The Iraq war was justified and necessary

For decades, the US was accused of, and did, prop up dictators for our own purposes (tbf, as all other world powers do). It was used as a club against us.
Bush proved that they didn't want freedom.
It was a gamble, but the payoff of a democratic Iraq would have been enormous. The chance had to be taken, just once. The question had to be settled.

9/10 of Americans wanted it. We had September 11, a beltway sniper, at least two other planes crashed into buildings, and mass-mailings of poison to political leaders. Saddam was paying bounties to suicide bombers and claiming WMD's, which we knew he'd used recently.
Then, like now, we all agreed that something had to be done about those arabs. We were being attacked, and none one else could do it. Bill Clinton signed the removal of Saddam into US law.

Other urls found in this thread: company iraq diary Force Devil New War on Terror

Side note: all the western nations who opposed us (Germany, France, etc), Russia, plus UN SecGen Koffi and his son, made millions on saddams oil-for-food and/or selling weapons to him.
That's why they opposed it. Euros are the only people since Japan in the 1930's, and the whole world in 1989, who have went to war specifically for oil.

Side benefits:
Libya had an active nuke development program.
Our Iraq invasion scared him. He gave it all to us.
Is Libya important?
Post revolt, there were reports of 20 jumbo jets missing in Libya. It's been months since that report. I wonder where they are now?
Europe overthrew Quaddafi for the oil.
Seems important.
Imagine if they had 20 nukes to put on board before proving that jet fuel can melt steel beams.
Also, remember the Lebanese street demostrations, demanding that the US invade them so they could have a free election?

500 tons of uranium shipped from Iraq, Pentagon says - CNN
Jul 07, 2008 ยท The United States secretly shipped out of Iraq more than 500 tons of ... of materials to Canada "Yellowcake" uranium ... be sent by truck to ...

Extended-range missiles: company iraq diary

>Iraq had something to do with 9/11

>Europe overthrew Quaddafi


The investigation of these rockets is still proceeding. Iraq states that they were overlooked from 1991 from a batch of some 2,000 that were stored there during the Gulf War. This could be the case. They could also be the tip of a submerged iceberg. The discovery of a few rockets does not resolve but rather points to the issue of several thousands of chemical rockets that are unaccounted for.

Education has never been a strong point for Canadians, eh, buddy?
The nerve agent VX is one of the most toxic ever developed.
Iraq has declared that it only produced VX on a pilot scale, just a few tonnes and that the quality was poor and the product unstable. Consequently, it was said, that the agent was never weaponised. Iraq said that the small quantity of agent remaining after the Gulf War was unilaterally destroyed in the summer of 1991.
UNMOVIC, however, has information that conflicts with this account. There are indications that Iraq had worked on the problem of purity and stabilization and that more had been achieved than has been declared. Indeed, even one of the documents provided by Iraq indicates that the purity of the agent, at least in laboratory production, was higher than declared.

Afghanistan success: Force Devil New War on Terror
Bush had it exactly right in Afghanistan.
He used SpecOps to earn the respect of the local leaders. There was real success.
Obama, ignoring all of history, decided on a full-scale invasion. He's killed thousands of American
soldiers and Afghanis for his own political gain.

Guess I'll move on to lifehacks, since everyone agrees.


You're 100% right ameribro. Don't worry about those other butthurt europoors, keep being awesome!


>keep being awesome!
Like there's any choice.


shit like this is my i'm very reluctant to take advice i read from the internet

Nice proxy Amerikike.


Some people outside the US pay attention to facts.
I think that was a troll, but hope for intelligent life outside of Texas springs eternal, amirite...bitch?

Out of driving tips.
Next up: funny racism!

Racism is a survival tool.
People who don't look like you generally don't share your cultural values, and are varying degrees of a threat to you and yours.

Ain't nobody got time fo dat.

The only time racism is a problem is when you reject demostrated good coming from an 'other'.
For example, if you discount this guy.

But if you don't dislike this guy for his race (i.e. culture), there's something fundamentally wrong with you.

Did you ever see a grown man naked, Billy?




>CNN nigger noise
No bitch. You are criminal

What did you not understand, hon?

