Hey fuckwads I’ve been on keto recently, 25 days in I’ve lost a fuckton of weight because I’m a fatty

>Hey fuckwads I’ve been on keto recently, 25 days in I’ve lost a fuckton of weight because I’m a fatty
>just came to complain and say I miss teriyaki chicken, I really like teriyaki chicken
>godamn I miss teriyaki chicken

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good job lardo! im on it too but im trying to lose 10 pounds. Eat more buffalo chicken instead, that shit is keto as long as its not breaded and deep fried

Literally it’s all I eat, other then eggs and steak

You can eat deep fried food on keto though assuming there’s no breading. I ate tons of deep fried bell peppers when I was doing it.

what is not keto about teriyaki chicken

Been on a extreme diet, borderline starving, for the past month and a half with my doctor to check my shit out every few weeks to make sure I'm doing okay. Lost a absolute ton of weight so far.

But god damn I want a muffin.
Even if I do eat a bit, I make sure to stick to low carb stuff, and ever since like a week into this, I've been wanting a muffin.

not op, but teriyaki chicken is usually really sweet, so it's loaded with sugar which is carbs and a no-no.

Good on you op, I've been keto since May and lost 65, I wasn't even a fatty, but just a little chubbier than I should have. There are a few wins though, for instance, when I travel for work, I hit up Buffalo Wild Wings and get Blazin' traditional wings, which because it's like 250k scoville, has like 1 carb because it's all pepper and vinegar.

ah ok I'm just not familiar with the keto diet but that makes sense
anyone look into the negatives of the keto diet? I've heard really good and really bad things, genuinely curious I havent done much research

Well, do some.
Upsides - Some people (myself included) shed weight ridiculously easy.
Downsides - Clothes stop fitting. All my jeans don't fit, shorts fall down, etc. Eating out is really hard, because you can't do bread, you can't do pasta, you can't do rice, no pizza, no burritos, you can't do beans, the list goes on. So pretty much, it's like a Chicken Caesar Salad, Hamburger in/on lettuce, eggs/omelettes, and you'll have to get used to those preparing your food forgetting to hold something you told them to, or getting a lot less of it because they're in a rush and didn't think to fill the rest of it up with something else you could.

If you can stick with it, and really force yourself to stay true to it, it's silly how you shred weight and look great with no running and no gym. You just have to eat like two hamburgers, an avocado, and walnuts or almonds every day, which isn't half bad after a while.

I mean more health wise. I've heard ketosis can be very detrimental

ketosis can kill you.
moreover the fat from high-fat diets can give you a stroke or infarction.

moderation then eh?

>Ketosis can kill you
The only ways I know ketosis to be harmful is all diet related. As in, not properly getting the vitamins or minerals your body needs to keep going. It's easier to become malnourished in terms of specific vitamins and shit when you're limiting your diet and not looking into what your body needs and what you should properly be eating or taking to make up for things you may not be getting.
The only other ways I know it to be inherently harmful is if you're already skinny as hell and not eating enough fat, or if you're diabetic.

>moreover the fat from high-fat diets can give you a stroke or infarction.
Again, sources?
The biggest issue I know in terms of this is the more dangerous fats you can ingest. Trans fats are unhealthy as fuck because, due to their structure, they cling together easily and can clog your arteries up something harsh. Saturated fats are pretty bad to for this same reason, but less so.
Generally speaking, as far as I know, so long as you mostly stick to unsaturated or 'omega' fats, you should be fine unless you're predisposed to certain heart conditions.

Ketosis can't kill you any more than anything else.

How exactly would one get a stroke (y'know, oxygen starvation to the brain) by having a diet that is 70% Fat, 25% Protein, 5% Carbs?

It's healthier because you're avoiding all the processed GMO shit that's created in labs, like Carrageenan.

You know a red flag is when some moron doesnt even research GMOs, and just calls them bad because words he doesn't fully understand.

Caraseenan is not a GMO. What the fuck are you talking about?

Carrageenan ** my b lmao

It's not a GMO, but it's garbage filler from like seaweed. Point is, it's worthless shit that is added to food instead of, y'know, food.

