Poor Zermany :/

poor Zermany :/

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Don't feel bad, they want them.

it looks like they're spraying diarhea shit all over them lol

This 2bh



What's the original page for that animation?

lol poor hans

if only he wasnt so stupid

when you attempt to make hell part of your empire you bring about curses upon yourself, you see.


Nevermind, I found it explorables.cmucreatelab.org/explorables/annual-refugees/examples/webgl-timemachine/

Its always the poles butthurt lmao

you are mentally retarded and no one cares about your opinion

This looks like spraying shit, they must like it

It looks like it's gathering Power

>Agressive expendable manpower

You bet

This is what generations of brainwashing does to a country.

perhaps if a warlord named something like "Lopez" started the "war on terror" then the shit would have been sprayed on mexico...but no..bush?...that sounds pretty fucking germanic

>Feels bad for Krauts

>be German
>pay for your daily brainwashing

next time don't bomb innocent people

Is that pic a joke?

Poles are less intelligent than the average Chimp, just ignore them.