Why dark-skinners have lower IQ than light-skinners?

Middle Easterners have lower IQ than Europeans.

Southeast Asians have lower IQ than East Asians.

Latinos have lower IQ than North Americans.

Why?? dark skin makes a man stupid?

t. I am not racist. I think all races are equal. I respect black people.

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well if they have darker skin it's because they were too dumb to get in the shadow

>Lithuania Ireland and Portugal so low


intelligence is a curse, be happy

why are white Irish so much smarter than white british

>skin tone of Spain is the same as Turkey and Kyrgyzstan
>Greece is almost as dark as Mexico
Guess this proves that they're not white

Our education is (used to be?) really, really bad. Back when I was going to school in the 90s, we've had at least three "education reforms" that I can remember, probably more, where they'd change direction. Just making random changes every couple of years and seeing what sticks.
Probably no the only reason, but I'm sure it contributed.

Portugal was retarded during Salazar (our literacy rate was lmao tier) but that doesn't still explain IQ. Neither does explain yours. Nor Ireland.

>Shitaly 7th highest IQ
Fake chart lol

>we are on par with poortugal


makes sense, after all cuckoldry is a thinking man's fetish.

Bad methodology of measurement most likely.

Fake Europe map
Finns are the master race in both fitness and intelligence. Note: Olympics before doping

Another one is probably soviets carting off every tenth person to Siberia. Most of whom were teachers, intelectuals, prominent members of comunities, or anyone who had enough sense in them to be good at making money. And not a lot of those people ever got to return. And that was shortly after we aushwitz'd our jews.

tl dr; we've genocided the smart part of society after WW2

Actually I'm more curious how every country below Togo on that list works at all.

>Mental deficiency used to be divided into the following sub-classifications, but these labels began to be abused by the public and are now largely obsolete: Borderline Deficiency (IQ 70-80), Moron (IQ 50-69), Imbecile (IQ 20-49) and Idiot (below 20). Mental deficiency is now generally called mental retardation.
>Moron (IQ 50-69)

The mizrahis are bringing you down I guess

60% of all science woould go to trash if we proper methodology

Because of Sephardis, Mizrahis, Palestinians, and Ethiopians.

Ashkenazi Jews from Eastern Europe have very high IQ

What does Sierra Leone do that other darkies are doing wrong?

They usually try to solve all their problems by killing/pillaging/doing unsorted social aberrations and never let anyone get out of that cycle, so they never need to develop further than that.

iq is psedoscience


There's the Ice Age theory favored by most people who obsess with national IQ scores. The story goes that people in prehistory who lived in the cold climates of Europe and North Asia during the last glacial stage evolved higher intelligence etc to deal with the environmental constraints.

every countries below Togo on that list are just like chimpanzee group

Lynn massaged data, the direct source and the samples are of Buj 1981 (the only study done on thousands of europeans), the rest it's average for crap, 40 year gap, with kids, pisa etc etc.


asians have bigger brains and more gray matter

No, you dumb gook fuck who needs to study 24 hours a day to learn what others can in less time.

nigger what made you angry?

the only people with deviation IQ above 200 are East Asians

East Asians have better genes

Most East Asians don’t have IQs in the 200s

asians are overrepresented in every science competitions


Not for long. The BLACK man will reclaim his position as #1!

I think Terrance Tao is smarter than Kim Ung-Yong and should displace his position as #2 on that chart.

Purely based on the grounds that Tao is Chinese and Chinese people are superior in intelligence to all other races, including Koreans (Japanese also but to a lesser extent)...

That's not a fucking race


That IQ map is a meme, why do you guys ignore the sources listed?

IQ correlates with wealth. Those who live in severe poverty do not have the same opportunities as those in developed countries. Majority of Africa was fucked by the dumbfuck Europeans. Things are getting better, hence the rising populations.

The success of a civilization is entirely dependent on its environment, that's the reason you see so many ancient civilizations revolving around large rivers. Few animals can be domesticated, only specific land can be cultivated, and resources are not abundant everywhere. Europeans have disease to thank when it came to colonizing the Americas. Had the Natives been able to resist disease, or the diseases simply not exist, they could have fought off the invaders with numbers.

Many Europeans have got dark skin. We also have better schools.


then what do you call spics?

