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>Latakia July 16
>Darayaa July 13
>Bani Zeid Aleppo July 14
>Shirqat July 13
>Battle of Aleppo July 13
>Manbij July 12
>East Ghouta July 11

>Explosion in al-Safyrah weapons factory (south of Aleppo city) - stay tuned for updates
>40 ISIS terrorists neutralized as SDF captures key buildings in Manbij
>Rebels betray reconciliation agreement in northern Homs
>Syrian Arab Army retakes town northwest of Homs city
>Syrian Army recaptures Kinsabba in Latakia province
>Russian Air Force attacks jihadist rebels along the Turkish border
>Syrian Army captures Qalat Tubal in northern Latakia
>Russian air campaign against ISIS continues in east Palmyra
>Syrian Army advances in northern Aleppo amid Russian air cover
>Jihadist rebels begin new offensive in northern Homs


Other urls found in this thread:

web.mit.edu/sts/Analysis of the UN Report on Syria CW.pdf

First for Assad

2nd for Hassan

Why this thread isnt dead yet?
Why do you guys support this vile dictator?
It would be funny to watch how you acted if your government bombed you with barrelbombs with chem reagent

U mad chechenfag?

If only Vlad would barrelbomb you.

What town did the government forces retake northwest of Homs city?

And as much as you government supporters might not like to admit this, Syria will be in conflict for a long time. It doesn't matter who controls this or captures that. The country will balkanize into little autonomous zones, and Islamists/"rebels" will still conduct attacks.

>with chem reagent
Ok Ivan, just because I'm bored, here are the proofs that Assad never used chem weapons, and the rebels were the ones using then.
web.mit.edu/sts/Analysis of the UN Report on Syria CW.pdf

пoшeл ты нaхyй либepaльный мyдaк

part 2

Rebels Used Sarin Gas - UN Inspector, Carla del Ponte youtu.be/e-8c2MOjbiY
Turkey indicts 11 linked with Syria militants caught with sarin gas: youtube.com/watch?v=nQYCat55dgc

Guys watch out the lone wolves of ISIS will blow us, throw us, intoxicate us, and scream us!
>seriously who the fuck in ISIS is in charge of translations

First for the Holchi Indians of New Mexico

Wolfs are.

nth for Lesser Israel


16 for the Turkish army


>this "cultural practice" went on probably for centuries

They could've done so much better

maybe next time

Poor guys, they were probably just obeying orders.

Greater Syria!

Also, How's it going lads? The Turkey happening was too much for me to handle, so I took a mini-break from Sup Forums. Did the Coup fail or is it still ongoing?

What does his beard smell like?

It failed, Erdogan became the sultan.

>Этo к дeлy нe oтнocитcя, хoтя былo нaвaлoм, былa дaжe пpямaя дeмoкpaтия
>Ктo cкaзaл, чтo влияют? Oни влияют нa экoнoмикy. Пaдeниe pyбля cдeлaлo нac в двa paзa бeднee.
Этo кaк я знaю чтo ты мoлoды. Tы нe знaeтe экoнoмики или иcтopии. Я нe cтaнy иcпpaвлять тeбe нa твoй зaявлeниe.

>He в тaких oбъeмaх, кaк здecь. B Poccии вce чинoвники кoppyмпиpoвaны, и бюджeты, пopoй paзвopoвывaютcя пoлнocтью.
Tы нe пoнял мeня, или чтo? Я знaю, чтo Poccия кoppyмпиpoвaнa. Ho, пoвepьтe, вce cтaлo лyчшe в Poccии пo cpaвнeнию c 90-ых, cитyaция yхyдшaeтcя здecь.

>И, кcтaти, мeждy 1991 и 2012 гoдaми, Poccия былa oднoй из caмых cвoбoдных cтpaн миpa, блaгoдapя тoмy, чтo oбщecтвo здecь cвoбoднo. Пoэтoмy люди нeдoвoльны Пyтиным.
Бyквaльнo нeт мeждyнapoднoгo peйтингa или cтaтиcтики пoддepживaeт тeбя.

Meant for

I've mixed feelings, the coup may have been pro-nato but I dislike the snackbaring lynchers too.

So is this right?

>Erdogan involves Islam in government too much
>Turkish military attempt to overthrow government because he's a crazy dictator
>Fails to overthrow, now it'll never happen again

Am I wrong or missing anything?

I wonder that too...

