Guess players ranks based on top 3 champs and and mastery

Guess players ranks based on top 3 champs and and mastery

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Hard stuck High Silver or low gold. Adc is a shit role


Korean bronze

so NA challenger


nah im an EUW player for a start

That's a yikes region, I say plat

Yeah plat IV, 160 games rip. did the same on EUNE in 50

I don't play ranked, NA shitters are mentally unstable and will hold game hostage

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Oh, if i knew you were EU then I would’ve guessed higher than silver. NA and Brazil worst regions

4fun regions

gold 3

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silver 2

plat 4
gold 3
silver 3

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Yeah actually, was it the Lee Sin or the Teemo?

Diamond 2

Away from PC to take pic.

Top 3 champs are
Akali 150k
Illaoi 130k
Darius 95k

the lee sin

Gold 4

gold 1 99lp

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you got it, i hate rankeds

i think ive guessed everyone correct so far

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plat 3

am master 0lp

Why do people like this game? I tried it for about 3 hours but found it existentially boring.

probably because you learnt nothing about the game in 3 hours

Nah, gold 3. But I did it in 20 games. I'll actually try to climb next season.

I main adc but its so hard to carry a lane when you get autofilled supports. i would be able to get to diamond next season

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this, it's just football with lasers, both MOBA and Gacha are cancer ass expensive trash, also lol at riot being an SJW company. good job paying for their avocado toast guys.

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I had an IRL friend explain how the game works to me. And then we played a few games afterwards. I'm just trying to see the appeal. I want to like it but I don't. Why do you personally enjoy the game?

when you learn how to outplay your opponents and get fed its really fun

It has the best ranked system out of any other game, where its personally rewarding to do well.

The ability to be not only mechanically skilled to beat your opponents but also knowing how to play the map and objectives.

Its extremely easy to see your mistakes or what to improve on which makes getting better easier.

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Plat 4

Just because it's competitive. The balance / champion design teams are so fucking awful that I wish I never started playing, and it takes all the fun out when you just get point and clicked to death.

its addictive once you start playing though, so we all complain every patch but still play

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Any Diana mains looking forward to her update?

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shes broken af

Silver 2

such litttle jhin mastery

Gold 4. I pretty much only play ranked to get to G4 for rewards and then I stop. 14 wins and I was good. No desire to climb ranked really and I mostly just play with friends.

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Away from computer so cant ss

Irelia 70k
Anivia 50k
Lee sin 35-40k

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My masteries would actually be disgusting if they had some way to track it since the beginning. Played the game since 09 but take quite a few breaks. One of my biggest was a bit after they implemented the mastery system.

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What sort of company? Riot? They're the opposite of what sjw companies stand for.

Silver at best. You either don't play enough, or can't decide on your champ pool.
Let alone the fact that your three main champs are for three different roles.
Jungle, top and mid.
You can't decide, you can't be high

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Once again, three different roles, probably gold tho since you play somewhat meta champs


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I just cant stand playing one role for too long. I'll top bot and support but fuck jg


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Ahh shit, your lack of mastery on champs is deceptive. ADC main, off role jg?

You got balls to play Thresh. Gold+, maybe even plat or diamond since you play Nami as well

Based Zilean main is based.

Maybe gold IV if you manage to retardproof your teammates.

Played the game since season 1 but took a break from League to play Overwatch competitively like 3 years ago, so even though my masteries are low my apm/general game skill is a lot higher after 3 years of playing games seriously etc. I just kind of pick whatever at this point and I'm sitting at a 70% winrate

I've already ascended, and my teammates still tend to act retarded every now and then, but it does not bother me anymore.
It's just became a margin of error

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Holy shit you're fucked in the head.

Doesn't make you any less based though.

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Used to be a Mundo main. Now I almost always play Tryndamere top unless he gets banned or we need a tank (then I go mundo). Also I play Mord occasionally when we need AP top

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Diamond IV flex, Platinum II soloQ

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guess you cancer nigger fucks

Not on pc but

graves 90k
ezreal 40k
jhin 40k


>Flex rank
Don't b so insecure