Restructuring myself after the subtraction of my intrinsic field was the first trick I learned. It didn't kill Osterman... Did you think it would kill me? I've walked across the surface of the sun. I've seen events so tiny and so fast they hardly can be said to have occurred at all. But you... you're just a man. And the world's smartest man poses no more threat to me than does Restructuring myself after the subtraction of my intrinsic field was the first trick I learned. It didn't kill Osterman... Did you think it would kill me? I've walked across the surface of the sun. I've seen events so tiny and so fast they hardly can be said to have occurred at all. But you... you're just a man. And the world's smartest man poses no more threat to me than does God, who is not real

Why didn't he just kill Ozy?

Because he didn't care about humans anymore anyway.

Because he doesn't give a fuck enough about humanity or of the 'threat' ozy posed.

Glad to see you never read the book

He just realized Ozy set him free. He didn't kill him as a way of saying he's grateful

How do you stop him?

>adrian, we only need to get rid of africa, china, the middle east and latin america

raimi went a little far there...


Is that what they call comicbooks nowadays?

>MFW someone mentions SQUID in a watchmen thread

>. It didn't kill Osterman... Did you think it would kill me?
Why does he talk about himself in third person

Because he had ascended to pretty much godhood by that time. He was completely different.

Ok then explain us why mr smartas

because he didn't care enough, and he pretty much agreed with him.

If he didnt care then why did he kill based walter

He asked him to.

If he cared about human life then why would he kill a human?

was Dr.Manhattan smarter than his original form?? not that he didn't gain more information because of his powers but did he also get a boost in intelligence


Why kill when Ozymandias just proved humans have no real way to even damage him.
Destruction is needless when you have no investment in what "should be" destroyed.

This is why Alan Moore's style was the beginning of the end for comic books.

Manhattan can literally eat a planet

If I were Ozymandias, I'd have put myself in the intrinsic field subtractor.

If Osterman could do it, it should be a piece of cake for Adrian.

veidt was an intellectual, not a scientist. furthermore osterman's clock training from his father enabled him to reconstruct himself carefully, something that veidt probably would not have been able to do.

Veidt =was= a scientist, though.

He was peak human. I am not saying he'd plunge into it willy-nilly, he would probably get the idea of training on watches too. He's SMART, smarter than Osterman. I think he'd be able to pull it off with a little prep, and it's clear this guy is willing to spend years on his plans.

Peak Humans are broken as fuck, conan, Tarzan, batman, etc, they are more broken than powered superheroes

Fuck off, they're the best part of these threads.

>Muh movie retcon was insidiously disingenuous and appallingly bereft of faithfulness to the original, ground-breaking themes explored by Moore with the interdimensional squid. Geopolitically speaking, it makes absoutely no logical sense to presume that any lasting reasonable discourse could be facilitated between the plethora of socio-political strata in a post-Manhattan world should he be implicated rather than the squid. For one, we're supposed to believe that Ozymandias is ostensibly superbly intelligent (many casual readers may misunderstand his intellect, mistaking it for some kind of misguided emotional attachment to human beings, but as someone who identities very much with Ozymandias, this assessment is frankly incorrect,) therefore we can also reasonably assume that he is also an Atheist. As such, it is maddeningly facetious to even attempt to justify that he would in any way give violent, Judeo-Christian whites any excuse to reinforce an 'us (and our 'God') vs. evil sky-god' mentality, as this would lead to all rational debate as to how to unite humanity under one banner fruitless. Moore implicitly posits (correctly) that such a herculean undertaking would best be left to individuals like Richard Dawkins and Noam Chomsky through the novel's squid imagery, (for example, the squid's tentacles are beautifully subtle representations of all the differing states of human existence, all experiencing reality (or it's perception rather) as separate parts of a greater whole, that will now become one due to Ozymandias' masterfully crafted plan. This juxtaposition between this symbolism and the post-squid US-Russia peace was unrivalled in its critique of Capitalism, which had created the monster, and was ultimately destroyed by a genius collectivist pragmatist (who had likely been discriminated against for his rejection of contemporary social norms) who turned the antiquated system against itself.