[BREAKING NEWS] Half of homeless in Berlin are Polish: report

>be Polish homeless in Berlin
>can't get any assistance because they are not brown nor black


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And I was wondering why there is so much less homeless people here compared to few years ago

Poland is easily the EU's biggest parasite

Poles are fucking leeches

well, considering how much destruction Nazi Germany caused in Poland during WW2, they deserve to be a parasite.

You and we have to be even bigger parasites according to that faulty logic of yours.

why the fuck would you move to another country just to beg in the streets, like wtf?

Poland was a sheer victim while Japan and Germany were obviously aggressors.


poland only exists because eu countries feed them
reparations have long been paid off

they probably fell for the "everyone gets welfare in Germany" meme, little knowing that only muslims are eligible for social support

and brits will still insist they're getting "the best of the best" instead of just the poorest motherfuckers that could afford a bus ticket.

People of Poland are grateful to the countries of the European Union for making sure Polish streets remain clean and bydlo free.

>reparations have long been paid off
lmao not really. If you account all of the investments Germany paid like 0,5% of what they owe Poland.

we owe you nothing

pay denbts germoney
it's long due

why do you lie so much?
Your statement is factually wrong.
Polish government after WW2 was a puppet government of the Soviet Union and Soviet Union forced the Polish government to not demand war reparations from Germany. But Soviet government forced it's Polish counterpart to do a lot of things. And it doesn't exist anymore. So war reparations between governments of Poland and Germany are still unregulated matter.

Polish soldiers died for the freedom of German people from the tyranny of Nazi rule and this is how you repay them.
Germans truly are ungrateful cockroaches.

war is war
shouldn't have started it if you can't deal with the consequences

>shouldn't have started it if you can't deal with the consequences
You're absolutely right, hence why reparations are in order.

>polish soldiers died for the freedom of German people from the tyranny of Nazi rule

Wtf! I love poland now?

why would we pay the aggressor?
if anything poland owes germany for the continuing lies about german "death camps" on polish soil

you don't need to thank or love us, just send those fucking reparations Hans or I'll steal your car

>steal german land
should have expected it you dirty slavic subhumans


Love is more valuable than money, silly pole

you don't have an actual argument and you decided that relegating to regurgitating polturd memes is the best line of defense.
Sup Forums is becoming better every day

I've heard of bums migrating south because of the warmer climate, but why would they move to Germany is beyond me.

couldn't give a fuck less about the state paying poleleeches for some century old shit

because collecting bottles is a better future than staying in poland

>swearing at each other.

another polish butthurt thread? yay

>Get constantly called the last bastion of true europen land
>Can't feed it's own citizens and forces them to go to other european countries and send money to poland

Poland didnt win WW2
Poland owned stolen land and got btfo
GER and PL were both puppets of the same side

Thug life

That's actually great. It's not like anyone in poland needs another wave of germans protesting in butthurt. Just pay up and everything will be fine.

naziboo tears

we have no obligation to pay
will you keep crying for the next millennium?

give germany back it's rightful german soil and maybe we can pay for "reparations"

But it’s the birthplace of Chopin.

>we have no obligation to pay
At this point yeah. Poish government still figures out how to make the claims legitimate before international courts.

We gotta hurry though, Mutti Merkel will pay 100%. But whoever comes after her might not.

Look Into My Eyes.

We Gypsy Now

Why they dont just pretend they are muslims to get free gib

You want an actual argument?
The reps wouldn't fix anything because you are already fixed. It would literally be extra money for nothing.
And the whole psychological thing behind this is even shittier. You would just take the money and that's it.
It wouldn't even be seen as an apology or paid respect but just as a trophy that you would take like a smug obese child.
There is literally no reason for us to pay up. Now go fuck yourself.

That would be a deal id lile to see.
Germany gets its clay back and Poland its money.
If poland gets a higher interest rate over time so should germany get some % more soil

>Poish government still figures out how to make the claims legitimate before international courts.
there is no way

goymoney is a fucking bitch and failure of a state and will be till their official language is overtaken by Turkish.

Allah speed my Turkroach conquerers

show the germanic scum no remorse.

breed their whores like they lust to be bred


The poles in the first and second army where among the worst rapist to "liberate" germany


t. yet another country that tried stealing Slavic lands and got BTFO

>The reps wouldn't fix anything because you are already fixed.
There's plenty of things that the government could spend money on for the benefit of citizens. We need new railways, new public transport, new hospitals etc etc. I would be perfectly fine (I'd say it would be desirable) if germany started to pay out under the condition that the money will not be used for defense spending.

> It would literally be extra money for nothing.
Couldn't agree less.

Because there is nothing better than giving your butthurt neighbour money he would spend on new bus seats.

No idea what you tried to imply there but there's nothing wrong with having modern, functioning and diversified public transport.
More public transport means less cars. Its a win/win