>It failed



Jumu'ah or jum`ah (Arabic: صلاة الجمعة , ṣalāt al-jum`ah, "Friday prayer"; Persian: نماز جمعه, Namaz Jumah; Turkish: Cuma Namazı, Juma Namazi), is a congregational prayer (ṣalāt) that Muslims hold every Friday, just after noon instead of the Zuhr prayer. Muslims pray ordinarily five times each day according to the sun's sky path regardless of time zones.[1]

Killing prisoners... thats ISIS tier. Even a pro-NATO Turkey is be better than an Islamic Turkey imo.


Ok this is just fucking stupid.


Are turks really this retarded?




It's becoming clear that the "did it to himself" conspiracy theory is bullshit invented by Gulen. Kerry's latest is "I dindu nuffin"

that hasn't updated for the Turkish coup
plus most say that Turkey is switching sides to Russia. The turkish goverment is shutting down US airbases as we speak.

>Erdogan involves islam in government too much
>not as much as he wants
>stage false "coup" to purge the army
>it also opens the gate for more islamist laws
>Erdogan now have more power than before

Fixed for you bro

>Gulen. Kerry's

Let me guess, Gulen is related to the clinton foundation?

Nothing about the coup looked fake, it almost succeeded.

>Этo кaк я знaю чтo ты мoлoды.
Чтo? Пpи чeм здecь знaниe иcтopии? Пpичeм здecь мoлoдocть? Mнe дoлжнo быть 50? Я знaю, чтo былo в дeвянocтыe, в кoнцe их и ceйчac, пoтoмy чтo я живy в этoй cтpaнe. И мoя зapплaтa cтaлa вдвoe мeьшe. У мeня нeдaвнo былa cвoбoдa cлoвa, тeпepь ee ypeзaли, зa мнoй cлeдят в интepнeтe, мoи paзгoвopы пo тeлeфoнy cкopo нaчнyт зaпиcывaть. Oбcyждaть oтдeлeниe квкaзa я бoльшe нe мoгy - этo пpecтyплeниe. Mнe мoя cвoбoдa дopoгa.

>Ho, пoвepьтe, вce cтaлo лyчшe в Poccии пo cpaвнeнию c 90-ых
Heт, нe cтaлo. Cтaлo мeньшe пpecтyпнocти, a кoppyпция вce тaм жe.

>Бyквaльнo нeт мeждyнapoднoгo peйтингa или cтaтиcтики пoддepживaeт тeбя.
Cвoбoдa oбщecтвa нe измepяeтcя peйтингaми и cтaтиcтикoй. Здecь люди пocвoбoднee, чeм нa зaпaдe, в cpeднeм. Moжнo гoвopить oбo вceм, выpaжaть cвoe мнeниe. Дo Пyтинa нe былo пoлиткoppeктнocти и зaкoнoв, зaпpeщaющих hatspeech. Moжнo былo cкaзaть: "Я cчитaю, чтo Poccия - для pyccких, a чypкaм здecь нeхyй дeлaть", или "Tы фaшиcт и гoвнo, pyccких нeнaвижy, вы aлкaши и дeгeнepaты", и зa этo ничeгo бы нe былo.


can someone put the wojack erdogan in a facetime phone? i want to remember when hope was like again.

>Nothing about the coup looked fake, it almost succeeded.

They had the air force in their hands yet they didn't shot down the Erdogan plane.
Many of the soldiers said they believed it was some kind of exercise.
Only the airforce pilots used their guns againts the islamist mobs, soldiers didn't even moved, just surrender
No soldiers storming the Turkish parlament

I don't know but for me, this shit was staged.

Appreciate it bro. Can you believe they tried to let turkey in the EU? Fucking crazy. I heard that apparently the privates were told that this whole thing was going to be "training" that's it.

You underestimate peoples ability to be retarded.

>mfw that street and that taxi look comfy af

I thought the middle east was supposed to be bad

Were you paying attention?

Jesus. Fucking. Christ. Get your head out of your ass.

Turkey is as Muslim Brotherhood as ever. It is the mother of all Syrian Rebels and Saudi Arabia is the father.

Because they're not Syrian rebels, they're Turko-Saudi Urukhai

Only if you're white or in a BRICS nation where NATO conducts "moderate" operations.

Would Russia even accept them?

>Tensions rise between US, Turkey after failed coup as flights from key airbase are grounded.

Check again. Suddenly someone is switching sides which means you have to switch your propaganda.

I know bro, shit is surreal, poor soldiers died for nothing, believing they were doing some kind of training.

I don't know m8, I don't think a high ranking officer planning a coup would just do it with so low number of soldiers, you just don't launch a fuckin' coup with only 1000 soldiers in the capital...

the talk is that those are just some conscripts that were sent to the bridge and told that they are going to fight pkk
according to some pictures at least 5 were killed by the crowd. at least 1 beheaded, 1 thrown off the bridge.

