What would niggers do without gibs?
What would niggers do without gibs?
Eat white people
Fact: Blue states pay more taxes into the fed than red states do. Red states require more welfare than blue states do. Red states are the parasite. White trailer trash subhumans on meth and welfare are the determining factor in this equation.
if you say so user
Guess where all the niggers are, user...
fuck you. the colors aren't red and blue. white people pay 92% of the taxes in the US. they deserve far more than the 60% of welfare than they take.
It's literally just Blacks and Hispanics we are paying for
Why do even deal with Blacks and Hispanics?
Why don't we just tell them to leave already?
politics = gay
>facts are gay when i dont like them
You do realize the blue states only contribute more in taxes because they have less niggers draining their resources, and outrageously inflated real estate prices (ie more tax collected), right?
Because the blacks were literally forced to here dip shit.
>facts dont make my wife cum like her BBC boyfriend so I ignore them
No one bothered to point out that asians are winning the passivist position. Way to be racist.
He wasn't calling facts gay, just people getting upset about them.
Abe Lincoln wanted to send them back with a free ticket
everyone here was forced here, dipshit
even the whites
I think you are drunk on your black bull's cum
What are you even trying to say?
That asians have half of the homocide rates that whites do you simple minded retard learn to read before defaulting on your typical projections
more like: what would Californian's do without gibs?
that state by it's self is 1/3 the entire country welfare recipients.
It's almost as if races exist and aren't just social constructs that we can "fix" with enough "diversity education"...
Why add an H but in the wrong spot? This is why ebonics got tossed from school writing because it wasnt fixed and changed with the desire of the student...literally the U.S. gave blacks their own languge and they niggered it up so bad it was repealed
It's literally just Blacks and Hispanics dragging this country down into a crime ridden hell hole
This is the most blatant lie I've ever seen on Sup Forums. I wish it was true so you disgusting locusts would stay in your godless blue states. Instead you keep moving to ours and bringing your failed policies with you. Kys
Whos saying that or otherwise? Keep your year 1 soc class to yourself kid, race exists in statistics when it brands you a different category than another. You show statistics i was joking about the racist part but you butthurt idiots cant take jokes anymore, no one really cares about asians
nigga wut u sayin?
i wish i could read
Blacks should be sent back to Africa since they are different people that are incompatible with our culture and society.
Not to mention Blacks have THE BIG GAY
Oh shit we found the racist thread
Terrible rebuttal
Oh shit we found the cucked pussy with no pride
> "... Why don't we just tell them to leave already? " ;
Because ANYBODY who was born in a Country has every bit as much as YOU do, if YOU were born there.
> TL DR : why don't you fuck off back to where your earliest ancestors came from ? i.e. probably Africa
I dunno, i think we should just get into another war, maybe with china and make it mandatory for welfare recipients to sign for selective service (if that isnt already a thing) and enact selective service on majority standards I.E. the majority of welfare recipients. Many will run or leave the U.S. or die in china...win win
One could assume that by coming into more contact with blacks, one would become less racist because they'd quickly learn there's nothing wrong with black people. It seems the opposite is happening.
I think this is because when there are lower concentrations of blacks, they tend to get white-washed and basically assimilate into white culture. When in high concentrations, the niggardry settles in and they start to form their own herd mentality, culture, and disdain for others who aren't like them. In my opinion they're just as guilty of racism as whites. It's like the pot calling the kettle black.
Source: I live in a 30% black county in NC.
I live in a significant black county as well
I wasn't "racist" until I moved here.
Then I realized that this community is way worse in every single way from the white community I moved from.
Not just economically. It's the way people act, talk, carry themselves...everything. A general attitude.
There's no such thing as "racism".
People are free to have preferences for which cultures are good or bad.
And "Black" culture, is horrible in every way
>because a White person born in China is now totally Chinese in every way