Seaweed is a food you moron. God you shouldn't at all talk about shit you clearly know nothing about. Seaweed is not only a food, but carrageenan is literally one of the only functional vegetarian AND vegan, and thus KETO FRIENDLY forms of gelatin. You are so fucking stupid it hurts my fucking head you even exist and try to pass yourself off as someone who knows anything about food.
Jesus christ.

Keto is bullshit. I mean it can definitely work, but not in the way people think it does. You cant just eat whatever you want as long as it's not carbs. The only reason it works is people finally start watching what they eat for the first time in their fat ass life so... wait for it... THEY FUCKING LOSE WEIGHT.

Literally the only way to lose weight is burning more calories than you consume. You cannot lose weight if you're eating more calories than you burn and you cannot gain weight if you're burning more calories than you eat. Period. It's literally a law of thermodynamics.

The thing with keto is a lot of the foods you eat on it are calorie dense, IE lots of calories for not a lot of food. You lose a lot of your "filler foods" which tend to be carbs.

If you want to lose weight, count/burn calories. End of story.

>vegetarian AND vegan, and thus KETO FRIENDLY
Not the person you're talking to, but this sentence doesn't make any sense.
Vegetarian/Vegan/Keto are all completely separate things, and while vegetarians and vegans can have some overlap, there's usually hardly any overlap with the keto diet because *most* people who are on keto actually eat a ton of meat.
vegetarian+keto diets are usually pretty rare and extremely hard to pull off diet to nutrition restrictions.

>Literally the only way to lose weight is burning more calories than you consume.
While this does have some obvious truth to it, there's a lot that this sentence and the people who say it tend to leave out, and the sentence tends to be a touch misleading.
There's a huge genetic and hormonal factor that plays into weight gain and loss. For example, some people eat as much as they do because if they enter a calorie deficient state, they feel extreme lethargy which causes them to want to just eat more, and some people may not have that issue and feel just find losing weight.
And likewise, some people can eat a absolute ton and their body just shits the majority of the waste out instead of turning it straight into fat.

While yes, being calorie deficient, like you said, will make people lose weight, it will also make some people feel like absolute shit while doing so, making it hard to work or function.
By sprouting this little sentence around like some people do, you're completely missing the larger picture of how a diet change like that could negatively impact someones life.

You are retarded that can't into simple logic. He's saying if it's both vegetarian and vegan, then automatically it's keto as well. Nothing within the categories of vegetarian AND vegan food is anti keto. You are literally stupid if you interpret what he said as anything but the above. You're literally adding your own stupid assumptions because your idiot brain can't understand simple logic.

>if it's both vegetarian and vegan, then automatically it's keto
I was just saying that this is false, in essence.

You were saying the opposite is true, which isn't even the point being contested. Those are literally different things. Your logic was keto includes meat, vegan and vegetarian doesn't, so if something is vegan and vegetarian it isn't necessarily keto. This is illogical because to prove that slmething that is vegetarian and vegan isn't keto you dont prove that some keto isn't veg, you prove that some veg ISN'T keto. you are actually stupid.

You're retarded. Most vegetables and fruits are loaded with carbs, hence not being keto friendly.

Well, disregard that post then, I am a faggot and suck cocks.

I do mean to point out that if something 'is' vegetarian and vegan, it's not automatically keto though. Which is what I originally meant to say but got distracted and went the reverse because I'm a dipshit.

sorry for the uncalled insults. but weve come to an agreement... somehow. you actually have a bigger brain than most people i know for acknowledging your mistake. i agree with your actual point too i was just autistic about the reasoning.

You're thinking ketoacidosis


I mainly eat beef and chicken, eggs, vegetables, pasta and rice. Don’t eat a lot of dairy, and desserts are too sweet to the point of making me vomit. I eat about 2,500-3,500 calories a day, but still have been 140lb for forever.

Calorie sourcing tends to be as important, if not more, than overall calorie intake. Due to the bioavailability of certain compounds and how your body processes them.

Nicee! one Elon Musky..

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Most fruits have way too much sugar to be incorporated into a keto diet.

seems kind of a woman thing to do fad diets instead of just eating a normal amount of food and exercising regularly

Type 1 diabetic with celiac here.

This is literally how I have stayed alive for years and Im ok.

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ur gonna fail. your metabolism slows down and as soon as ur done dieting ur gonna gain all hte weight back within a month.

I know... it happened to me. I lost 100 lbs and gained 70 back in a month