Anyone else ever dabble in web design or anything?

Anyone else ever dabble in web design or anything?
I've gotten into CSS (as well as HTML and a little JS) over the last few months and I really like it.
Would love if anyone has advice, tricks, stuff to show off, etc.

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Well I guess I'll go fuck myself then lmao

quit learning css it's literally the devil. Learn React, JQuery, Flask, or literally anything else. Unless you're actually one of the only 5 people that's good at it.

How would you find that out though if you quit?

I feel like it's useful to get real good at, in addition to that other stuff. I want to get good with jQuery but idk.
Just seems like the easy way out.
I mean CSS isn't rocket surgery. And I've used it in my every day browsing along with basic JS to like, download Pornhub videos or hide ads manually when Ad Blocker wasn't doing the trick, etc.

True, if you're good at it and enjoy it then go down that rabbit hole. However in my opinion as long as you have a basic understanding of CSS and HTML there are easier ways with other frameworks to get great results.

Fair, there are easier ways to do it by borrowing code. But to me there's something so romantic about being able to build and understand every aspect of a website's layout.

It might be the easy way out but I guess it depends what you want to do with those skills. If you'd rather hone your skills on front-end design then go for it. Personally I work with it in my every day job and i need to know front-end and back-end. So I can't really spend too much time on one or the other also I don't like it as much I prefer backend as well as pen testing but that means I need to know a plethora of info.

Just use dreamweaver lol

I do web development for a living.

I think you should learn about debouncing in JavaScript. It's a fairly simple trick but may perhaps set you thinking :)

Bootstrap 4 and Vue.js are cool if you wanna make some really powerful front end web apps. jQuery is also useful to know.

The world of programming is awesome and pays well too lol. Since you seem to like web development thus far, I say keep pursuing it. It may be daunting sometimes, but I say stick with it so long as you love it!

Oop,s wrong reply.

Build a simple trivia game using APIs.
Make a word guess game.
Make a js calculator.
If you are really into CSS just make pretty mock webpages.

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Again to each their own. I guess it's what you want to get out of it. You don't need to be a savant to understand what's going on. But I'm more of jack of all trades then a master of one kind of person.

What is it you do for a living exactly that has you doing CSS? Is it something you wanted to do with that skill set?

And idk m8, seems like a cop out

And this was.. actually genuinely useful info lol, I intend to keep at it. I've been developing a stupid little chose your own adventure game to learn some stuff as I go

Dreamweaver will do most of your HTML and CSS for you depending on how you manipulate the structure of the overall website. where it really gets complicated is PHP when it comes to databases and tables and shit. HTML5 is even a little bit more complex but not outside the reaches unless you understand PHP first. I read up about it it's actually really easy to learn and there's tons of applications available through Android and iPhone that you can learn through. If that's not your cup of tea there are tons of books available at Barnes and Noble and other bookstores that you can pick up and teach yourself and learn... Quit being a faget and learn about shit

This is the sort of demo I've been working on to learn tricks and play around with it.
It's a choose your own adventure that has randomization (click a choice and you may get attacked, you may not), custom music player, inventory system, and it was all javascript based so you couldn't use the "back" button. And I used JSON files in localStorage to make save points.

Never finished it but it was an idea I thought of forever ago

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OP has a snapchat? We can talk more about html, css and js

Alas I do not. I got a kik tho

First of all, CSS is used with ANY html. Not sure why you'd ever encourage someone not to learn CSS if they're getting into front-end.

