So today I decided no more excuses, I'm going to try to tackle my weight problem once and for all...

So today I decided no more excuses, I'm going to try to tackle my weight problem once and for all. Posting myself here as motivation.

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respect and good luck

kanker homo

Good luck OP.

You can do it man. Dedication and hard work always pay off

Jesus christ how do you get tiddies like that

Good luck OP. The most important thing is you stay committed to your goal. Even if you fall off track, always get back,

Go full keto. Cut out all carbs from your life. Watch the weight fall off.

Even if you only take one step a day, eventually you'll get to the mountain top

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you're going to need surgery on your tits and maybe your tummy.

What? Why?

Stop snacking, cut out all and I mean "all" sugar drinks/junk food/candy, grab some fruit and veggies, and move your body more.

I did the above along with getting a personal set of interchangeable dumbbells, used them after work every day, and I lost 10 pounds over the span of October. That's even with a little bit of pizza cheat mixed in.

when you lose weight, the skin is going to sag.

That depends whether the titties are fat storage or breast tissue. Fat will go away if OP loses weight. Breast tissue will not. Don't see why tummy surgery would be necessary.

get at it

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Disgusting dude

unless he wants flabs of skin.. yeah

you're cute as is OP, but good luck


Bull, not if you lose weight gradually. Building muscle while doing so also helps.

Yes losing it all in a short span of time will result in some sag as you're going too fast for your skin to keep up. Just do it gradually.

How the fuck is that cute lol

nigga post yourself then

Protip from a personal trainer:

Calculate your BMR and TDEE from Sailrabbit (Google it), then simply follow the instructions on that website, and use MyFitnessPal or LifeSum to track your intake. Don't try to do everything DAY ONE

Space it all out over months.

Step one should be to monitor your intake, without tracking calories or restricting yourself, and you'll automatically auto-regulate once you begin to see on paper what you're putting in your body.

Step two should be to restrict yourself, or begin to lift/exercise.

Step three is whatever you didn't do in step two, so either lift/exercise, or restrict calories.

Good luck! I lost 120~ pounds doing this. It'll take time, but it'll be so fucking worth it.

Try the keto diet. (Seriously, it works well).

Hey fellow ginger! I lost about 60 lbs a couple years ago. I had gained a lot of weight from drinking though. Not sure if that's an issue.

Anyway a weird thing that helped me was kratom. It took away the alcohol cravings but it also works as an appetite suppressant. So if eating is the issue you might look into it.

Good luck on the losing the weight.