Massive fuckery going on by DNC - buying up Trump-Pence Domains and fucking with Google Results

Type in "Trumpence" on google lads and look at the top result.

They are also buying up Trump Pence domains and redirecting to anti-Trump shit.

Fucking scum.

Other urls found in this thread:

can we do anything about this?

They are clearly afraid. They should be.

Nothing surprising about this and it's not unique to trump and pence. This is the oldest trick in the book and it's even done by seo's

It's one of the reasons she's going to win. Her campaign is a fucking machine. Trump thinks tweets and bragging are all he needs.

HAHA being this scared

They are also spamming supporters thru email for $1 donations

They're scared as FUCK.

Didn't we buy up an Elizabeth warren kimosabe type bullshit domain? The shills are learning

>Her campaign is a fucking machine
>a fucking machine
>a prostitute
wtf now I hate Shillary

The email is hilarious. It admits to having it rigged so everyone says she will win and admits this is not true and she is weak and needs money

Any actual proof of a connection to the DNC and not just a bunch of random people posting for the lulz?

If they can do it against Trump, we can do it against ol' Hilliary

When she announces her VP, get ready to buy domains and SEO the shit out of related pages like they did in OP

Remember when Trump bought the domain and made it link to that was pure memes

Of course the democrats can't be original and have to steal his ideas

We should do one better than Hillary's team though. Instead of linking to anti-Hillary websites we should make the domains APPEAR to be actual Hillary websites, but subtly feed people all the horrible things about Hillary as you browse it


Make a mirrored site of Hillary, but subtly re-do it with info of her crimes etc.

Make it look like her official page, but make subtle hints to her wild antics, nice and subtle

No, we need to claim the word trumpence. We need to use it all the time, to mean "awesome" or something. I don't know. Help me out, Sup Forums, Trump needs our meme powers NOW!


Make a defintion and well all upvote it and stuff


What do you guys mean

Wtf now i hate definitions

Nice to know r/SandersForPresident/ is with Trump now.


If you haven't already bought up the main possibilities weeks ago you're an idiot

YOu're as stupid as you look if you think trump naming pence isn't a gambit. He will obviously have someone else as vp you fucking fool.

I don't care m8, I was just making the suggestion, I kinda want Hillary to win, just so WW3 can start already


Remember, Google is actively working with Hillary.