Mfw I see someone talking bad about Sweden, my brother!

>mfw I see someone talking bad about Sweden, my brother!


Me and norway :3

is it just me or does this shit get faster each time i see it


Success breeds jealousy my nordic friend

Älskar Norge!

I wuv you


>this guy is younger than ryan reynolds

Would Varg get along with the Northern Brothers and The Golden One?

Maybe. Who knows. All we know for certain is that those three are pussies in comparison to the murderer Varg.

What aboot Iceland or Denmark [spoiler]or Finland?[/spoiler]

Iceland is part of Norway and therefore doesn't exist
Finland is part of Sweden and therefore doesn't exist
Denmark is an evil oppressor

Please post the one where he kicks.


>Varg will never be your stand





Back off, Sweden is mine

I think they already argued against each other on youtube because the golden one is fine with christians while count gryshnak is not. I think they are both grown edgy kids.

If you look like that, then I am okay with you