>wow! Look at those brown skinned retards

>They must be retards because their dark skin, and totaly not because culutral differences and lack of education

And that comes from a faggot who is afraid to sleep with a fan on.


is this a revelation to you dipshit

>White skin
Lurk moar faggot

To illustrate this point: in a normal population with a mean IQ of 100, and a standard deviation of 15, 228 children in every 10,000 would have an IQ score two standard deviations above the mean, that is, a score of IQ 130 or higher. However, with a mean shift upwards of half a standard deviation, as reported by Jensen for Asian Americans, no fewer than 668 children in 10,000 would score in the IQ 130+ range. Many American gifted programmes which employ an IQ criterion for entrance set their entry level at IQ 130; in this situation, 6.68 per cent of Asian children would be eligible to enter these programmes on the basis of IQ as opposed to only 2.28 per cent of Caucasian children-an overrepresentation by a factor of 2.93. Yet Sternberg reports an overrepresentation by a factor of 5! Why do American gifted programmes contain almost twice the number of Asians than could be statistically expected from Jensen's projections. The children of this study have scored at or above IQ 160 on the Standford-Binet Intelligence Test L-M, an instrument with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation fo 16. Thus these children score at least 3.75 standard deviations above the mean. Fewer than 9 children in 100,000 score at or beyond this level. However, if we shift the mean upwards by 0.5 of a standard deviation, to investigate the implications of Jensen's findings and if we assume the standard deviation for the Asian population to be the same as that for non-Asians, then the criterion score of IQ 160 for entrance to this study becomes only 3.25 standard deviations above the new mean. Beyond this point lie not 9, but 58, children in 100,000. If Jensen's findings regarding a higher Asian mean are correct, and if they hold good for the Asian-Australian population as well as Asian-Americans, then we could expect to find Asian-Australians over-represented in the study by a factor of 6.5. Yet the over-representation actually found id an astonishing 15.6!

But what if the smaller the boobs, the higer intelligence?


Source? Hirata and Ung-Young were basically ratio-IQed to >200 and achieved little to nothing, IQ is also ridiculously difficult to accurately define beyond 160

Also Feynmann had a literal IQ of 124 during HS years and it still boggles me how 200+ IQ Asians couldn't even demonstrate a fraction of the creativity necessary for his QCDs Nobel, Feynmann integrals and Lecture series

i wonder if gooks are reminded of sea asians when they they rate """latina"""" women

Don't native americans have the largest brain size of all?

Terence Tao actually contributed meaningfully to Mathematics, he even co-developed algorithms to increase MRI efficiency. He's a fields medalist. There is no comparison

>trying to push the debate beyond 19th century phrenology
Where do you think you are? Also most of the larger brain mass in taller people of all races is to accommodate the greater amount of muscle fibres, its the basis for the "women havemore gray matter by proportion" myth

>taking Sup Forums seriously
chill m8

How you doing, lad? Aren't you a physician?

I will chill

Don't know if I will be for much longer. I'am doing fine I've registered for multiple medical standardization exams, local and abroad

stop using facts nig nog nig nog

You will do well in those exams, friendo. Do not worry.

Thank you bro

I will but I want to think about what I will be doing in my 30s, this is no good.

What do you mean? Are you already disatisfied with your profession?

Those two still did a lot though.

Yes its boring and involves to many people-skills

Like what?

Isn't it mixed Spanish and native mesoamerican?

Asian nations actually invest in education and parents encourage.

How would you know?

Asian education systems are seriously not that good. They're based on rote memorization and obedience to authority and critical thinking and individuality are not encouraged or promoted.

What's with black women that makes them so unnatractive in general?

why read broadly and try to be a wholesome individual when memorizing the teacher's notes can get you to Harvard and 6-figure western jobs

Education is basically whatever you aspire to do with it

I understand you just fine. I changed majors two times. You can always do na MBA tho and land a adm job.
This, kek.

>You can always do na MBA tho and land a adm job.
Thought about this and there is a programme 10 minutes from home, thanks

You could try an online mba too. Try taking a look at Coursera. It's very expensive, but will probably pay itself on the long run.

Compared to their results and then trying to fix that problem it's pretty good.


IQ statistics on entire countries are bullshit.

Sour Grapes desu.

Why shitskins are poorer than light-skinned countries?

Why does Chad have such low IQ?

year round hot climates tend to make people lazy in order to conserve energy.

hey nigger, just because you have a 200 IQ doesn't mean you are going to do research 24/7 for the rest of your life. creativity is just taking two contradictory things and be the first to say those two ideas together aren't as ridiculous as the sheeps make it out to be. If you didn't figure that out yet, I have no hopes for the niggers living in sudan.

