Why can't Lebanese people put their garbage in a garbage can? You can't just throw it out the window

Why can't Lebanese people put their garbage in a garbage can? You can't just throw it out the window.

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>"unsold" in arabic script
what the fuck is the point?

Why did British people put their human garbage in an island? You can't just throw it out of England.

kek, they basically have one landfill for the whole country so there just isn't room for it. The best solution for them would be a thermal electricity plant and to burn it all off. They have shortages of electricity too.

They got really fucked by the civil war.

The building is probably also filled with garbage.

Shouldn't have fucked with Israel. Now they're basically a real life version of WALL-E.

Stop it

cant see anything wrong


At some point the garbage will become sentient and destroy them all.

why don't they burn it?

Because then they'd all choke to death on garbage fumes.

send help

Here's a picture of Israel to make you feel better. Notice the lack of rancid garbage mountains.

i really dont give a fuck about the conflict. would like to visit it someday

Is the garbage stopping you from getting out your front door?

well im leaving to study in germany in a month.
am pretty hyped.

>I dont care about the conflict

of course you do. you're the jews of the arab world after all.

Please stop bullying Israel.

im more worried of ur peoples takeover of europe.
hell i have a syrian neighbour and he smells like trash, just got a job and is a shitskin. take him back

Report him to the police for being an ISIS member.

what fucking police

med heritage

Report him to Hezbollah. They'll probably rape him in the town square.

White genocide is just a meme

Just like us.
>this happens all the time