Where's the faggot that's going to eat a shit pizza?

Where's the faggot that's going to eat a shit pizza?

Attached: CoJPAUhW8AAbW0p.jpg (900x1200, 167K)

would wait, guess takes about 10min for the delivery

Finally it arrived

Attached: Pizza.jpg (4032x3024, 931K)

I guess i'm going to die

looks hot

lift the cheese from one

do you have a glas of milk ready?

where's the log of shit tho?

cant imagine the face of the italian cook
>extra tuna, ok
>extra chili flakes, what?
>red jalapenios, seriously?
>spicy sauce, are you kidding, me
>spicy oil, why dont you just buy mexican
>olives, on a spicy pizza?
>artichokes, what is that duy doing?
>garlic, that also?
>onions, is that guy insane?
>caperns, that guy is sick
>etra cheese, why why is this guy doing this to my culture!

Looks so yummy Sup Forums

Attached: pizzaa.jpg (720x960, 102K)

what a hot piece of shit

Actually looks good

I'd eat that faggot

What's wrong with your shit? Whys it brown and solid?

will buy my own pizza now.
feel hungry.

Now cya Sup Forums i'm gonna puke everywhere and die tomorrow when shitting

Attached: Pizzzaa.jpg (1072x1920, 160K)

god you're one disgusting fuck OP but I love you.
Cheers to you

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OP actually delivered, OP is a good guy

>employee checks Sup Forums on break time
>sees this

been a long time i kek'd this hard

OP here, don't forget to mention the fucking greek salsa..

>chilli flakes

I work in the domino's you just ordered from, I know who you are and where you live you sick fuck. Stand fucking by

Come ring at my door

answer naked

I will when my work is done

Ok bring some booze, i keep you a slice of this delicious pizza

how would you rate how hot the pizza is

Omfg send updates

Ok this pizza burned my throat so hard, and when i vomited it burned me even harder

Attached: Fuck_this_pizza.jpg (1072x1920, 86K)

eat the rest without shit

Your going to die a shit eating faggot OP

Looks tasty AF

Maybe some stomach ache, if it's yours at least you're not ingesting anything you didn't already have disease wise.

People who say "yummy" are niggers

What a waste, should've bottled it for some sick user like me.

That's what i did. But as i said it killed my stomach. Fucking hot ingredients synergy

Next time go for a simple margherita and only add the shit.

>I'll never have a buddy invite me over for some shit pizza.

Omg you poor guy

OP can't handle the spice

I can, but not this much

I love watching men and women eat shit, so I’m actually into this, thanks op

Me too, I'm just sad all that puke ended up somewhere else than my mouth.

I mean, if you were going to add shit, why all the other stuff ?

waiting for my pizza,
dominos in germany dont have the same selection as you guys have

You going to add shit to it too ?

Oh God I thought shit pizza meant nasty poor quality pizza


Would you eat my poop op

Attached: 92D51B19-B8CB-4481-91A3-71BA66717946.jpg (1242x1621, 148K)

You missed the other thread did you ?

I'm not into that, only mine

I'd devour that like a nasty motherfucker.

you guys are insane
seek help

ive got a chicken ham mushroom tuna coming

I did

Shit on it faggot

This then post result

no, shit is non kosher

ordered a cheeseburger pizza
>without picles
>with chili, jalapenios and garlic
the spicy salami was pork so I switched to ground beef.

inb4 cheese and meat not being kosher
I dont follow the rabbinic dictate, just biblical kosher

We should make SHIT PIZZA SATURDAY an actual thing. In memory of OPs feat.

If it's your own shit why wouldn't it be kosher? Because it might contain meat or cheese or whatever?

I am all for it

This mans onto something, you can't just unkosher your food because you shat it out. You're playing us you non shit eater.

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We need a slogan so more people get on this, maybe something like, Shit pizza satuday, because it only smellz

Is this a scat thread or just for shits and giggles thread? I feel like it's a mixture based on the comments lol

Anyone wanna ruin their life and post themselves eating shit pizza on a webdm?

I don’t think anyone eats their shit if they’re not getting some enjoyment out of it

I don't have a poop fetish but there was a time when my shit smelled delicious to me and I wanted to try it but I resisted because I didn't want poop breath

Inb4 >I don't have a poop fetish but

I do have a poop fetish, but I don’t want to eat. If someone wanted fed though...

Haven't really eaten it yet but playing around high one time on cam a guy had me stick my fingers in my ass, a first time really but i thought, fuck it. stick them in, he says to just do it once but go really deep, two finger completely in there, pull them out, they're shit stained as fuck. Dude tells me to suck them until they're white again because they look nasty as hell, do it.

Well done, OP.
You won the hearts and minds of Sup Forums this day.
Have a cold one!

Attached: IMG_5456.jpg (640x480, 52K)

It was truly a pleasure


Someone needs to save this thread screen cap it all

Hot, I like showing guys my shit on cam

Google scat porn. This is far from the weirdest thing I’ve seen on Sup Forums.

Yeah, dude said next time he was going to make me take the real thing, not just some stains. So far he hasn't brought it up, maybe forgot, we were drunk as fuck to be honest.

Hear hear!

Understand your argument, because buggers, fingernails, pimples or other human "parts" would also be non kosher.
Has to do with thinks considered unclean/impure and neutral.
unclean should not be eaten will "neutral" things are not a issue

>meat or cheese
is no issue

Somewhere out there, there's a poop tribe I bet

Ah, okay. Thanks

we them Poop squad bois


What's your Poop Pizza Saturday first pizza gonna be ? I'm fucking love Carbonara but the contrast would be maybe too much, on the other hand I fucking love Carbonara, need to decide on the shit though don't want to ruin the main ingredient, medium consistency would be pretty good.

It's not everyday OP delivers

What a weird world we live in, I actually have a folder called "shit pizza" now.

Really? So you have my poop pizza in it?

First and best, I'll always remember you OP. As the Shit Pizza Saturday founder you'll be our own personal Papa John, we should still keep on adding, create a legacy, SPS can't die today bois.

it sounds like it has already been shit on

did someone get the last thread?

Here's the post number 815187044, i can't find it