There is a correct answer. Only one correct answer. If you get it I will tell you so...

There is a correct answer. Only one correct answer. If you get it I will tell you so. If you get it wrong I will tell you so. If you try and argue I will demonstrate why you are incorrect.


Attached: math.jpg (1280x720, 66K)

Other urls found in this thread:÷2(1+2)




use better notation



- (1+2)

There is no need for better notation. Conventions exist specifically to resolve problems with unclear notation. 9 is the corrrect answer.

This all comes down to faggots arguing over which operator takes precedent: division or multiplication.

A normal mathsfag wouldn't express a formula like this because of the possible ambiguity.

As an old faggot, I would do the right hand side operation first - because of the grouping, but the correct order of operation would be to do the left first.

1 obviously. not sure why everyone here is retarded.
2(1+2) is 6 and then 6/6 =1

Look here you stupid fucking nigger.
This notation is ambiguous. Ambiguity makes it viral. Viral shit is viral, because everyone on the internet is a stupid fucking nigger. You're the bigger nigger, because you think this retarded shit is clever.

KYS - sage goes in all fields.


>the correct order of operation would be to do the left first
Which would give an answer of..?

Since you already admit it is the correct order, the rest of your post was fluff.

It's 1
But if you are dumb it is 9
If you are really dumb it is 5
If you are black it is 1.5

1, use bodmas or what ever you lot use

anyone who thinks that there is such a thing as left to right or pemdas is a dirty fucking computer scientist

Sorry, I meant to say whether you learnt BOMDAS/PEMDAS or BODMAS/PEDMAS. Old fags like me learnt the former, so we'd do the right hand side first.

Incorrect. You fail at making use of convention. Either you are overthinking it or you are just a retard.

You can bitch all you want, there is still one correct answer, one incorrect answer, and the correct answer isn't "lel its ambiguous, no answer is right".


There is no set convention for priority with implicit division. How do you read:
If it is 1/2pi then this will almost always be read as a/(bc) but if it is 2/3x then this will almost always be read as (a/b)c

math b8 how fun and clever

It is not 1. You are incorrect and do not know how to use convention to deal with ambiguous notation.

The order of MD vs DM is inconsequential. If you think it is important you have an incomplete understanding of the order of operations.

Or you're a retard who doesn't understand why convention exists.


>There is no set convention for priority with implicit division.
False. There is a convention, and if you fail to use it you get the wrong answer.

found the computer scientist... enjoy doing baby maths for the rest of your life

Use unambiguous notation you fucking faggot.

There isn't. What would you take 1/2pi to mean? What would you take 2/3x to mean? Why did you read these differently?

You are an idiot. Convention exists for ALL, and exists specifically to deal with ambiguously written problems such as this. Computers have nothing to do with that convention.

It is 1.
6-6 =0
0/0 = 1

Attached: 1573410243622.jpg (634x646, 33K)

It’s 1 retards

Use current convention and notation is unimportant.

There is. In the second instance (2/3x) you used a variable, x, which means that you created a term 3x, which operates before the division. The / (oblique) functions exactly the same as any other division sign in the modern convention. In the first instance, since pi is not a variable, it is not grouped. You resolve Multiplication and Division in one step, moving left to right. 1/2 resolves first, which makes this exactly the same as 0.5pi.

6 / 2 (1+2)
6 / 2 (3)
6 / 2 x 3
(6 / 2) x 3
3 x 3

Physical Review Style Guide:

"When slashing fractions, respect the following conventions. In mathematical formulas this is the accepted order of operations:
(1) raising to a power
(2) multiplication
(3) division
(4) addition and subtraction."

so 1 basically

lol that's actually quite a funny troll. You interpreted both expressions wrongly.

He gets this very wrong. Obelus does not mean to divide by everything to the right. It hasn't meant that for a long time. Current convention is that every single division sign (obelus, oblique and colon) means the same thing.

wtf are you smoking

Brief Explanation of Why Answers Other Than 9 Are Bait

All refutations of the answer are based on misconceptions, misunderstandings or simply subscription to an incorrect method. This short series of replies will explain the correct, modern conventions for the evaluation of the expression:

First let me list the three arguments most commonly seen on Sup Forums for 1 being the answer:
>PEMDAS means 1) Parenthesis, 2) Exponents, 3) Multiplication, 4) Division, 5) Addition, 6) Subtraction. This means you do the (1+2) first to get (3) and then multiply next to solve 2(3) to find 6 and then apply the division 6÷6
>Distribution should be applied first so distribute the number outside the parentheses 2(1+2) becomes (2+4). Then follow PEMDAS…
>The Obelus is a different divide symbol to an oblique (also known as the slash) and means divide what is before this with everything after it.

This series will seek to dispel these arguments for the misconceptions that they are, with full references.

I wasn't commenting on the right or wrong answer. I'm commenting on how much of a nigger you are for thinking that starting this retarded fucking discussion is clever. I'd rather see the yellow boxes and log posts over this shit. Take this back to Facebook where it belongs.

No, I did not. Grouping by implicit multiplication only occurs if a variable is involved. pi is a constant, x is a variable.

