Why are Athiests so rude and disrespectful?

Why are Athiests so rude and disrespectful?

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Im only rude and disrespectful when they try to shove religion down my throat with equal disrespect and a condescending attitude

Otherwise i have a nice talk and the will to listen to what they say even if i dont share their ideology

some of them just think theyre superior, because science



Imagine not being an atheist in 2019

Most are trendy atheists that never asked themselves a deep question,nothing weird on non atheists still existing

Because a talking snake and a bush in flames that give commands to the human race, doesn't seem like an idea that deserves to be respected.

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How did you get my picture user

hate those motherfuckers

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I think you mean "kind and intellectual".

Just American ones. I know many people without religion that just not talk about it.

this person is unironically cool

Imagine caring about anything. Like, jesus christ, since when do people care about anything today?
Last saturday I met up with an old friend of mine and the conversation veered on the subject of Brexit (because I live in the UK) and she was like "what do you think" I DON'T CARE.

People are annoying. Nobody cares about your opinion, nobody cares about which god you believe in, and I'm the first one to not care about anything.

The only thing you should care about is having a fun carreer, make a bunch of money, get married and start a family. And even then, KEEP IT TO YOURSELF NOBODY GIVES A SHIT.

i bet the person who made this is a jordan peterson and/or joe rogan fan

Because my country ( middle Eastern) is completely destroyed due to religion and sectarianism..The whole middle East is a shithole because of religion.

Brexit can have an effect on those things though? Things don't happen in a vacuum.

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>i bet the person who made this is a jordan peterson and/or joe rogan fan

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they're like vegans.
you don't get bothered by majority of them because they shut the fuck up.

the remaining minority on the other hand...

they just replaced their religion with an ideology and must convert people anyway.

can it?
Politics is just an overhyped TV show, things going on around you don't matter.
Focus on yourself, fuck the world. The Jews will make you think they can influence you but the truth is the government has little say over what you can and can't do.

Atheists are rude with religious people for the same reason anyone is rude to flatearthers or homeopathic retards. Doesn't fucking matter any fucks you say, religion is against any logic. Will not debate further cause this conclusion can be made by a 8yo.


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The logic behind it is shelter,comfort,even if its a lie beyond any kind of logic,it makes some people feel better,that's logic enough for me

you figure if you post this enough times it will make your life any less of an abject failure?

choosing comfort over the truth is scaping from reality. A well known and documented behavior typical of children. If you know that it's all cool, but don't complain when reasonable people treat you like a fool like OP is saying.

because godless people cannot be moral people

I mean, if some shit happens with brexit that causes the economy to collapse that could effect my livelihood. I can put my head in the sand and not pay attention but that doesn't change the fact that it has a real world effect on me.

>believing in a flying mass murder because you can't cope

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Yeah, and I LOVE to be free from your morals. Haha, I can fucking kill you and rape your body without any remorse if I wish, no imaginary friend is stopping me. I'm a fucking god.

It's been done for centuries.people still do it,and always will

I don't share it,i do understand the logic behind it though

And in the same way i don't feel the need to humiliate kids for being naive,i don't feel the need to treat people with different beliefs as idiots,for the simple rational reason that there is nothing to be won from doing it

degenerates like you belong on a cross

do you treat a monkey with equality then? This is a primitive urge to believe. Primitive instincts belong to cave people. Only the most cold, rational, merciless can succeed nowadays. I'm the top 0.1%, and believe me, I just got where I am because I only trust rational people in my company, never a grown up who believes in imaginary friends.

Go sit on a cross faggot

I love christians like you. not the hippie, all loving, ones. If you are going to be mad, at least do it right. Burn and crucify some people at least. Love morals.

I thought Christians were the ones put on crosses? This is like a Jew telling a Nazi "degenerates like you belong in the gas chamber."

Like, it's not exactly wrong, just weird.

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Do you benefit from insulting and or treating disrespectfully people with no reason at all?

Honestly curious about it

Lacks logic to me

For all i care people can do a reverse inquisition

But i am curious about the reason behind it

What is there to gain from being like them?

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This. Plus one another reason.

When these kids are opposed and they can't prove anything, they get full retard and try to prove it with more stupid explanations, or change of wording, or hiding behind authority to mask their stupidity.

For example, homeopath is bullshit. Proven bullshit.

Ten years ago, homeopaths were fighting against naming their "profession" as belief remedy. Instead they wanted it to be named as natural remedy. They were making radio and television shows about it etc, trying to as hard as they possibly could to force our medical agency to change it. Only reason they used shitload of money to affect is was that then they would had continued saying how it is not a belief remedy, because the official paper says it is "natural remedy".

