How did a couple of talentless, genetic failures make the greatest scifi film of all time?

How did a couple of talentless, genetic failures make the greatest scifi film of all time?

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By ripping off talented people

They literally took the first Ghost in the Shell anime movie around to different studios and said "We want to do this but live action."

I wouldn't call Speed Racer science fiction, but it's pretty fucking great.

This is so fucking stupid. Kill yourself retarded weeb. The matrix doesn't even have the same themes as gits.

isn't that cultural appropriation?

Ghost in the Shell (film)
Japanese director Mamoru Oshii's Ghost in the Shell strongly influenced the Matrix. Producer Joel Silver has stated that the Wachowski brothers first described their intentions for The Matrix by showing him that anime and saying, "We wanna do that for real". Mitsuhisa Ishikawa of Production I.G, which produced Ghost in the Shell, noted that the anime's high-quality visuals were a strong source of inspiration for the Wachowski brothers. He also commented, "... cyberpunk films are very difficult to describe to a third person. I'd imagine that The Matrix is the kind of film that was very difficult to draw up a written proposal for to take to film studios." He stated that since Ghost in the Shell had gained recognition in America, the Wachowski brothers used it as a "promotional tool".[1]

Checkmate, Dumb-dumb.

The creators intent has nothing to do with the comparison of the two actual films.

GITS: about a robot with a human soul
Matrix: about a simulation
The visuals aren't even similar. GITS is cyberpunk, Matrix is 90s with cyberpunk undertones

They stole the story from another dude. Can't remember his name or the name of the original thing but I remember reading the guy settled in court and (I think?) got some sort of credit in the dvd edition somewhere.

can we wrap this up? i gotta go get my dick cut off

Fuck, my memory sucks.

Well, it's not like anything in the matrix is particularly original. It's just the way the story is told, and the special effects that got everyone.

They stole the idea from a nigger lady ahahahahahhhahhhhah

It was coincidental. Nothing more.

>the greatest scifi film of all time

Yeah Cloud Atlas was pretty great.


Grant Morrison is a black woman?

>unironically using cracked as a source

Holy shit it actually looks like a woman in the OP but here it's just another Caitlyn Jenner

>tfw people actually try to pass off that the matrix was created by women now

i think our matrix is bugged and needs a reset

>aesthetic and settings = theme.

Thats bdcause you can see the body now

They didn't make 2001, Alien, The Thing or even The Fly. You're a pleb mouthbreather. The Matrix was an action flick first and foremost, the sci-fi side doesn't hold any kind of scrutiny.

They didn't make the greatest scifi film of all time. There.

>They didn't make the greatest scifi film of all time.
They did though.

>Sup Forums used to love the movies and worship these guys
>they switch genders
>now everyone hates them

But we aren't bigots, we promise ;D


That explains why Sup Forums loves their Red Pill concept huh?

Inferior to the book in everyway, which wasn't perfect in its own right.

the person who wrote the third eye was a woman.

>lists entry level scifi

Blade Runner influenced them both.

come on in

Do they still have pen0rs?

Nah it's something about the chin, it's got too many polygons

The wachoski brothers are now mentally unstable transfaggots?
wtf I hate matrix now

op youve never even had a job in your life. is it really fair to attempt to shame 2 successful directors?

They were so redpilled that they wrapped back around past violet to blue

>Saying the matrix isn't the greatest sci fi film of all time now means that you hate the matrix
Taking a bit of a big leap there pal

>caring about the personal lives of artists instead of the art they make

as long as they're not molesting children or murdering people I couldn't give two shits

Sup Forums is so pleb sometimes

Shoo shoo reddit!

>doesn't list anything
You're a waste.