Learn JS, HTML, React, CSS. Learn fancy new HTML5 features - also learn data structures and algorithms. Even if you don't need them for the interview (you probably will), and if you don't use them directly in your job, they will really teach you how to think about code, and how the browser works.

that being said, also study how the browser works. write scripts for websites you use. you don't have to show them to anyone, make them for the weird furry porn you watch if you want, as long as you get practice. I've racked up 100+ hours scriping on various porn sites because i'm an incel shut-in virgin loser etc. etc. and the experience made me kill a coding interview. A lot of coding interviews are basic dom manipulation and styling, and scripting will teach you that.

really, really treasure good design. it goes a LONG way when it comes to looking professional. also learn that there should be no such thing as an API call without a catch statement

Very solid advice. I found that on Pornhub if you call the src of the [0] indexed source element it pulls the direct file link immediately lol. Also virgin neckbeard here, pretty much. Except I have a gf and I'm in moderately decent shape.
Anyway I plan to continue giving it my effort, but balanced with 40 hours a week plus a new baby, and other hobbies in music, shooting, etc.

building on top of that, if you get into scripting, it gives you a selfish motivating to learn JS and browser tricks. if you don't have a selfish motivation, and if you don't find it fascinating, you'll never make it past a mid-level developer.

become selfish, learn JS to help you bust phat nuts, write the exact script you want with the exact styling you wish it had to make it easier to download gifs off of rule34 or whatever your task is. find an efficiency and solve it with your own code. learn to love solving problems that way.

if you want to learn one front-end library, use react. if you want one thing on top of that, use react+redux. angular, vue, backbone are wastes of time. if you're not learning react, focus on fundamentals. don't rely on some fancy jquery function to do something hard for you. learn how to do it in vanillaJS. that process will be more informative than you think.

if you ever have a question, even a fleeting question, even a dumb question, STOP EVERYTHING AND FIND THE FUCKING ANSWER TO THAT QUESTION. If you can't find it, ASK IT ON STACK OVERFLOW. Just doing this will boost your understanding significantly. try and explain something to yourself from beginning to end, and if there is even an inch-long gap in your understanding, then you must find out what the missing piece is.

very few people can give a complete coding answer, starting from hardware and working your way up. if you can do that as a junior, i guarantee your interviewer will make note of it. try not to sound like a smug know-it-all, though

do you also dabble in being a faggot?

Oh yeah, I refuse to do anything with jQuery until I learn how to do it with Vanilla first, cause it's such a better learning experience.

But I like where you're going with all that, especially explaining from start to finish. I did that for a friend on the phone once, talking about how just HTML worked via a browser and she was amazed at how I explained it cause like, shit, I understood it, myself.

Yes, always. I'm on \b\ dude. Happy Veteran's Day, I'd say it's your bed time but school must be closed tomorrow huh?

Drunk tech recruiter at a major company here. Ho fill stack so ai can talk to you

Plz drink some water and then try that sentence again but in English

it depends on what you want to do

if simple websites is all you ever wish to do then wordpress is for you ( youd be able to put up wordpress sites without knowing html, css or php but youll be unable to modify or fix certain problem)
If you want to learn to make websites that act and look how YOU want them to be, then youd have to learn frontend and id encourage to learn a bit of backend. If you want to make life easier, just basic html, css and then javascript related techs (vue, angular, react for frontend but they can be seriously complicated) and nodejs for the backend

thou php is old and still ageing its also a nice place to start since it has more rules and real life examples on what works and why
(also php frameworks have far better documentation then javascript frameworks)

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however at some point youd want to pick up some database knowledge along with object oriented thinking (ex. mongodb)

I've been doing web design for around 7 years, mixed in with branding, graphic design, and marketing stuff. If you want to do freelance learn Wordpress you can make some good money, I do about 10k per month on average. I made a lot of connections in the dental industry and signed for a 30k branding contract.

Sidenote: I want to get into React, can anyone suggest a good training program? Im well versed in HTML, css, some php, but I want to be able to make true web apps instead of static WP websites, shit gets boring af.

yeah dont. web dev is a fucking waste of a life, take it from me.

>take it from me
Take what from you? That small, vague statement with literally no supporting argument at all? F00k off, m8.

Anyway you guys are all speaking very highly of the next steps but what of JUST CSS can I play around with? I'd rather pursue music as a career anyway, but what CSS-specific things are fun and interesting to do?
Anyone ever play with flex boxes, grids, do you guys use tables, etc.?

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also check out and if you just want to mess around with css

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> Boring Legal Stuff

Jesus fucking christ OP