Hello Sup Forumsros

Hello Sup Forumsros,
So currently I'm working on a University project that requires me to work 12 hours a day for 1 year. I like it even though it's not paid, problem is that I do not have any time to go out and try and meet girls. This year I went on my first ever date on January and since then dated three more girls. I had no luck with any even though things seemed to go great with the first one. I don't want to loose the progress I made in developing my social skills but I also want to keep working on this project. How could I "maintain" the skills I got?
Love you guys.

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What project

Building a racecar

What, project

I don't know, I masturbate with random anons online

Very funny retard, a real project that someone could actually do for uni, not a mechanic

It's for Formula Student, an engineering competition. We build it from scratch

>problem is that I do not have any time to go out and try and meet girls.
Do what they uni professors do. Tell the people in charge of the grant funding that you need to do a study that involves volunteers to understand what the public will think of your project.

>getting pussy
pick one

Hey I had a friend in mechanical engineering doing that project too

Do they still have that giant event at the end with half of north american universities compete with one another ?

Yes, Its pretty cool!

should've known

Well good luck to you and your class with that, it's a tough challenge from what he told me

Thanks, Im trying!

Invite her to you doing work, or prepare menial things for you to do at home and while you two are together. Or just don't sleep

>work 12 hours a day for 1 year.
cmon I'm in grad school and I know you're exaggerating, and if you're not, you're choosing to put that much work in.

Dubbz! I dont think she wants to see me anymore. She told me she's still thinking of somebody else but i think it was an excuse. Still think of her from time to time

the official work hours are from 9:00 to 21:00 some days less some days more depends on the stage of the project

there is no way you are responsible for being there for that full amount of time, every day. I mean, for one it's illegal. If it's just super competitive and that's what you need to do to excel, then that's kind of on you. Just saying man, I work easily 80 hour weeks and still manage to go out on weekends if I really want to be social. Hell right now I'm doing work while hungover from last night

I also work weekends, I thought about going out regardless but working with a hangover just kills me

well it helps I kind of am used to it, but yea, you can't make excuses when busy like this, you just gotta make effort, or it wont happen. Another example is actually inviting friends over to catch up instead of just letting them drift away, takes effort but it's worth it.

Yes, I think I'll make an effort, I don't want to live the basement life

goodluck with the car, I have yet to drive my uni's little f1 project car but may have the opportunity to later this year now that I know some people. that shit looks so fun both to work on and drive/troubleshoot.
