Bill Clinton is 69 years old. Donald Trump is 70

Bill Clinton is 69 years old. Donald Trump is 70.

Why does Bill look near dead, while Trump look so young and full of life? What is Trump's secret or what happened to Bill Clinton to cause the fast aging?

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Meme magic
And genetics

Trump hasn't had to live with Hillary for 50 years.

Just wait for after-presidency Trump

what do you mean? he looks fine to me


Bill partied hard when he was young, Trump is a square.

Google "presidents before and after", they look like they usually look like they aged 10 years after.

Bill Clinton is a drug user. It prolly just catching up to him.

Fucking Melania every night will do wonders.

Trump isn't married to a succubus

Banging a hot as fuck supermodel 30 years younger than you every night probably has something to do with it.

have you heard of this new medical procedure called "plastic surgery"

That red team guy said Bill is dying in the very near future, of natural causes. AIDS?

he might have aids

to be fair trump is probably on trt.

>implying he doesn't feed upon happenings
He's gonna look 40 by 2024

He dips his dick in quality pussy op.

Looking good Bill!

Take a look at the variety of pictures of presidents before and after office. It clearly takes a big toll no matter what political party you're from. It's got to be stressful as fuck, iron hard psyche or not.

high risk sexual behavior

Because Bill is a vegan these days.

bill clinton was part of several satanic ceremonies, blood eextraction, etc..., Hillary used for her molochian fests.. and no, is not a joke

He looks okay though

>Implying after he get elected will be United Empire of America

one has HIV

probably cancer desu.

would explain why he looks stoned out of his mind in public


I'm surprised Slick Willy hasn't just offed himself yet

Post rare Bills.

This is my favorite new meme.

Bill is kept on life support for until the week of the election where he will be cut off in Shills attempt to get sympathy votes. Draining the last bit of life force in a desperate bid for the white house.

Trump spent his youth working his ass off with strict discipline, so much so that his wives left. All Billy did was fuck whores and now he's completely spent.

I've thought about this lately

>Bill dies
>Hillary uses that for political gain
>her daughter cries on stage
>"all he wanted was to see his wife become the first female president"
>People vote for Hillary despite the obvious contradiction that a grieving wife should not be president


Clinton has been the president before. Being the president is an extremely stressful job and takes a physical toll. Bush aged a lot in 8 years as well

>what is makeup to look more youthful for politics and a presidential campaign.

They all would look like death and you wouldn't want to elect a new president who is on the verge of death.


What the fuck. Source?

Because bill clinton has been a drug addict for 40 years

Dubya still looks good. Did you not seeing him dancing in glee over dead cops a few days ago?

He'll be ok.

Had that same idea weeks ago.

Except... she kind of "helps him along" the road to the Great Beyond.....


>Bill Clinton, vegan
>Donald Trump, eats whatever he wants

Because Clinton was the president for 8 years. That shit ages you decades.

Trump doesn't drink. His brother died of alcoholism. Clinton is a total degenerate but even then its surprising for what hes probably done in the past that he even looks that good.

Trump will live til 90+ easy he takes care of himself.

>while Trump look so young and full of life?
Trump did not waste his sperm. He did not sleep around like Clinton. Having lots of sex ages you because it releases so much sperm. Plus, Trump loves his life, loves his family, loves his job; he has a lot of joy and happiness in his life. Clinton hates Hilary, probably dislikes Chelsea, and seems to lead a pretty miserable life overall.

Being president ages you 10 years. Only maniacs want the job.

They keep banking on Trump being a predictable candidate. Which is why they're failing.

They're banking on him turning into a cuck, but like always, he'll probably double down and call Bill a piece of shit NAFTA signing globalist on his deathbed.

Because Bill is a Sith. They don't age well.

Thats AIDS dude

>new meme
where do you live?

W looks good because he's actually active. That and selling his soul to the devil (Cheney)

bill has the GRIDS from kiddie poopdick on private tropical islands

trump doesn't even drink coffee

there's no comparison

who the fuck is that lmfao

Yeah its like the 8 years had no effect on Dubya. Trump is a born workaholic and I don't see the Presidency affecting him in the least.


>With fingers crossed, the old rabbit's foot out of the box in the attic, I will be sacrificing a chicken in the backyard to Moloch . . . Tri

WRT Bill, who knows what nasty diseases you'll catch hanging out on Jeff Epstein's plane for too long.

>implying the Don won't reveal he is in fact the emperor of mankind

Filthy fucking heretic.

probably because the photos were taken 8-9 years apart dipshit

Clinton isn't allowed to have sex. He's pretty much a hostage at this point. I'd be surprised if he doesn't have a cage.

He had one term as president, plus Hillary. He may get mad side pussy but his wife is still a wicked kunt.

Bill released his seed too many times, didn't heed the warnings of the Talmud, regarding spilling seed (ejaculating) all over Epstein's Island.

There's gotta be more to Trump's lifestyle. What does he say in his books? Does he meditate or do yoga?

>who the fuck is that lmfao
Keith Richards of some band called The Rolling Stones. I guess their lead singer is Mick Jagger.


trumps rapes kids, everybody knows that

Trump is on testosterone therapy


What were his visits to loli islands about then?

When you're a billionaire, you don't need drugs.
You get a natural high from "making deals." He talks about this extensively.

It's only poor as fuck plebeians like us who need mind altering substances to make us forget for a few hours that our lives suck.


Sleeps about 4 hours a night
His favorite foods are meatloaf, steak. He's very meat-and-potatoes
He's said he doesn't really go out of his way to exercise, but we know he stays very active and plays golf

Low stress is probably the biggest factor
Even with everything he has going on at any given time, Trump seems like he really takes it easy and doesn't let things stress him out

Add all that up and we've got one healthy God Emperor

Trump isn't riddled with STDs

his zombie face is all what you need

Post-perfusion syndrome.

Oh he also doesn't drink coffee

Going to need a source, Carlos.

and cocaine blues.

Ya the daily grind is debilitating

May Trump live beyond 100 and rule America as dictator emperor.

>what happened to Bill Clinton to cause the fast aging?

Have you not seen before and after pics of every president ever? It destroys youthfulness


Bill was a president, which really makes you age exponentially fast.
Trump was born into a rich family and never had to work a single day of his life. He also uses tons of makeup.

I could see this being a campaign ad.

is that why he's so jacked?





I can never tell which one of theses are photoshopped and which ones aren't.

He's only a watcher. It's part of the procedure.

This. Having quality pussy helps.

Receiving Slavic pussy every 24 hours should do the trick for most men.

Melania must be a fountain of youth.

Clinton probably has aids for having so much unprotected sex.

Trump is actually a shapeshifting lizard that possesses the ability to regenerate his body, thus slowing down the aging process

one term? he had 2 terms


Confirmed. Twice.

Does she have to squint all the time?

>mfw it actually stands in the mail
but why?

He didn't even blink! Is Bill Clinton the Undead???

Bill is tall with NA size 14 feet and has a tiny cocklette like a pinkie doigt. That is quite the burn from Divine Providence.

B-Bills not looking so good guys...
