I want to learn german so i can shitpost on /deutsch/

What is the best way to learn the language

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>I want to learn german
Most of our immigrants don’t
>so I can shitpost on /deutsch/
Why, /deutsch/ is a shitfest and not a fun one

g*erman language is chinese tier level of difficulty. no joking. g*rmans are subhuman

There is no chinese language. Its mandarin u fucking donut

i thrive in those environments.

Ok, have you tried Duolingo?

its fucking retarded
they dont even teach you, they just automatically test you and expect you to know the words.
I think ima just watch alot of youtube tutorials.

Fuck off Leb

Ich bin auf Schore

German pack. start with the Teach Yourself one. or get Assimil too.
Studu grammar ffs
Get Anki con your phone and use it some how (home brew deck or frequenxy dictionary)

Can't you just come to our border, throw away your passport and pretend to be a refugee? Our gov. organized free german courses for all refugees. So you get free housing, food, courses for integration and if you really want to you can leave the islamic ghettos and talk to germans.

War Stalin eigentlich ein Freund der Juden?

Watch deutsch tv shows and movies with deutsch subtitles, but they don't make anything interesting, so you can try to find american tv shows and movies with dubbing and deutsch subtitles. Also it's useless language if you are not moving to germany/switzerland/austria.

come and live here. You get free classes

Stalin war ein Jude.

>I want to learn german so i can shitpost on /deutsch/

not worth it

>War Stalin eigentlich ein Freund der Juden?

ganz sicher nicht

can you get these without a visa, just the 90-day Schengen visit? I'd be a B1 in German

Visa are only needed if you are a white male, if you come from the middle-east or are black you simply need to cross the border

I think that's supposed to be like a placement test. If you start from the beginning it only teaches basic words like "mom" or "my name is" "milk" etc.

Not that guy, but I have. I didn't really like the digitized voice, it made certain words difficult to understand.

Warum sind alle deutschen Youtube-Kanäle so beschissen und haben das Zielpublikum, das nur Tities und Boobies mag?
Können Sie mir etwas wie Kurzgesagt bitte empfehlen?

Ich schau ehrlich gesagt nur englische Kanäle an. Wär mir nicht bekannt, dasses gute deutsche gäbe.

Joscher is the most offensive word

what if I say I'm a BLACK türkish bull?

kann dir ein paar zum thema Fotografie empfehlen, wenn dich das interessiert.

Ja, bitte.
Technischer Vokabular-Erwerb ist das Hauptthema fuer mich.

Duolingo is language learning supplement its practice

sehr technisch:

eher humorvoll:
