How did Shoshanna own her own cinema after running away with literally nothing?

How did Shoshanna own her own cinema after running away with literally nothing?

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jew skillz

jew magic

sucked off her way out of poverty
possible with eyes like that

jews owned businesses that Germans allowed to remain operational, and they helped harbour fugitives. I guess in Quentin's world a kino is one of them.

shes Jewish, she went to a Jewish Bank and got a loan. its not rocket science.

>how did a jew become financially successful

Try watching the fucking movie rather than your phone.

Quentin always has a fiction spin on the real world
like when the Bride takes her sword on the plane

where can I find these women? I'm easily trusting but I never find people willing to take advantage of me

that was probably allowed before 9/11

but the movie came out after that

She gave loans to her friends with reasonable interest rates.

If you're a Jew you can literally just walk to the Bank and be like, "I need some shekels" and they take a little out of every goyim's bank account so you can spend it, its called Fractional Reserve Banking

Can confirm. My father was 20 with literally nothing when the USSR collapsed now is millioner. Jewish skillz

After suggesting the unique idea of offering crab legs to patrons while they watched film, she was promoted quickly and rose high enough to own the cinema after the original owner died.

She has a vagina, vaginas can make money

It was probably Marcels grandpas place and she swindled him into giving her the theater instead of Marcel

How do you get quads of sevens? Jewish skillz

Quad 7 confirms it, I'm gonna get your dad drunk and have him take advantage of me

It is a mystery and pure coincidence.

poor user, just go to a 3rd world country and find a cootie patootie for you

Does Vietnam qualify?

yeah i think, or come to brazil and get me out of this shithole

You're a fucking idiot.

More than likely the surname she took from her "aunt" and "uncle" were the people that saved her when she ran away. They died and left her the theater.

pro-tip Ukraine is 3rd world now

when did it ever stop

1. she pretended to be french
2. she was a long time employee of the theatre under previous ownership
3. she started getting banged by that young good looking black buck who also worked there as the projectionist
4. they hatched a plot to murder the theatre owner and take it over for themselves
5. profit

Will Trump allow me to pick up a Ukranian QT in Ukraine? Will my really novice German help me find someone?

Trump picked himself an eastern european qt3.14 (twice). If its good enough for the leader of the free world then its good enough for me. German is useless in Ukraine but if while being westerner and not autismo you go to eastern europe you could find love there. Definitely better then asia imho.

That was a pre-70s Japan thing, uno fartos just referencing

How do I get a vagina? I'm 12.


she started working there and got promoted

Hey yesterday i watched that movie for the first time

wasn't it her aunt's?

>jewish bank in nazi-occupied france

I hated the jew squad commiting warcrimes and shit.

Operation Kino?

Quentin knew.

Thats the whole point of the movie. Its basically gratuitous revenge porn but its kind of ok because they are le ebil nazis XD

Also since we are on the topic I must link

I completely forgot how /kino/ this kino is.

>it's a 'teenage american lamenting the on screen deaths of Waffen-SS soldiers' episode

I want her to wait for my cream if you know what I mean

great scene but i always thought showing the family under the floorboards was a mistake. not quite sure how that ties into the hitchcock bomb thing either

i mean it's a tarantino movie, the ss guy isn't just gonna thank them for the milk and be on his way. of course there's gonna be some form of carnage or release after nearly ten minutes of build-up. if he really wanted to stretch it as far as he could (like he says), then a reveal at "you're sheltering enemies of the state, are you not?" / "yes" would be way more effective

but you don't mind the nazis committing war crimes on screen. the idea is that doing that stuff is fair game because the nazis instigated it

little-known fact: the nazis actually worked with the jews to promote jewish interests and dominance

We may never know her methods.

The frenchy who took her in claimed she was family (or adopted her) and then died, leaving the cinema to her.
In other news, jews are very good at making money.

By selling the CGI cows
Couldn't they just get real cows instead how hard was that ?


That's it.

Knowing Tarantino, she probably just walked in and murdered the people that owned it.