Race war when?

Race war when?

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It was cancelled due to lack of interest

Cold race war has been happening. It's the great replacement.

It's gonna happen but it's gonna be weird shit b/c it wont be a true race war b/c there are gonna be all sorts of white/blacks/Mexicans on the same side. They will claim to be white more or less and fight for that side.

I doubt it will happen. From my experience in an area heavily populated by black people, they hate niggers as much as anyone. Maybe even more. Let's face it, they don't exactly have a great life expectancy. Few are lucky to see 30 outside of a prison cell. If they even live that long. I don't want a race war so much as I want to give black society some aggressive chemo therapy.

You mean like how Native Americans were replaced? Don't you faggots call that conquest and tell people to get over it? Well get over it loser.


Basically, it'll be left vs right rather than white vs black.

How many right wing terrorists have claimed that their motivation was to incite a race war? How many have succeeded? None, because no one gives a shit. The vast majority of folks who claim that they want a race war with all seriousness would really prefer to continue their comfortably mediocre lives occasionally complaining about shit they don't really understand rather than risk their lives and freedom for something they believe in.

No, not like that at all actually.

No, because what happened to native Americans was an actual genocide. When these people talk about a "Great Replacement", they're really referring to demographic changes taking place over several decades.


There are some respectable black people but the vast majority end up niggerfied either by their own racial instincts or by nigger culture.

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It's scheduled to begin next Wednesday

It's just like gays and trans. The only ones you hear about in the day to day are the loudest, most obnoxious ones. Out the the ten guys I work with, only one other is white. The other 8 are black. There have been shitty ones, but the dudes that have like 5+ years with the company run them off quick. They're just normal ass people who don't give a shit about any of it. Complaining that black radio stations are too political is their number 2 gripe. Niggers are the number 1. I have heard them say the word in direct reference to a person, typically within ear shot more than I've ever heard my white, southern, proud family. Blacks hate niggers in the same way whites hate trailer trash and rednecks. I have seen it first hand.

Anyone trying to go to war with minorities would also have to contend with, like, two thirds of white people. Half the country are democrats and there are a ton of conservatives that hardily reject racism.
Right vs left is far more likely. Though I think the minorities who fight for the left may feel betrayed upon victory, when they find themselves removed or ghettoized.

But don't you think that in the America that Sup Forumslacks want, those guys would be given an exception? Hitler went after the corrupt banker Jews, but also poor illiterate farmer Jews. There is little room for nuance in race supremacy.

The race war is already going on. Whites are losing. It's a war against Jewish propaganda.

>an exception
Jews were exiled from 1030 locations. Their corruption is genetic.

A wise man once said to me: "You can be black without being a nigger." I think the biggest problem with the black community is that there are too many niggers, particularly in the city. I've met plenty of respectable black people that didn't grow up in the inner-city and can articulate the English language correctly.

Probably Never TBH. People have been racemixing for decades now that it would make practically no sence. I think the best possible outcome is the return of segregation by showing how SCIENCE says that people of the same race interact better with different at usual amounts.