Why is it Kindergarten in english instead of Kidsgarden?

Why is it Kindergarten in english instead of Kidsgarden?
Kindergarten is a german word, not english.

Because Americans are retarded

No we're am not

yes you're become are

because english is a ________ language

Why is it a kindergarten when you can't plant children?

you can plant your seeds, they just wont blossom

nonce squad otw lad

you cant plant them, but you can make pizza out of them


garden is spelled with a "d"
why do you put "t" there

Because Germans are retarded

Because german diaspora

U doing it wrong bruder. Plant yo seed in wimmin.

but thats what i said

Because the kids play around in a garden,

In Danish it's "Bornehave" Literally children garden

because we love children



woah child impregnation sure is hot

no wonder you guys need immigrants you keep killing your own kids

It's called a crèche here, that's also how we call the stable where Jesus was born
You're all bad christians

he just gets after the bad kids