Kurwa Polish thread

Kurwa Polish thread
No immigrants

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Hello Mr, I'm Vlad from Ukraine. Do you have some work for me?

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Siema kurwa

Keep up the great work keeping Muslims out. Don't become a Sweden 2.0 for God's sake!

Siema, stary

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po co

Jak nie chcesz tu być, to spierdalaj

chuj wam w cycki

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idź do domu, user. To nie jest twoje miejsce.

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Jak wieczór mija anoni?

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>That boxjaw
>those dead eyes
>that hair
>those wacky hours of operation

Can you get any more polish?

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>this fucking haircut
no probably not. You can line up 100 women and one with this haircut you can see on an instant who's polish

How come in every black girl thread there's always at least a few poles, you guys are nuts.

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Tak sobie

ale czemu obrazasz

Siemaneczko chanowe swiry

siema siema kurwa witam


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Masz więcej zdjęć w tej wannie?

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Extra. Nie przestawaj.

To pokaz cos na zachete!

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Ja takich sexy dziewczyn nie znam

chuja Ci pokaże, to zwykły leech jest

I want Bialystoczanka to fuck me cause I'm from the city bithed but not fight knowhow in city wtf civil attack freebase?

Nie wierzę, że nie masz więcej jej zdjęć

Wypierdalaj stąd brudny polaczku ha tfu ci na ryj mała pizdo

there's a Polish thread on if you're interested

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