Fuck it, AMA.
Fuck it, AMA
Will share nudes if asked for an hour, btw.
pls share nudes
ever been fucked in public?
Is that you?
Never been fucked at all
ever put anything in your butt?
you know the rules, tits or gtfo
Up to three fingers, 5 pincels, and the like
Post please feet
Literally a boy but ok
You disgust me
Pincels is literally not a worth, I'm dumb. Meant pens. Was thinking about the Spanish worth for paint brushes
I swear I'm not this retarded on the regular.
pls post a pic of something in your ass
how many times have you shown nudes to people?
A few. Started last year for the first time.
Public stuff? A week or so.
Also just a Quickie, Not deep, Not a lot. Just to show.
r u a boi or a girl
Pre everything trans girl.
post peen
Very cute
Hairy as fucc
Wow really?
I think so! Lovely chest with pretty nipples, nicely shaped butt that I'd smash, better fingernails than most girls I've seen, have some confidence.
OMG thankkkksss!!
I literally eat my fingernails all the time cuz anxiety, never thought I would get that told to me.
Lol I'd let you smash me after those compliments lmao.
Did Michael J. Fox take that picture for you?
Really? Your body is pretty attractive. Sorry to hear about your low self esteem, I suppose it explains the thread.
I, uh. Fuck. Sorry I'm so Cringey. Shouldn't get so happy over internet attention.
Try taking a pic of your own ass and keep your hand firm
I popped a pimple on my ass the other day. Thoughts cunt?
Do you ever get angry as you climax/ejaculate? I always get a sudden urge to have some unfathomable, demonic force to end me on the spot. Almost like I have the balls to blow my fucking head off with a shotgun.
Did you use some toilet paper to wipe it up, or did you eat it like a man?
Post face covered by a spice of cheese
*hugs* Have a good day girl, I'll be off.
What's a spice of cheese, even.
Oh shit whats up cute Argentina boy
Been pretty ok! I finished high school yesterday!
Congrats on graduating highschool cutie, you planning on going to college? Or are you not about that
Im totally going to college! Gonna study sociology. UwU
Sorry for taking so long to answer I'm binging on food.
Different user, but no worries, love the energy! Youre doing wonderfully, cutie pie. You know what you want to do with Sociology when you finish?
It's all good, sociology, that's pretty interesting. If you ask anyone over here what they're going to college for theyll say some shit like liberal arts or computer science, so that ones new lmao
why do you want to study sociology?
Everyone is a result of their enviroment, better understanding our current environment will get me to understand all people better.
A-Join some Guerrilla shit
B-kill myself at 40
C-Be a teacher all my life
D- turns out I'm Lenin reincarnated
what kind of sociology have you already studied?
Also lenin was a lawyer.
Come and play with me
Wickr claudiaslut64
Those were options, Lawyer is a cuck profession.
And I'm big on 19th century social sciences, some nigger post colonial stuff, Marxist stuff, and some Argentine social sciences.
Dearly, OP. UwU
Is anyone here a bull?
My background is more in philosophy so I know a bit of marx. Have you read post colonial theory and the spectre of capitalism? theres been alot of backlash against contemporary post colonial studies from a ortho marxist angle.
Heard it before. But no, I haven't. I'd say there's a more mechanistic way of understanding Marxism, western and slav interpretations. And a more weird, loose way, that's more Common in eastern and native American interpretations.
The point is that a universal set of needs drives people to resistance regardless of individual culture or circumstance. So while there are a plethora of cultural codes, depriving people of their means of self reproduction ultimately leads to reaction. Its an issue of the conditions of some post modern philosophy as to whether there can exist universal narrative.
Also can you post a close up of your asshole?
Mom's gonna get home soon so shouldn't risk it. Also LMAO imagine discussing this and then asking for an asshole close up. I LOVED THIS COMMENT.
Also I side with the ortho Marx in this case
That sucks. Anyway we can chat outside outside of a Mesopotamian stone laying forum?