på barnen i stallets vrå
Å, de vakande fromma två
Kristus på jorden är kommen
Oss är en frälsare född

> H is silent in spanish
What a useless letter. How come the language has not evolved to get rid of silent H´s? I actually don't care if written words will look less aesthetic desu


First attempt at swedish desu. I probably sound quite retarded.

rate vocaroo.com/i/s1XQ8Q6xaXCL

>Det var en gång en pojke. Han var så där en fjorton år gammal, lång och ranglig och linhårig.

>Érase un muchacho que no pasaría de los catorce años, alto, desmadejado, de cabellos rubios como el cáñamo.

Why not get rid of c and z too, and use s instead
And c and q, and use k instead
And b or v, and use only one of them
Etc etc

are you the catalan girl?

You tried to speak three languages one after the other, it`s notmal to get confused. Like I said, your pt is easy to understand.

give us some weird languages to vocaroo.


Not too bad, pretty strong accent but it's not unpleasant. A few errors here and there but they were on words that aren't used that often. Please get "Britain" right, though :^)

Here's my native: vocaroo.com/i/s1NAC5dkjdRf

I hope some russians come.

Shall we try this.

Poccия — cвящeннaя нaшa дepжaвa,
Poccия — любимaя нaшa cтpaнa.
Moгyчaя вoля, вeликaя cлaвa —
Tвoё дocтoяньe нa вce вpeмeнa!
Cлaвьcя, Oтeчecтвo нaшe cвoбoднoe,
Бpaтcких нapoдoв coюз вeкoвoй,
Пpeдкaми дaннaя мyдpocть нapoднaя!
Cлaвьcя, cтpaнa! Mы гopдимcя тoбoй!


Rossiya — svyashchennaya nasha derzhava,
Rossiya — lyubimaya nasha strana.
Moguchaya volya, velikaya slava —
Tvoyo dostoyane na vse vremena!
Slav'sya, Otechestvo nashe svobodnoye,
Bratskij narodov soyuz vekovoy,
Predkami dannaya mudrost' narodnaya!
Slav'sya, strana! My gordimsya toboy!

post feet.

And here's some catalan if you nigs want to try:

És l’hora dels adéus
I ens hem de dir: Adéu-siau!
Germans, dem-nos les mans,
Senyal d’amor, senyal de pau.

El nostre comiat diu:
A reveure, si a Déu plau!
I ens estrenyem ben fort,
Mentre diem: Adéu-siau.

No és un adéu per sempre
És sols l’adéu per un instant,
El cercle refarem
I fins potser serà més gran.

Breedy good Spanish m8. Except you pronounce the C like Spaniards do and not like Latin Americans and the "LL" in the word Olla should sound kinda (not as marked) like an English "J" or "SH" for Argentinians.


>And here's some catalan if you nigs want to try

Does it have to be recorded in 8 seconds?

Catalan vocaroo.com/i/s1WQ5mJY4iRm


I hope I get points because I tried to sing it.
I hope I do not lose points because I've sang it.



Hopefully I wasn't busted singing swedish.

that's quite a voice you have. Can't rate the russian but I enjoyed it nonetheless

>SUNG gottferdöm !

Well at least I tried, but I have no idea how to properly speak spanish.


I feel reatrded reading that. Can you vocaroo it too?

Your spanish is not bad, I like that you don't sound "latinamerican" spanish but euro spanish.

It's alright except for your S, we have voiced and unvoiced S. Just like House and Housing in english.


Your catalan sounds just like your spanish, very frenchie :DD

I've sung something you can rate :

I tried to calque the pronunciation of occitan, but that's not quite it yet !

Can you sing la resistance's song in spanish?


Dios te ha llamado hoy aquí,
ha puesto en tus manos la labor,
sonría la fortuna al justo y al valiente,
que luchan con honor.

El fuego dels cannons,
es fiero y es cruel,
allez le batallons,
soldado y coronel,
y cuando os desangreis,
clamad al mismo son,
"yo caí, la Resistance triunfó"

Que me corten los 2 pies,
que me extirpen un tumor,
que me vuelvan del revés,
que me pase lo peor,
y que frente al pelotón,
yo siempre podré decir,
"si yo caí, la Resistance triunfó"

very Deutsch, very nice but how about something British? : ^). Thought i'd have a giggle and return the favour vocaroo.com/i/s0S9GAMAhMTB.



Eh I've very rarely spoken english since I stopped studying it in school, so I wasn't too sure. But bretty good to know, thanks.
I'll put some Icelandic for people here to try out

Ég kom í þorpið kvöld eitt um sumar
klukkan tólf í miðnætursól
Ég fékk herbergi upp á verbúð, það virtist í lagi
með vask, borði og stól.

Um morguninn gekk ég út á götuna að skoða
sá gömul vélhræ liggja út á lóð.
Ég sá hús sem áttu sögu og sum voru að deyja
það seytlaði úr gluggunum blóð.

Það er stelpa sem starir á hafið
stjörf með augun mött.
Hún stendur öll kvöld og starir á hafið
stóreyg, dálítið fött.

I`m trying to learn the eu version of spanish desu.

Please no hate


I've no idea where to even begin with Icelandic. Do you think you could perhaps record the first stanza as an example?

I hate this.

>daughter laughter

Really Brit sounding, nice job. Other than that there were a few errors but just like the others it was mostly on odd words. You don't sound very dutch at all, interesting

steenkool probeerhard engels accent

want yanks to give me their best attempt at a british accent of their choice tb h

rate vocaroo.com/i/s0AORQPstAK6

Could be worse, he could sound Dutch



I tried.

It makes easier to spot people who don't know how to write properly.

I still don't understand why people write "haci" instead of "así" or how many cannot understand when to use "hay", "ahí" or "ay".

Not bad but I think you confuse the "s" sound like in "adeus" with the "th" sound in english?

>I still don't understand why people write "haci" instead of "así"

Damn latinamericans... it's just horrendous.

not too bad man, bretty gud
not bad either

Haha you have even less accent when singing !

I cannot get more ridiculous than this :

that's not common. Only people with bad grammar skills would make such an error.

Nah, that`s just my accent talking. Here, all "s" at the end of words are whistled (making a phoneme similar to the english th) and subconsciously transported it. Sorry m8

You'll never see a spaniard make such a mistake.

Maybe because we pronounce z-c-s differently.

Well, looks like I just went more ridiculous than previously thought.

The voiceover was very shitty.

kek nice bit of G&S

Haha thank you for that.


~9 years of swedish learning

9 years and you didn't sing it ?

i didnt

Here is mine in Spanish ;)


I was hoping for a song too

You sound like a native from somewhere in latinamerica. Are you not?


My mom is argentinean


Maybe you put a lot of stress on the R's, but other than that your Spanish is flawless


Someone with an accent please read this

> English, is an international language in the world. Most people are using this language on the daily life. It is an important language because we use this language to communication with other country's people. We also use English in many places. For example, it is used in the international business, computer language, movies, and so on. As a result, many people think learning English can get big benefits. Why we say learning English can get big benefits? Because you can become an international person, because you can communicate with any people in the world, and because you can improve the changes in the job.