>Gulen is related to the clinton foundation?
Yes! Check this article published a day before the coup

its not that hard really
They all new the upper ranks were being replaced.
Figure you'd be next without that retirement check. a lot of mid ranked officers we involved. they were more worried about their benefits rather than the country and thats why they caved so easy.

>They had the air force in their hands yet they didn't shot down the Erdogan plane.
They didn't have the air defense forces in their hand nor the special forces and actually only had commanders local to Istanbul and Ankara.

There's word that they intended to arrest Erdogan the moment he landed in Istanbul, which is why they escorted him. To their surprise his call for people to take to the street worked and he managed to wrestle control of the airport long enough to land and give a public speech.

>Many of the soldiers said they believed it was some kind of exercise.

Pro-tip: You don't order soldiers to enforce a coup, you give them a reason to move into a position and guard things before revealing the real reason.

>Only the airforce pilots used their guns againts the islamist mobs, soldiers didn't even moved, just surrender

Are you serious? Did you not see the tanks crushing people? And they didn't have many shells with them, it was a sudden deployment and no logistics or medical personnel were involved. It was meant to be bloodless.

>No soldiers storming the Turkish parlament

They had it surrounded but you can't expect soldiers to attack such a facility. Think about it, only the top rank knew there was a coup and the government wasn't unpopular enough for the soldiers to carry out the orders.

Many soldiers in Ankara refused their orders.

>I don't know but for me, this shit was staged.

You would be surprised how difficult or easy a coup can be staged depending on the conditions.

In this case the conditions were not ideal, seemed very rushed.

Incirlik is back up and open to foreign forces stationed there.

Turkey is not switching sides to Russia. mainly because NATO is stronger than Russia as a defensive alliance. Greece is also part of NATO and Turkey leaving means that Greece can start arguing over shit like Cyprus from a much stronger position.

No, what is happening is that Turkey is normalizing relations with Russia because it realized that Russia was right. Terrorist enemies of my enemy are still terrorists. The attack on the Istanbul airport was orchestrated by a Chechen terrorist wanted by Russia since the 90s, but NATO and Turkey especially protected him.
When the redpill is a flaming suppository going down your ass and blowing up in your colon, you fucking take notice.

Turkey is normalizing relations with Russia because it realized that Russia was right. Terrorist enemies of my enemy are still terrorists.
>that directly conflicts with this statement here
One of you is wrong and needs to admit it.

>Ausfailian shitposting

>Incirlik is back up and open to foreign forces stationed there.

>Canadian Trudeau voter

with that rare flag 9/10 you're the same guy with a proxy.

Alright let me tell you why this stinks more of a self-coup than an actual one.

1: Turkish jets were escorting Erdogan's plane for 2 hours. They had ample opportunity to shoot him down and weaken government resistance immensely.
They did not do this.

2. They only took out one TV channel and then waited around for Erdogan to broadcast his message to call the people to the streets on a different station. Only hours later do they go after that TV channel, but also ignore every other one in the process.
It's fucking invasion and coup 101 to take out the means of communication COMPLETELY.

3. The vast majority of soldiers did not fire on civilians or police that resisted them and were disarmed without issue.
Yes a few of them did fire and shoot. That was a breaking of discipline, it was to be expected and is actually counted on in a self-coup. As the deaths give it extra credibility.

4. The first thing Erdogan does after the coup failed. Completely replace the entire judicial branch of government. The only branch of government that stands in his way of constitutional reform.

5. There has been no calls for the pro-Erdogan mobs to return to the streets or stop directing violence towards opposition parties or Kurdish people. Days of rage will be allowed to weaken the opposition to Erdogan rule.

That shit that went down in Turkey just wasn't cricket ausfag.

go fuck an abo and then eat some vegemite u rite cunt aussie shit m8. fucken bogan. i didnt vote for trudeau rite, but i know u voted for gillard u stupid shit m8

>The first thing Erdogan does after the coup failed. Completely replace the entire judicial branch of government. The only branch of government that stands in his way of constitutional reform.
>The Second thing they did was blame the US and shut down Nato Airbases.

So are you pro-Turkey or anti. because you seem to be in flux with this


Flights are grounded for the moment but shit is fine with US and NATO forces there. Turks on base just had to GTFO or get BTFO.

The Muslim Brotherhood aren't terrorists in the eyes of Turkey. While ISIS are. But they were in bed with ISIS because it benefited them as ISIS was the enemy of Turkey's enemy.
That has changed now. Turkey realized that mistake.
They are not going to let these people into Turkey anymore.