Nigga it's 48 ole stupid ass nigga. Now where's my koolaid

To begin with, PEMDAS is often taught incompletely or incorrectly. If taught incorrectly people are taught that multiplication (M) comes before division (D). In the recognised Order of Operations, the following are the only four steps to this convention (Zazkis & Rouleau 2018):
Parentheses (or Brackets in the British BIDMAS/BODMAS version)
Exponents (Indices or Orders)
Multiplication and Division (note that these are identical in precedence, solve left to right if there are more than one of these)
Addition and Subtraction (again, identical, left to right)
Note that the PEMDAS and BIDMAS versions apply to the same order. The only reason they can do so without both having M and D in the same order is because these letters in the acronym are grouped into a single priority.
Given this convention, which is accepted as the way to deal with ambiguously expressed problems, the problem is treated thus:
Which can be expressed as 3×3

Moving on to the argument for distribution, we can solve this problem by understanding the distributive property properly. According to the Penguin Dictionary of Mathematics (Nelson 2008) distribution causes the term immediately outside of the parentheses to be distributed into each of the separate terms within. In this case we can also look to the Penguin Dictionary of Mathematics for the definition for term. In the example given therein, the terms are the parts of the problem separated by a + or – sign. Those parts connected by a ÷ or a × sign are considered to be a single term. So in:
the correct definition of a term would be 6÷2 which has a value of 3. To distribute this term into those within the parentheses would be to solve the following:
which as we know from the earlier section on PEMDAS resolves as 3×3. Once again the conventions point toward 9 being the answer.

Finally the obelus which is a regular point of contention in this particular problem. The sign for division, ÷, is often stated to mean that the numerator (before the sign) is divided by everything that follows, regardless of the order of operations, and that it differentiates from the oblique (/) or colon (:) in usage. This may have been accurate historically, however, just as with language, usage in mathematical symbols changes as we learn how better to avoid ambiguity in meaning, and such is the case with this symbol. While articles such as the one from The American Mathematical Monthly on American Standard Mathematical Symbols (1928) may not suggest anything about their modern usage, we can find it defined in The New Oxford Dictionary for Scientific Writers and Editors. According to this the symbols each and all mean the exact same thing, obelus, oblique and colon.
I don’t think it is even necessary to repeat the problem with this highlighted at this point: assertion that a nearly hundred-year-old usage of a symbol is the correct way to do things is simply wrong, and ignorant.

And so, with these considerations laid out, it is clear from the sources that all arguments against the correct answer of 9 are based in misunderstandings or lack of knowledge about the current convention for solving mathematical problems with or without ambiguous notation. In conclusion, according to current convention on the solving of mathematical problems, the solution for the expression 6÷2(1+2) is 9.

References to follow:

you really think 1 / 2*pi means 0.5 pi. Did you stop learning maths at kindergarten

I saw this and immediately said 1.
You morons are thinking that the two next to the parenthesis must ignore the parenthesis.

You're wrong

Attached: lFHKtgu.png (277x356, 4K)

Did you? Do you think multiplication comes before division? It doesn't. They are equal. pi is not a variable and is not automatically grouped.

couldve saved a lot of time by saying it's multiplication or division – whichever comes first (after brackets and exponents)

Or references would be to follow if 4ch didn't think they were spam. I'll just screenshot them ffs...

Attached: references.png (1294x691, 68K)

it's 6/2 multiplied by (1+2).
(1+2) is not a denominator.

you're wrong

There's really fags who think it's 1?
Simply your expression first, solve the parenthesis because parenthesis takes precedence
6/2(1+2) = 6/2(3)
6/2 = 3
IT'S NOT hard. It's always left to right, the final evaluation is ALWAYS after the expression is in its simplest form.
It WOULD be 1 if this was the expression retards.

You are treating the obelus as if it were a dividing line between the right and left sides of the problem. It is not. See:
Either that or you are treating it as distribution. Also incorrectly, see:

Hey asshole, how about you teach these morons something useful instead of just pointing out a syntax error in current notation? Maybe explain the beauty of the interrelationship of calculus and the kinematic equations for a particle moving through a gravity field? Or, just keep arguing over a pointless notation like a faggot.

Don't be a fucking retard. If you write the problem as 6÷2(3) you always resolve the brackets first. That makes it 1, anyone who says otherwise is a dumb cunt.

Are you retarded? The equation is 6/2(1+2)
Solve the right equation first before being snarky


the word that solves this:
operation order is defined

the correct answer is that the question is wrong.

>5th graders learn PEMDAS
>Unable to compute 5th grade math
What the fuck? You have to solve the parenthesis before you can solve for basic division and multiplication. The two in front of the parenthesis is APART of the parenthesis.
Please chop off your balls and feed them to your partner you knob jockey

No, you do not. And I demonstrated so with current, academic references. You simplify and then resolve as it stands. And at that point it stands as 6÷2×3. Resolving brackets means resolving what is WITHIN the brackets so that the B(or P) portion of the order of operations is complete, after which it becomes simple operators (× and ÷) which resolve as you might expect.

