Why is Bavaria considered part of Germany but Austria isn't...

Why is Bavaria considered part of Germany but Austria isn't, even though they are culturally and linguistically identical?

Because Austria didn't want to be part of the unified Germany.

When there was a revolution in 1848 in Germany the revolutionaries created a parliament which was meeting in a church in Frankfurt. They were talking about the future of the unified Germany (republic or monarchy?) and they were also talking about Austria.

There were several problems with Austria. Austria at that time wasn't just the small country like today but the entire empire together with current countries like Hungary, Croatia, Czech Republic etc. So they were facing questions what part of Austria should be part of the unified Germany or not.

That parliament was eventually smashed but the issue remained.

Bismarck was a chancellor of a protestant Prussia. When he united Germany he started a campaign called "Kulturkampf" against the catholic church. And the citizens of the Austrian empire - even the German speaking ones - were catholic. The German speaking ones especially were also loyal to the Habsburg dynasty and quite liked the fact that they have their own empire.

The last thing they wanted was to become subservient to a protestant foreign power.

And the last thing that Bismarck wanted in "his" state were millions of catholic Austrians loyal to the Austrian empire and the Habsburg dynasty.

Nice. To confuse everyone even more Austria is historically a spin-off of Bavaria.

Bavarians ans Austrians were Suebis.
basically the original germanic barbarians ruled by Ariovistus in war against Gauls.
they were also mongrelized with celts apparently and some of them created a kingdom on northern spain after the fall of roman empire.

Why is Australia part of Great Britain?

The only reason for this is ww2. Austria is literally the same as Germany, it's the same fucking country, just apart because some allies said so.

Allied brainwashing after WW2.

Look how it worked out. If Austria was named "South Germany", they would have unified with the two other Germanies.

would germans prefer if bavaria was part of Austria instead of their country?

Bavaria is considered to be part of Germany cause ... it literally is a part of Germany.

user, Germany the state is different from Germans the people. Austrians are Germans in the ethno-lingustic sense but not in a civil sense.

Austria hasn't been part of Germany since the Holy Roman Empire.

Well except for being occupied in WW2.

Why is Tasmania considered part of Australia but New Zealand isn't, even though they are culturally and linguistically identical?

And? They are still Germans. Same as Swiss.

Except that part with that guy Hitler. You could even argue that it was before as part of the German confederation. So basically it was part of Germany until 1806, then from 1815 until 1866, then from 1939-1945. Although Austrians will get insanely mad if they read this.

Basically because Austria had its own royal family. Germany could have it in 1940s, since Austrians really wanted the unification, but then they went full austistic.

Because after WW2 the Allies didnt want a weak Germany and told Bavaria to go with the Germans.
Thing is we feel Bavarian more than German. Cant wait for independence, even if it takes 50 more years.

Austria leads German lands since middle ages
German lands want to unify
Austria says "ok but only if we get to keep our assorted 20 million Slavs, Hungarians etc that really despise us
Prussia says no way fag, we already got some catholic Polacks and that's hard enough
They fight
Prussia wins and kicks out Austria
All the other Germans join Prussia, Bavaria gets paid for it because they are broke
Austria and Germany become best buddies, lose WW1
Austria desperately wants to join Germany
They do
Germany loses WW2
Allies remove Austria from Germany, forbid them from ever joining again
Austrians pretend they never wanted to join in the first place
Austrians realize they are Germans living in a country with no identity
Austrians create a new identity based simply on "we are Notgermans" and get very mad if someone says otherwise
Both countries eventually become irrelevant and everyone is muslim now anyway
The end

kek, Bavaria was shit-tier until 1950. Most East German industry fled to the west, which Bavaria is the closest. Look at the history of Audi, etc.

Germany was shit tier until 1950 because it just got bombed to dirt or it became part of Russia/Poland

>Austria hasn't been part of Germany since the Holy Roman Empire.
Austria was the leading state of the German Confederation until the Austro-Prussian war in 1866 after which Prussia kicked Austria out of the German Confederation and created it's own North German Confederation which eventually turned into Germany 5 years later.

The problem was essentially that both Austria and Prussia wanted to have the leading role in a united Germany and you couldn't have both of them in the same country. And Austria had additional problems due to having lots of minorities in it's Empire

That's not where Cork is.

>due to having lots of minorities in it's Empire
Germans were a minority in AH. The whole thing was a clusterfuck.

they weren't a minority, they had a relative majority overall

>relative majority
They weren't even a quarter of the total population. That's pretty fucking minor.

yeah that's why nobody saw a future for integrating their entire state into germany. still not a minority, only if you split the population into germans and "non-germans".

Geographic separation by a big sea. Stupid question, Fritz.

Bavaria also has its own royal family.

Beddy gud nordman

Every single village in Germany has its own royal family. That's why they had to be exported all over the world.