I am fucking anti-Turkey. But I aint gonna lie and shill about what is going on.
Turkey is normalizing relations with Russia. That is it. They are not going to be allies. They are not dropping NATO. They might normalize shit with Syria. As Turkey is fucking sick of ISIS fucking shit up within the Turkish borders and seeing them get assraped by Kurds constantly.

Turkey's interest are entirely what is best for Turkey. And right now they realize that "Oh shit. ISIS is losing to the Kurds and fucking bombing us because they are edgy. Fuck em!"

Notice the shill as he slowly breaks down.
The world as he knows it falling before him.
Trying to give is life reason and reason fails him.
One becomes the other and watch it change
This is a man to be pitied as he loses his grip on what he once knew.

Yeah but the power is still down right? And no one can enter or leave regardless of planes or ground vehicles? That's the last thing I've heard. All that link shows is that the Turks haven't bombed the place like the false rumor suggested.

Notice the shill provides no argument for his case.

the fact you didn't argue for being two different people is weird. instead you go right into the same Argument as the same person.

you'd rather attack being called a shill than being called the same person.

No update on whether or not power or water are back up indeed. But all US personnel are accounted for.
Basically the Turks said "Nobody but Turkey flies in Turkey". Which makes sense following a coup. Even a self-coup. The cut utilities are worrying, but Turkey is not dumb enough to activate Article 5 against itself. Russia will not come to their defence against the US and all of NATO.

It makes no logical sense.

You make no logical sense
because shill

Do you feel it's over?

Curacao has been coming here for over a year.
From the way you write, you're an idiot newfag and probably paid to shill here.


>Do you feel it's over?
The coup?
For the most part. There are some hold outs here and there. But any and all strong opposition to Erdogan is effectively dead for the time being. It will take another decade for people he has appointed to start seeing what he really stands for and questioning their loyalty.
That is, as long as there are no strong outside influences trying to shape events internally for Turkey.

One thing is definitely certain. You really do not want to be a Kurd in Turkey for the time being. Mobs attacking Kurdish shops and political parties if not stopped by the government soon, are going to start lynching people.

Ignore the shill. You will not convince him. He will not provide solid arguments. He is trying to distract and derail you from the true issue.
Do not take the bait.

Time for kurds to KURDISTAN UPPP as a fuck you to turkey and spurdo then.
CIA, you know what to do, send in the Sam Hyde.

Could Erdogan gamble on exchanging Gulen for reactivating power to the airbase or trying to evict the US presence? He had met with Putin very recently and he knows the US needs to have a base in Turkey to counter Russia and have operations in the middle east.

Also what do you think of a Turkey/Russia alliance? You think Erdogan would want to leave NATO? There's also talk of people in the government saying the US is behind coup, is that just propaganda right now or do people actually believe it?

>Could Erdogan gamble on exchanging Gulen for reactivating power to the airbase or trying to evict the US presence?

Nope. That is pretty much going to make NATO distrust Turkey for as long as Erdogan is in power. They will try to get Gulen through other means. The main point more is that Gulen and his supporters have been named persona non-Grata now. Getting Gulen is a bonus but not a major objective. So no sense antagonizing allies.

>Also what do you think of a Turkey/Russia alliance? You think Erdogan would want to leave NATO?
Like I said, not gonna happen. NATO is stronger and leaving it weakens Turkey in important areas like Cyprus and Kurdistan.

>There's also talk of people in the government saying the US is behind coup, is that just propaganda right now or do people actually believe it?
Just politicians naming names without any actual knowledge.

Nvm looks like the "Russian" deleted his comment.

Here are some super polite people.

Go back to 2chan, leftist scum.

Do you know how fucking dead your hopes and dreams are? Your family back in Syria? Soon all this will crumble and the land will be retaken by its rightful owners. Make your time.

He was probably banned for virtue signaling too much like progressive cis-het white males always do which annoys the PoC LGBT allies because it's supposed to be a safe space.

Seriously though, fuck Minnesota.


Are those G3 battle rifles?

Those are some poor' 20 years old conscripts not special forces

Why do you keep posting this?

how's life in Islamic republic of Turkey?

where is Modest Kebab?

Hey are you okay?

nope still secular


In jail


we have ID's

Good to hear!

Actually if we consider that they were conscripts called in for an exercise (or at least they thought) I really feel bad for them. I really wonder if the `moderate citizens` will be persecuted or not.


>In Turkey, compulsory military service applies to all male citizens from twenty to forty-one years of age.

> Why do you keep posting this?

Because its Turkish army

The G3 is the standard rifle of Turkey. Though it is getting replaced.