No matter how you do it, its not fucking 1 you retard. You evaluate LEFT to RIGHT
Unless your hands are fucking backwards, how does 6/2 simplifies to 3/1 or 3. 3(3) or 3*3 is NINE.
Division and Multiplication have equal precedence. Evaluate left to right retard.

>he two in front of the parenthesis is APART of the parenthesis.
No it is not. It is a number outside of the parentheses. It multiplies the numbers inside, making it a simple operation. Implicit grouping only exists with variables.

For those who would like to read the whole series of posts demonstrating with academic references why the ONLY correct answer by CURRENT convention is 9 as a paper:

Incorrect. See:

>eval brackets first
you're right but you missing what that means
evaluating brackets means (2+1) = (3)=3
6/2(3) is equal to 6/2*3 at this point - no brackets to evaluate

smartass cope you clearly live in another world

Attached: p.png (228x327, 20K)

Check those digits, bro

Attached: 1569931438823.png (287x304, 210K)

Why fake a wolfram alpha result when I can literally link to the actual result from plugging in 6÷2(1+2)?÷2(1+2)

Shit man I got so caught up in posting my paper I didn't even check myself.

Quads don't lie. Answer is 9.

You're retarded you multiply next to parenthesis always before divison

[insert] ((remove the extra dots))

server with no rules. Anything Goes! ;)

loli, [[cheese]], gore, nudes, and A LOT of shitposting!

Attached: image-8-1.png (300x300, 125K)


youre calculating 6/2 you fucking retard, not 6÷2 are you literally blind.
>muhhh look (6/2)^2 is also 9 lol


I'm confused over the ambiguity though.

The method I was taught was this:

1) Solve the brackets. 1+2 is 3
2) 2(3) means the same as 2 multiplied by 3, EXCEPT that due to the bracket usage instead of multiplication sign the bracket takes priority and must be solved prior to left-to-right multiplication and division. Thus 2(3) is solved first to create 6.
3) This leaves 6 divided by 6.
4) This equals 1.

The only reason you could get another answer is if 2(3) had the same left-to-right valuation in terms of order as 2x3.

The other argument for this is that 2(1+2) is a single unit as written, like 2(x-4) etc. 6 is a single unit as well. So you'd have

6 divided by x(y+z). You solve xyz first, and then 6 is divided by it.

Why is there an answer other than 1? Or is this just bait?

Attached: It'll be fine.webm (270x480, 618K)

fix your christing parentheses before posting

division and multiplication are of equal precedence and you do the equation from left to right. this gives you 3x3 which produces an answer of 9. quit being a fucking smoothbrain.

False. That would be implicit grouping. Implicit grouping is not a convention except for variables (e.g. 3÷2x is 3÷(2×x), but 3÷2(3) is 3÷2×3)

I have always hated this problem. Its not a math problem its a debate on how to interpret invalid syntax. 6 ÷ 2 * (1 + 2) is correct syntax.

It's 1. If you're American then 9.

this doesn't detract from my point, retard. i said that (1+2) isn't a denominator, not that you don't do it first. you're still producing an answer of 9.

I'm shit at math so excuse me if I'm wrong but isnt this like elementary shit? It's just order of operations, right?

It's cute you think others can't just click on the link and see that it's an obelus. Or even look up the UTF-8 code %C3%B72 and see that it's ÷

Keep trying faggot.

What kind of massive faggot uses the Division sign?

Attached: wat27.jpg (480x381, 18K)

>EXCEPT that due to the bracket usage instead of multiplication sign the bracket takes priority and must be solved prior to left-to-right multiplication and division
Except that isn't the convention. See the paper linked in this thread. Implicit grouping only applies to variables or special symbols in current convention:

Whoops, copied it with all the (you)s intact.

Implicit multiplication is a thing. Implicit grouping of nonvariables is not. The paper demonstrated, and referenced, all of this.

Well, I'm out folks. Gotta get some sleep as I have a lot of prep work to do in the lab tomorrow. Hope you all learned a little something about why convention exists this evening. Feel free to use the paper if anyone starts this bullshit of claiming the answer is 1 again.

1. 1+2=3
2. 6÷2=3
3. 3(see step 2)x3(see step 1)=9
Parentheses has the highest priority multiplication and division has the same priority so you read it left to right

obvious baiting with sloppily written equation

Actually I made the thread to DISPEL the usual bait by demonstrating the one correct answer with full references.

Right, now I'm out.

So then this user is right:
The answer would be 1 ONLY if there was a second series of brackets around 2(1+2):

6 divided by (2(1+2)).

Without the second pair of brackets, it must be read left to right thus:

6 divided by 2 equals 3. 3 times 3 is 9.

Okay...I can accept that. Why is this convention not universally understood or taught?

Attached: It's nothing....webm (984x654, 1.81M)

6 ÷ 2(1 + 2)
do you see a multiply sign anywhere?
The problem is that there is no operation specified between 2 and (1+2).
We have to decide if this invalid syntax is parsed as 6 ÷ 2 * (1 + 2) or 6 ÷ (2 * (1 + 2))
I personally favour the latter choice


You favor aging brackets where there are none.

3*3=1, yes

>Never paid attention in math
Where the fuck did those parentheses come from? Your ass?



