Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?

Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?

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Holy shit these people are stupid

Hitler used gas chambers

Assad used gas bombs

There's a fucking difference

Sure thing sir spins-a-lot

Nice try Schlomo

>forgetting the six gorillion

stupid goy how dare you

Oy gevalt! Good double goyim!

Are you trying to say this wasn't an insensitive and clueless remark especially during Passover?

The extent anons try to defend pure retard boggles the mind.

He's innocent by association

So we should be mad at the retard who hired him, got it.

Spice Man should get a job somewhere where he doesn't need to spin someone's daily contradictions into fact. It leads him into these moments.

Gas chambers aren't chemical "weapons" so he's technically correct, the best kind.


oy vey my tiny religious group needs constant special treatment!

You would think as more American lives are going to be lost fighting for Israel he could get a pass on forgetting the 6 gorillion.

you can take that insensitive remark with you right to the oven schlomo

fucking thousands of holohoax museums everywhere, jewish groups always complaining, and billions of dollars going to israel every year

>one remark that doesn't kiss kike feet


take a hike kike

>wasn't an insensitive and clueless remark especially during Passover
Oh no not Passover. Who gives a shit? Jews voted for him barely better than black people did. Offend away.

>The most Jewish government, comprised entirely of Jewish puppets, is antisemitic.

Goddamn, whoever takes this issue seriously is fucking dumb.
Who the hell thinks spicer comment painted Hitler in good light or denied the holocaust ?

Also, technically he was right. Hitler never used chemical weapons the way Assad "did" (false flag but that's a story for another day). He did use gas to execute prisoners, but the USA did this for a time too.


>implying this isnt a massive redpill

he is 100% technically right, germany never used chemical bombs during ww2

Even normies are waking up to (((their))) incessant faux outrage

How much longer until his Conwayed?

Am I the only one who is really starting to hate Jews? I never cared one way or the other, but it's been too much lately.

hell be fine

What he said was factually incorrect though. Hitler did use chemical weapons. This is simple stuff, though I could see why that would make it difficult for a Trumpfag to understand.

Explain? Did that dedicated mummy get the boot?

how long will the kikes whine about muh 6 billion?


>Hitler did use chemical weapons
he didn't you massive retard.

Zyklon B isn't classified as a chemical weapon.

>Gassing people in chambers is on a higher moral level than dropping gas bombs on people in public

How? Because it's easier to clean up?


The media should just resign themselves to the fact that these people are retards by this point, and stop getting so hysterical every time he puts his foot in his mouth. As stupid as the comment was, it's obvious what he actually meant.

I bet you shriek about the difference between guns and "assault guns" too. The hypocrisy is delicious.

She might as well have.

She's pretty much not allowed on TV anymore, I don't think she got fired though just shuffled from the main stage.

>Spicer just broke the 1st rule of politics
Don't insult jews?

You know who you're killing.

I believe he said that they weren't bombing their own people

>moving goalposts

What did he mean by those digits?


Good thing the Germans never gassed any Germans. Oh, wait...

>technically correct, the best kind.

No one said its higher morally, both are awful. He made a sloppy comparison trying to say that Assad bombs his own people indiscriminately, as opposed to hitler who didn't gas battlefields. Hitler did commit genocide however, so they are both despicable people, as Spicer pointed out. What spicer failed to mention is now what Assad did was completely justified considering the only people killed were Syrian civilians, including women and children. Glad I could clear that up for you, don't fret over some dirty arabs losing their lives.