In hindsight, was Christianity a mistake?

In hindsight, was Christianity a mistake?

The corruption of man infests everything.


In hindsight your conception and making of this thread was a mistake. Go ahead and have a bad day, please.

I'm having a hard time believing Europe would prosper as it did without a (brutally forceful) uniting force like the pope and the church. Our ancestral religions have no will to convert, and we'd probably stay tribal.

But who knows?

oh my yes.
Cucked Europe into oblivion and still is.

Only religion that says
>The only way to god is through Jesus Christ
but at the same time
>Jews are god's chosen people

no, the jews needed some to fight the muslims.



Going to assume you posted this ironically and you're not actually this ill-informed


>mom i posted it again

Through most of Christianity we've expelled the Jews and been generally unaccepting of their ways. They've gained power because we needed them for usury and now they've made us believe we're a judeo-christian society.

the last jewish army was during the time of soloman, but it was a national army. the only religion which can oppose islam is christ via a cursade. jews have never thought a war they run from there enslavers. they my be gods chosen, but christ are gods beloved

Okay then

No. Back then you needed the fear of God to lead an army against another army claiming that they were led by God. A lot of people then were malnourished and desperate for a father figure. Without such a charismatic leader like Napoleon the best alternative was to make people believe they were fighting on the side of an omnipotent being who would care for them after death. Even still today Christianity is useful for keeping positive characteristics in the unintelligent within Western society. The only reason for the crusades was to combat Islam; Christianity is the most peaceful out of the three tribal religions.

You're talking about USA.

>don't blame mass media inspired revolt against the older generations
>don't blame mass media
>don't blame public education
>don't blame the people
>don't even blame the jews

No, Christianity was not a mistake, because as a religion it did two important things : make women and men equal (as creatures of God) so that their happiness are to be equally desired, and it enforced long-term marriage and solidarity between husband and wife.

These two core tenets of Christianity (which sets it apart from poorer religions like Islam) allows for true peace and happiness because it forces men and women to be together not only for one-time sex (hence its limitation to procreation) which only generates dopamine (the short-term thinking neurotransmitter), but for cuddling, for caring, for snuggling, which promotes the generation of oxytocin, the neurotransmitter that makes you feel good on the long-term.

That long-term feeling is the reason Christianity is the cornerstone of our civilizations : it promotes long-term thinking, the use of resources not for one's immediate dopamine release, but for bigger, longer-lasting, oxytocin release.

That's why I believe it was a good religion : it allowed men to trust women and surrender themselves in their arms for real peace, and not for just one-time sex like we see today with roasties.

>make women and men equal
However, with an important twist. Men are to be dominant ones, yet humble. Arrogant pricks like me are hardly husband-material or society builders.

Absolutely not

The mistake is abandoning it



Both Christianity and abandoning it can be mistakes

They can be. They are not

Faith can move mountains of Kebab. It is more than the whole US can eat.

It was literally invented by the Jews to subvert the Roman state religion.

Which is why jews attempted to destroy it every step along the way, writing how they can't even be treated by Christian doctors, all on a secret book the Christians learned of around the ninth century..?
>this is reasonable

No, but Islam clearly is.

In 1000 AD, Swedish men were highly masculine and all would defend their honor to the grave if you accused them of unmanliness.
1000 years of Christianity later Swedes watch their women get fucked by immigrants while furiously masturbating.

The jews attempt to destroy everything always.
They thrive in wrecked and undivided nations.

Swedes are not Christian

>not 200 years without Finns
>not the 700 years of Finns fighting their wars for them
>not 70 years of anti-European sentiment and propaganda
>not their socialists
>not their secularism
>not their feminism
>not their jews
>not their 'don't rock the boat' attitude, which is older than Christianity

Look at this and tell me we would be worse off if biblical Christianity was removed from the political world

I'm an euphoric lad myself, but I wish we had a strong religion in Europe.

yup christ was a renegade jew

To be honest, kind of. Had the jews not been such cancer on mankind (and God), they wouldn't have killed Christ. Pilate made a mistake in trying to please the jews as well.

Depends on your social position I guess. If you mourn that your ethnical and cultural identity has been wiped out by senseless bible-toters, you are probably right. If you question if christianity was good for state-building, it was conceived by Constantine when he decided to introduce religious fascism in attempt to cement his disintegrating empire. And you know, it actually works for that as long as you don't allow independent pope to emerge and fuck your shit up.

No, Roman Empire's stupid immigration and economic practices splintered Christianity, made it weak, even hundreds of years later Christian Europe wasn't strong enough collectively to keep on the Muslims, and with the low-test Europeans out of the Arab slave trade, were too cucked to throw backlash at their stupid leaders, and remained largely rural and serfs for far too long, when a revolutionized Europe, independent of Christianity could have saved Europe and the world over. But no, let's just blame Christianity.

Abraham was a mistake

why are mormons best christians?

Yeah oxytocin doesn't work well with arrogance, because for it to start generating you need to surrender yourself in a woman's arms that you can trust.

That's why oxytocin is the civilization building neurotransmitter : it is literally about trust and long-lasting relations, and the state and the economy are just two pillars whose foundation are trust (i.e. oxytocin).

Orthodox Christianity in a nutshell.

They're not, because they don't view scripture as the final authority

They are great conservative allies in the political world tho :^)

If mormons are christians so are muslims.

Christianity was ok originally but the council of Nicea can suck a bag full of dicks

The Arians had it right.

That Trinity shit is absolutely ridiculous and all you need to do is think about it for a second. Father? Son? a ghost? What the fuck. Nice "monotheism" you have there.

Don't get me started on the cannibalism ritual, the worship of the torture device, the bullshit fairy story virgin birth, the veneration of saints and relics, etc etc

Fucking fairytale bullshit.


All is possible when you fight for the lord

They belief in jesus christ thats enough to be a christian , the book of mormon is a new new testament and they still belief in the bible

t. germanic

The recognition of the book of mormon as divine is already a compromise on scripture :^)))