Is it worth? I don't wanna waste my time

Is it worth? I don't wanna waste my time.

Got some great moments, especially in the first 1/4 of the movie.

But overall the story and characters were meh, you won't miss much.

aight thx

It's pretty good... Haven't seen a horror movie as good in a long while.

Is it even out in the cinemas?

How Lovecraftian is it?
How horrific was the imagery? And did it look convincing?

i torrented it.

>How Lovecraftian is it?
>How horrific was the imagery?
There are some great moments but they dont last long enough

> And did it look convincing?
Not really, still fun gore though

Its Lovecraftian in look but not Lovecraftian in terms of feeling or atmosphere.

Imagery was similar to something like the Thing. But I expected it to be a lot more intense based off the trailer.

I thought it looked 100% convincing expect for some certain moments towards the end. Although lots of people on Sup Forums have expressed the opposite opinion and think it looks like shit so maybe its just me.

Then why are you here?

to know if its worth watching

you'd have to watch it to know

aww shet. you got me!

give it a shot. the visuals are worth the time imo

It was crowdfunded on indiegogo and cost 82k to make. it's pretty good, but not perfect

That's funny, I heard they were more a vehicle for the narrative.

other way around. it's a common thing in history where a movie becomes famous for some gore scene, but the movie lacks a decent story.

I watched bothe the void and Dagon today. Was a good double feature. Dagon was better

why didnt he just marry squid-girl?

>dagon was better

It was great. Don't get anyone saying it was anything less than a good flick.

he was probably a homo

but he did

Dagon had a happy ending


>tfw i forgot the ending

a pretty generic slasher/monster movie to be honest
has some amazing moments but they get ruined by around 30 minutes of constant fighting with random zombie monsters
also too violent too fast, there is no buildup and the third act start wayyy too early and then drags on for fucking ever

if a competent editor was in charge he could improve it a lot, pacing it out better and we could have gotten a classic, as it is nobody will remember it next year

the guy tries to douse himself with gasoline but squidfu tackles him into the water and after discovering that he has gills he follows her into her father's kingdom, where they "dwell amidst wonder and glory forever in the realm of the Deep Ones"

>How horrific was the imagery? And did it look convincing?
Great set and costume design but monsters looks like shit
They all look like humans in rubber suits, there is a clear lack of non humanoid ones, the good designs show up for glimpses, since i assume they were too hard to pupeeter

Movie is at its best when its slow, you get visions of the void which is bizarrely peaceful and empty, but falls flat on its face when action picks up
If you ask me the action with the monsters could have been cut out entirely and the movie would be much better

It isn't very Lovecraftian necessarily, or if it is, it's more like a relatively mundane work. The imagery was pretty cool overall and I liked it. It could have used a bit more of the bug type stuff to round it out. The cultists look awesome and menacing but could have been used a bit better overall. The movie is great to me for featuring very few jumpscares.

It's garbage. They took some Lovecraft ideas and themes and made a generic slasher flick. Some of the sfx is cool though.

Watch it, if nothing else, for the joocy practical effects alone. There needs to be more delicious body horror these days.

I liked it. It's kinda like The Thing, only with unresolved metaphysical aspects