I am in Burger King. What should I order?

I am in Burger King. What should I order?

royale with cheese

a bcyka of course

I'll have what she's having

It's actually a royal cheese. Pulp fiction lied to us.

Join the girls

I wish i'm there

she's organisming from burgers :DDD

they have the hair of elves very beautiful

Is the girl making an IRL Spurdo face?

this man is right

Dude, their nuggets are so cheap and good.

For 10 bucks I can get 60 nuggets

Are you still there?

1 baconaiser

No I am in metro

For 1 bucks you get 4.75 nuggets here. So 10 bucks will be 47 nuggets.

Which line?

Doesn’t matter

No, 9 nuggets here in spb

What did you end up getting?

Fine Russian pussy errywhere

6/10 max on his photo

Wtf This American fast food store need to be closed :(

This store only make diasparas fat :(

Gona write a letter to Putin to tell him to close this devil westerner place