The same apply to all religions. They are not just "believing", they are trying really hard to affect politics, laws, school education etc.

you don't get anything from stepping on ants. I really don't care about primitive people. If their brains are so small they are this way, I don't even mind if they die. They're just monkeys anyway.

Ohhhh, excuse me. I'm an grow up that believe in the ultmost bullshit and fantasy, how dare you to question my objectivity and rationality. Religious people are just straight up mentally disabled.

>be athiest
>advance society
>evolve into degenerate

>be islamic
>blow up

>be christian
>get shot in third world country

>be jewish
>owner of the media
>owner of coins found on the ground

>believe in reincarnation
>die again
>die again
>die again

man, a debate and discussion requires logic, the one attribute religious people lack the most. not even bothering anymore.

Exactly my point,and my reasoning,which is why making enemies blindly without anything to be gained from it,it's just as stupid

because they have no morals

ppl are trash, doesn't matter which are your beliefs.

Stop being trash then. Be the change you want to see

so humans shouldn't cut trees or else the orangutans will be our enemies. hahaha let them come. Isis did great.

I am. I love killing jews.

Atheists are simple minded

cool nazi RP cool guy

:yawns in Spanish:

Question for the christian moralists.

Suicide is straight way to Hell, right?

What if there is a deeply depressed person, who really want to do a suicide, but it is too coward to do so and then one day will die a natural death.

What will happen afterlife?

man, plz I'm cringing seeing you trying to use logic on something SO FUCKING OUT OF LOGIC. It's like seeing people discussing science in movies. If you believe there's just zero logic to it. Stop trying.

Ah...eh...planet of the apes?

I dont know,this stopped making sense when you started talking about monkeys and orangutans out of nowhere...

Is it some sort of fetish you have?

nope, just the fittest comparison I can think of when describing religious ppl. Please pardon my lack of imagination.

How do I know which religion to follow if I want no longer want to be an atheist?

You can start by being open minded. Skeptic

Throw a dice. This have the same logical value of any belief.

open minded like, believing the unicorns described in the bible or beheading infidels like islam say?

I'd be a total cunt if my wife's black son told me nothing matters anymore and I'll end up just like the soy in my soylent and that there's only blackness and being blacked in the future.

Why do you believe in a being that gives a fuck about all of living beings but lets those not worthy die horribly

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So rude

what kind of stupid drone ass fuck can't take their own beliefs instead of relying on the book that's been edited to king's likings throughout centuries?


> non Atheists
user you do know they are called theists right?

because they think theyre smarter than rest of the ppl. than they gather in the herd just like religious ppl do trying to fill a void. they figured it out that god doesnt exist - big fuckin deal

Honestly depends if they were a good person

How does one detect an atheist?

Just ask if he believes in unicorns. If he don't he is an atheist.

Or just that maybe, that there might possibly be the slightest chance that there could be something beyond death. Or beyond just what we know

Nice fedora.

yup, it might. You cannot assume what it is tough. 99.9999999% of religious people do. So cut the fantasy, cut the bullshit. "You can't say spider man doesn't exist' is no argument to to believe in the spiderman. Just that clean. Religious people pull their beliefs from their ass.

Thanks shemale...

from this logic you should be an agnostic(which is the most logical position in this scenario). Assuming anything is as bad or worse than assuming there's nothing

>Why are people so rude and disrespectful?

Why are your snowflake feelings always triggered so hard?

If God is all loving where tf was he during the Holocaust. Why is Jesus white if he was born in Jerusalem. How can Mary have a baby if she was a virgin. If two of every animal was on board the ship how come the lions didn't eat everything. If man came from Adam and Eve are we all incest retards that got kicked out of heaven because of a talking snake. There's too many potholes

Sure go ahead. Just try not to make a complete ass of yourself

Agnostic is just being indecisive. "Maybe it is or maybe it isn't." Just fucking pick one

What about spiritual people. Not religious at all. But they also believe in something bigger than themselves



>believing jesus was white
>believing mary was a virgin
>believing moses built an ark
>believing in Adam and Eve
>believing the holocaust happened
I get some people believe in this but it doesn't warrant disrespect. Be civil and stop acting so fuckin arrogant. Atheists are starting to sound like the fucking Muslims

Ok if people don't believe the Holocaust happened then they need to be just culled.

Because tolerating bullshit is not our problem

Jeez. So rude

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die anime faggot

Now who's the fact denier? Just Google it bro

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>anime website

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Awe true to caesar

Exactly this.

reddit atheists are the worst faggoty edgy shitbags there are, and this is coming from an atheist


Sup Forums server

I mean you can choose to ignore the deeper meanings if you want, but that doesn't make you right.

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