I am Lithuania

I am Lithuania
And this is my flag

What's that?

Why don't you use that flag instead of your shitty African one?

hi lithuania hows it goin

THIS is the right flag of Lithuania

Pogoń is a Polish national symbol.

what a coincidence, I found the real polish one

todays Lithaunia isn't even close to historical lithaunia geographically speaking.
Historical lithuania was somwhere on today's Ukraine.

this is 100% true my german brother because i live in Oberschlesien, rightfully German land
therefore i am 1000% pure german blood

nie podniecaj sie tak nadczłowieku.

shut up you filthy Polack i am only speaking with my aryan brothers now

Oberschlesien has unironically the last noticeable amount of Germans right?


Looks like Belarus... your whole country reminds me of Belarus... hmm...

no no no every Oberschlesien inhabitant is 10000% german, my granny speaks deutsch

When I was in Vilnius, Belarusians were everywhere. Decent people 2bh.
Ask her if she has any SS or flags in her attic.

Change your current flag to this one and we can call Lithuanian people; kardas broliai ir seserys

why do you shittalk our country?

See my post Fun times in uzupis drinking beer near the river and enjoying Loftas fest

open up the 5th Reich and declare the rest of Germans mixed subhuman mongrels then Hans-Piotr

yeah leave my Lithuanian boyfriend alone
we have gay sex everyday and he whispers me good things about commonwealth in the ear

How's the cow doing?

my neighbor was german and his family's last name before the war was Golly
dirty Polacks made him change it to Goły
we need to kill all polacks RIGHT NOW

this is literally impossible, it's common knowledge that the only German last names are podolski and zawadski

Stop baiting germany into invade your country again.

Poland and Lithuania BIG
make Lviv Lwow again
Make Belarus and Ukraine Ruthenia again

Kaip sekasi Lietuva!