Actually, it's a myth since most post-grads in the U.S. are Chinese and Indians and Asians nowadays dominate in science even though there are more White scientists. They also make up for more than half of the technological breakthroughs nowadays.
It's just a myth created to make people good about their kids not succeeding in life.
And I didn’t even mention how the Indian and Chinese youngsters are completely dominating their White counterparts as heavily discriminated minorities.

Bullshit people use to either avoid talking about the real problems OR idiots with no sense of history.

Capcha Black Pinnacle

among top scorers — those scoring between a 750 and 800 — 60 percent are Asian and 33 percent are white, compared to 5 percent Latino and 2 percent black. Meanwhile, among those scoring between 300 and 350, 37 percent are Latino, 35 percent are black, 21 percent are white, and 6 percent are Asian.

>just because you have a 200 IQ doesn't mean you are going to do research 24/7 for the rest of your life
So you want to be defined by your childhood potential to avoid being results oriented? Even after being allocated scholarships and a seat in NASA?

Plus you're so utterly machinic in your thought process you couldn't even define creativity creatively lol

>people comprising 2.4 billion people need to immigrate to the US and study hard to establish their dominance over 1/8th of that number
It's beautiful how oblivious you are to your own dependence on white nations to defeat them lol

*comprising the best of 2.4 billion
Even worse

The middle eastern I.q doesn't even make any sense and is most probably bullshit.

>Believing syrians, Saudis, Persians, Yemenis etc.. all have the sane I.q when racially they're not even the same

>Albania and turkey are dumber than Sierra Leone
I guess "turks are BLACK" meme is real afterall...

Lynns study is flawed as fuck. Stop believing Sup Forums infographs.

I find it amusing Sup Forums uses information from lynns study regarding IQ studies on poor, malnourished and uneducated nigerian kids and contrasts that to the average IQ of Norway in a completely contrasted, unfair juxtaposition.

Look up IQ and the wealth of nations, inapplicable data for 108 nations was unavailable so these masters of genius simply extrapolated from all neighbouring nations. Lots of datasets were also mixed, Eq. Guinea turned out to be a group of mentally handicapped children in Spain lol

Ironic how those who study intelligence could make such idiotic mistakes

The other day a butthurt East Asian in Canada complained about the bell curve of Asians showing an equal level of geniuses to whites

He was so dumb he didn't even understand the purpose of a normalized distribution and was posting Sup Forums infographs like mad

These people can't even interpret the studies they cite and think we can't form proper opinions either

Lynn was careless as-well. Would study impoverished, uneducated, malnourished children from one country, and decently nourished educated from another.

He also studied say one relatively small sample group, and then categorise an entire region based on that group, such as studying a small ethnic group in Somalia and categorising that as "East African IQ".

People who believe Sup Forums infographs are dumber than the malnourished children's iq they celebrate to pretence their superiority.

I've seen a lot of well said rebuttals to these stupid Sup Forums infographs, but I've never seen any Sup Forums retard actually rebut the rebuttals.

The primary argument of their supposed superiority has no legitimate facts or citations, and the few studies that have looked African Iq's in contrast with European are fundamentally flawed

Even if you build upon Sup Forumss initial assumptions you realize there is a large disconnect between achievement and potential. Ashkenazis are so disproportionately superior they've earned 25% of Nobels, Westinghouse scholarships and Intel Talent Search prizes while representating 0.2% at most of the global pop.

Chinese and Indians represent nearly 40% of the 7 billion human population and can barely produce a fraction of those prizes

The funniest part is that Sup Forums East Asians and other non-whites want a typical double standard, take them on even with Sup Forums principles and they'll get mad because they can't confront the reality they've subscribed to, exhibit A

Serra Leone's IQ is that high?

>Thread with exact same pic as OP on /his/.

long harsh winters in Europe thousands of years ago meant higher cognitive load, only the most intelligent people that could build shelter and kill large game survived in Northern Europe
in recent centuries it's probably because of monogamy, very little inbreeding, manorialism in england, France etc. and hanging ~2% of criminals every year so stupid people have less children
arabs have been marrying their cousins for hundreds of years

And Equatorial Guinea has a higher cap GDP than ALL of these european countries.

Lots of fun things about Africa ppl might not know