It is legal to punch nazis. It is illegal for them to retaliate. End of story

It is legal to punch nazis. It is illegal for them to retaliate. End of story.

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true i hate white people

Anyone in that pic would get their shit curb stomped if they ever punched an actual nazi.

Big talk, ratzi. Good luck annexing your mom's basement.

Nazis or Confederates: which are history's sorest losers?

Calm down, Richard Spencer.

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>which are history's sorest losers?
Hillary voters


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yes, Trumps masterful command of diplomacy and managerial skills are on display constantly.

Assault is illegal. Self defense is legal. Your opinion doesn't trump others. End of Story

I'm defending myself against a potential hate crime, so joke is on you.

it isn't a hate crime if it is potential!

>"You can't prosecute me!!!! Attempted murder is not murder!!!!"
>"You can't shoot me for breaking in and stealing your property, I haven't stolen it yet!"
Infallible logic

key word POTENTIAL
and im saying it both ways too its not just for the tard antifa its also for the tard neos

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See What good would self defence rights be if you're not allowed to protect yourself against something that might happen?

Comerade don't waste your effort on these retards. They've lost the ability to think critically. They were failed by whatever education system they were shit through. Spend your time bettering yourself and your community, and the reactionaries will continue to degenerate and fester in your absence.


So punching your saying that I schould just punch the local skinhead even if he has never done anything toward's me becouse self defence


Americans blaming each other for their own problems while being anally raped yearly for money by the corporations sitting in power in the government.

Americans are retarded as fuck.

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>Attempted murders still a crime
>breaking and entering is still a crime
Infallible logic

Oh look someone blaming jews again.

>never done anything
No, my argument is that you should punch him if he is about to do something. If he confronts you in the streets and start screaming in your face, only a cuck would allow him to continue to do that. Are you a cuck user? Do you like being dominated by other men?

And threatening someone is also a crime. What good would self defence rights be if you're only allowed to defend yourself AFTER being beaten and killed?

nazis lost the right to defend themselves when they signed up to worship Hitler

I mean in that case your right but you made it sound like you would punch someone for being or looking like he might be a nazi

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kek you can’t do shit

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he didnt mention jew anywhere

Have authority come and deal with it, you people act like neos have a higher power over you guys and they have equil grounds if not less than you. my statements go both ways

The dude was also a convicted sex offender. The alt right is such a beacon for ass hats.

He was blaming those in control of corporations, government and wealth in america.

Hence, jews.

Sup Forumslacks are angry because they get attack when they dress up in helmets and shields at rallies and get up in people's faces. It's pathetic how they allegedly hate the state and call it illegitimate, but yet come crawling and begging for the state's help when they can't deal with problems they themselves caused. Strong-state fascists disgust me more than self-loathing cucks on the left does.

Found the antisemite

>Have authority come and deal with it
Why would you have the right to own a gun? Why don't just wait for the police to come?

In a split second decision, you may need to stand your ground and defend your life and property and your own rights yourself. That's why the law grants you those rights to begin with, in the form of gun ownership, self defence rights, etc.

I said Corporations, only your paranoid mind thinks every Corporation is run by Jews. Not the Jews fault for your shitty financial situation anyway, its you for being useless.

You proven you are a window licker anyway, because you read a couple of words and assumed everything else. Good job, jim bob.

Nope, I worship the billionaire ruling class. Try again.

Nice way to twist my words It's obvious you hate jews. Why are you so afraid to admit it?

Idk about polacks I only know that most neo nazies are brainless hooligans

assault and threat are two different things if a random guy was making threats to you you wouldn't whip out a gun, but if he had an opinion that you hated now its ok?

Because I don't, and you are tryharding and hypocritical by claiming I twisted your words.

weeeew boi

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I would have said conservatives in 08 and 12. Never has there been so many white nigger tears shed. They were so triggered they fell into opiate addiction. Then again white niggers are weak

out of all the riots I've seen antifa is always the ones that start the fights, lets not forget that antifa will beat you to a pulp even if you're a officer neo or even bystanders

>if a random guy was making threats to you you wouldn't whip out a gun
In the state of Alabama, that is (luckily) still allowed, yes. If I'm being threatened, I definitively have the right to shoot in self defence.

What kind of liberal cuck are you that defend the rights of the aggressor over the victim?

got a comic just for you mate

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That's the thing they are communist's they can get away whit that kind of shit facist's are too in your face to be able to get away whit such thing's

>history's sorest losers?

Bored? why not check this extremely hot active server, for the best lewdds of females and traps!

discord gg/8n5g3Wt

Why just nazis? It should be all men.

The law does not allow you to shoot people in defense of property. You’re free to stop them physically but you wouldn’t be able to most likely.

ok why do i deserve to be puched

socially acceptable? yes.
legal? not without violent provocation.

Are you retarded? Its not illegal to retaliate IF someone illegal assaults you, which assault is always illegal unless its in retaliation, its this little called self defense, but it seems like you’re one of those retards who thinks thats illegal.

The rights apply to everyone idk why people think that's not how it is like om not on either side but im arguing for their rights not their actions

True, the Antifa do always stomp the faggot cuck nazis and make them run away.

