Horse pussy? or horse butthole?

Horse pussy? or horse butthole?

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I really love Hostess Donettes, but I'm siding with that winking puss.

Can I slather my tongue inside the asshole?

If you go with the puss you basically always get the ass in the package
I would be really concerned if it didn't


I want to sniff and fingering her musky and smooth butthole

why not both

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fe(male) donut only

both :)

Both are awesome, but I gotta go with butthole. Nothing better than a nice thick ring to nom on

Plus studs are best ass to eat out, and they don't have vags'

I would tickling that butthole

can you get any STDs from fucking the horse?

How much of a degenerate do you have to be that you have to result to raping and obsessing over horses. Please go kill yourself

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It's very unlikely.
However you might get some diseases if you fuck the anus without a condom because.. well... not very clean in there eh?

What if it's a horse with human sentience?

>How much of a degenerate do you have to be that you have to result to raping and obsessing over horses. Please go kill yourself

Attached: anon the horses ass.png (1443x1080, 550K)

Yeah... kill yourself to, RETARD, your not tough, oh my GOOOOOD SO pathetic you are your little BITCH

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Just the right height. No bucket required

this is a Colombian tradition

Well... do you like the horse my friend

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>hole designed for cock, self lubricating and kinda clean.
>hole designed for shitting, literally full of shit and poor lubrication