Admit it Sup Forums, you like the hyena, don't you?

admit it Sup Forums, you like the hyena, don't you?

Attached: jasiri is bae -o.jpg (1280x720, 46K)

Fuck off back to /trash/ cunt

stay in denial.

The planet has more than 3 billion humans in it and yet it seems only two or three of us like the hyena.

Attached: ¡Janja! -j.jpg (650x366, 21K)

don't worry J, they will eventually learn to accept facts

Attached: jasiri_by_kitchiki_dbt6ajh-fullview.png (900x841, 918K)

Harley Quinn is one of them

Attached: 1572638055706m.jpg (1024x1018, 105K)

i guess
thats indeed a hyena

Attached: jasiri and kion 6 -o.jpg (1170x711, 94K)

I like making hyenas

Attached: 1397266365.catofmount_luthiennightwolf_no_class_required.jpg (1023x798, 195K)

Attached: hyenabeach.png (697x750, 738K)

Attached: butt_by_titanacrotu.jpg (704x900, 104K)

Attached: ¡Ups! -j.gif (800x450, 1.99M)

>this is my boyfriend,since we are having this dinner I took the opportunity to introduce him to you and mom
so said the teenager girl to her parents,besides the hobo looking guy

Attached: 1575050096945.jpg (960x640, 222K)

Attached: 1519757428218.jpg (285x400, 37K)

Attached: 1353830082.catofmount_normal__dsc3298.jpg (532x799, 129K)

yeah, thats michael jacksyeen poster, he comes once in a while

Attached: we are the same -o.png (1000x800, 424K)

I always post her and my hyena artwork

Attached: Dgovr3QWkAI9iBT.jpg (644x527, 187K)

that's your art?

Attached: sweet hyena -o.jpg (950x832, 99K)

That's more like it! Post those spotted hyenas!

Attached: Le gustas a Jasiri -j.gif (800x450, 1.99M)

Yes,it's art I have commissioned over the years

ah i see, good job

Attached: seductive look -o.png (640x360, 247K)

Attached: 1552703827.shiverz_catofmountcaughtintheactcolorsedit.png (900x648, 1.2M)

So you only like anthropomorphized animals? With me its the other way round. -j

Attached: Hiena.jpg (700x467, 124K)

Attached: 1421354975.dustmeat_hyenacolor.jpg (505x828, 74K)


Attached: pregnant jasiri and kion.jpg (266x190, 6K)

Hey,give me one million dollars,a jetpack and one of the Polynesian islands

they're so cute!

Attached: 4f83ab0875ef2e4b21517ec8dcb83fbe.jpg (1600x1067, 326K)

I like both.

Attached: DMln6MfWsAAooXe.jpg (675x1200, 189K)

not today, epstein!
you restored my faith in humanity, thank you based micyeen

Attached: smug -o.jpg (791x640, 29K)

Attached: 34e4827951202d78437443de4c7fc95c--stuffed-animals-hyena.jpg (500x390, 70K)

Have you seen The Lion King or The Lion Guard? I have only seen the former but I have taken a liking to Jasiri, the female hyena.

Attached: Hiena.jpg (1650x1275, 145K)

Personally I love the hyena.

It was a thought of mine a long time ago, ty guys you are doing satan proud.

we're proud to make the lord happy.

Attached: jasiri and kion -o.jpg (1164x681, 74K)