Countries that don't have nukes but should

>Countries that don't have nukes but should
Japan, Iran, Brazil, Mexico, Poland, Phillipines

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nah, we conquer people with love, diplomacy and culture, no need for nukes

they don't need them

No thanks, a country that celebrates holding an embassy hostage shouldn't be allowed to have WMD's





Don't forget us, we suck.

Iran just wants to be left alone by the Jews.

I hope Brasil gets good nukes, so it can conquer all of América when chicanos rule the usa

That explains why they took an AMERICAN embassy hostage

Americans are Jewish puppets.

Germany, South Korea, Canada, Mexico, Cuba, Venezuela, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Belize, Finland


>the Vatican isn't a nuclear free zone

No thanks. Too much responsibility and red tapes.
We don’t want enemies. Our allies, USA, China, and Russia, has plenty.

Finland needs meme nukes
It's our cultural right to have meme nukes

We could, but we don't because it would be too much of a hassle in the continent.
Also, we signed the NTP cuz our president at the time was a cuck and loved Bill Clinton's cock

I can't see a reason for having this kind of weapon.

what we should have is the rocket lauching tech.



not really, i study physics and recently i had my nuclear physics course, and my professor is a doctor who studied the social repercussion of nuclear physics sinc the late 50's, and he was talking about nukes....

Atleast for Brazil is pretty pointless, we don't have conflicts in south america or being in a war since WW2, so, there no need to put fear on someone nearby, if anything having nukes would be bad for the local geopolitic state, we don't have a global situation like USA being the auto-proclaimed "world police" to justify having nukes tho other countries too, also build and maintain nukes are ungodly expensive, and probably everyone will shun us and we would fuck our entire relationship with the entire world, so essentialy no, if you put in a balance, the price for having nukes for us don't worth the costs and consequences.

Besides all that, our army don't even have money to pay 2 meals a day to our soldiers (my sister used to work there in 2013, still pretty much this bad), besides that, our army became much more a support and humanitarian instituition outside our borders, like red cross or some shit like that in the global game, so someone direct attacking brazil without a good reason will probably trigger the entire world, no one with sanity would attack the "lawful good" army with no reason, and essentialy every
disagreement brazil had in the past we overcome with diplomacy or bribery, so yeah, is actually canon around here

If there something that brazil acutually really need to invest and develop, is probably our space program, but this one is in a very delicate a fucked up situation.

>Countries that post but shouldn't

Carter backstabbed the Shah because he was no longer being an OPEC puppet. He supported Khomeini as an alternative. Carter called Khomeini a saint (look it up) and backed him because the Shah was no longer being an OPEC puppet:

It is fairly clear from the linked document and several other declassified papers that elements of the US government were actively conspiring against the Shah from the mid 1970s until his fall. The Shah kept pushing for oil price hikes at a time of economic weakness in the West, and just after the US domestic oil production peaked. With that revenue he was embarking upon ambitious development programmes. Eventually, the US managed to get Saudi Arabia to undercut the official OPEC oil price and therefore undercut the Shah. Revolution came shortly afterwards.

The USA began distancing itself from Iran since William E. Simon's 1974 petrodollar deal with Saudi Arabia.

people unironically think that China and Russia are philippine ally?

We need it for protection from them