They think that the rights of people depend on who they do and dont like

>The law does not allow you to shoot people in defense of property.
Yes, it fucking does. I may use potentially lethal force to prevent possible serious injury or harm to myself, others or my property. Several states allow this, see stand your ground laws.

Go do that. Shoot someone for threatening you. See how that works out for you, fat lil bitch

depends on the state
but even where it is, if you put yourself between the criminal and the property you are defending they will most likely attack you allowing you to use lethal force to defend yourself

Are you suggesting nazis dont have human rights? Sounds pretty nazi of you, i might have to punch you just to be safe, hell, you dont have human rights as a nazi, so i might as well just throw you in the ovens, just in case, since youre probably a nazi.

Not if it's a castle law state. Then blast away bro.

you're retarded


That sounds pretty fascist wouldnt you say? They must be nazis, guess that means they can be punched and baked into cookies.

Cool story bro

Then he calls the cops and you get charges for not actually being in self defense. Great going, retard, couldn't find a diplomatic solution

Holy shit..... like im no nazi, but fuck dude, you make me want to toss you into an oven. Youre the worst kind of person, a retard throwing stones in a glass house while shouting at the kettle thats its a nazi nigger.

You must be unfamiliar with how things work over here. Unlike Europe, where you can't even own a fucking kitchen knife, the US hasn't cucked themselves. Self defence rights are pretty strong here.


Those did not compare whatsoever to the flow of salt from lefty faggots in 2016.

Right? They’ve literally gone way beyond 08 and 12s reaction, its been 3 years and their still pushing the russian conspiracy theory and the “undermining democracy” narrative while being caught consistently doing the same over and over again while wasting literal millions in tax payers dollars to fund their tantrums.

Well they are fascist advocating against fascism so by their logic yes they can do that because "They're the good guys"

Are you retarded? I'm allowed to scream in your face, and punching me isn't self defense. You said that if a skinhead comes and starts screaming in your face, punch him because "you're not a cuck". The law doesn't care about cuckholdry, and you'd be in the wrong. Unless he hits first, you're in the wrong. This is shit you learn in grade school.

why does the left hate russians so much? i dont see anything wrong with them

So you are saying.. that Nazis are an oppressed group that desperately need to take action to secure their rights??

Ah yes, its like the straight white males who decry anything straight, white and/or male.
Yet some how they dont check their privilege off a roof. I mean, they are the problem after all, how dare they allow themselves to stay alive when they’re taking up a minorities space to speak and exist.

Remember when all the faggot late night comedians mocked Romney for saying that Russia was the biggest threat to the US?

That's freedom of speech. Even if you disagree with their ideology, they still have the same rights of expression as everyone else.

By constantly losing your mind over them, you're just filling their ranks.

I am also not Jewish

weeeeew boi

Found the dirty kikel.

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It really depends on the cops in these situations. I've seen multiple cases of drunk dudes trying to cuss someone out and get in their face. They get punched and sometimes knocked out. Cops will usually arrest the drunk guy even though he didn't hit anybody. Seen the same shit with normal dudes on the street. Really depends on what the witnesses say happened, if there is video, etc. But yes, you can punch someone in self defense because verbal harassment is still assault in some peoples eyes apparently.

They dont hate russian, its tactical. All the boomers that remember the cold war will be swayed far easier by something involving Russia compared to China or NK.
Its diabolical and transparent as fuck, but orange man bad so they’ll eat it up.

Look what happened to illhan omar, it came out that she is a LITERAL puppet for Qatar, they convinced her to run and funded her the whole way, but do the Dems care? Of course not, even though she literally committed treason by pledging her allegiance to the Turkish president in a 2017 meeting. They’re hypocrites just like the Reps, if not worse because they’ll say the Reps shitting on the country while stealing the Reps shit and then force feeding the public that shit while calling it a turkey sandwhich.

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b a s e d
a n d
c h e c k ' d .

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oh yes i am so privileged to be a male and forced to sign up for draft when i turn 18, have a work rate death %92 compared to women who make up %8, why can i get raped and then sued for child support. yeah im so privilged

But, but, muh “power + privilege” REEEEEEEEEEE

>I'm allowed to scream in your face, and punching me isn't self defense.
Yes, it is retard.

I don't believe in freeze peach. I don't think anyone other than white people of good character should be allowed to say anything. And even then what whites say should be limited as well.

>I'm allowed to scream in your face, and punching me isn't self defense
Why do you think people in the US got so upset about Sweden arresting ASAP Rocky? In most of the US, you are actually allowed to punch someone who verbally harasses you and behaves threatening.

That's because he's drunk, but if normal people can be arrested then thats fuckin gay

>he has faith in the law
Haha, that's retarded.

kys commie fag

Typical leftist answer
"Why do you own a gun???!!! You should just have faith in the police and legal system" while at the same time "the government is oppressing minorities and systematic racism is the reason why black kids get shot by the police".

Make up your god damned mind, leftist. Which is it?

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Troll shitposting is the cancer killing b. Paid posters.