So in Spain and I guess in Europe in general we usually have just one flavour products...

So in Spain and I guess in Europe in general we usually have just one flavour products, sometimes 2 (Like black chocolate and white chocolate, that'd be the only variant.)
But as I've seen in American markets there's the same product 6 times but with different flavours, like peanut butter oreos, mint oreos, cereal oreos...
Do americans actually eat that shit?
Here se just have the standar/original flavour, I don't know why.

Attached: oreos-cookies.jpg (980x653, 294K)

>Do americans actually eat that shit?
Actually yeah, we do often have different flavors/versions of food products that we prefer over others. One guy might like crunchy Chips Ahoy with Peanut butter, another guy will just prefer the soft ones. It feels good having choices bruh

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Whoever faced that is an idiot

It is all low quality filth.

stfu walmart fag

I actually feel kinda jealous, I tasted a cherry coke can that I bought on a store with American importes products the other day and It was so fucking good but just a can was 2€, a ripoff.
How Is that you guys can get to choose and have so many flavours?

Kill yourself nigger i work in an actual grocery store bitch

Do you guys have like an american grocery stores tier list?

Poor spaniards don't buy enough of the other flavor so retailers can't sell before things go to waste.

that'd be really difficult and probably not at all useful, since very few stores are national; apart from WalMart (which isn't EXACTLY a grocery store in the first place), few store chains even cover half the country

No, i live in Canada. Our grocery stores dont have 2 floors

Your country fucking sucks. Lol.

The thing is that I've never seen many products receiving new flavours.
It's like they don't even try.
Maybe se are just too used to classic flavours but bruh we can't like other flavours if we don't get to taste them.

>How Is that you guys can get to choose and have so many flavours?
Probably because America is home the vast majority of global snack companies and is the biggest market for this shit as well?

in Poland we have much better choice actually, so speak for yourself.

>Do americans actually eat that shit?
Those different flavors are often fuckin good, not shit. The shit doesn't last as it doesn't sell. What sucks is a lot of the good stuff is temporary promo stuff, Oreo is really bad about that.

Wow, here in Spain there's like 4 or 5 big grocery stores chains but every city has their special store owned by a small comapny that has good products.
I guess that in America there can be 2 or 3 big chains but provide everyone because of how big they are.

lol... you really don't have cherry coke? I feel sorry for you.

Being home of the snacks companies means that they can't produce things in other countries?

Here se hace coke, cone zero and I think coke light died.
Yes, this is kinda depressing.

It means that naturally their home market is going to be the most well supported. Its just how it is

Oh, man, after 11 years in retail management, that was my exact thought.

Not anyone I know, although im in a low income part of the city from a spick family, so we only eat the occasional tamarindo lollipop, or some salsaghetti shit, we prefer snacks though, a bowl of Takis, or chapulines, or some torta bread, maybe a concha, stuff like that, but I know I don't speak for all Americans, obviously.

Thanks user, I think I get it now.
I guess I always can buy american things on the internet if I really want some, even though they will be more expensive

I'd give recommendations but I don't know what you have and what you don't so it's not easy. I hope you find something you like brother

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But on the other hand you can buy fresh vegetables in the supermarket in Europe, and not only 2 or 3 kinds but alot

at least we dont have to pay thousands for fucking hospitals because we have free health care faggot

wjy are they stacked horizontaly wtf

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My 50 cents is that this is made to oushelf other similar products by others brands, you want biscuits with shit between them? Here you have fifty shades of Oreo's but not any Behlsen, Ringo orothers less global brands

Are you familiar with milka chocolate? There a fifty thousand different kinds. What about haribo? Again fifty thousand different kinds. Wtf are you talking about op?