How is America a democracy when this winner has less votes?

How is America a democracy when this winner has less votes?
Most votes = winner in every real democracy, but not in Mericu. How does it feel knowing you don't live in a real democracy

Attached: Demokracy.png (864x432, 318K)

it's not a democracy. It's an illusion, I thought everyone knew this?

Hillary won the popular vote but trump won the electoral vote libtard

America isn't a pure democracy

Because the US has never been a democracy, it is a republic. Lrn ur civics and history.

Cool so the land of the free and "father of democracy" isn't a real democracy.
Must be shitty living in a place where the will of the people doesn't matter thanks to the shitty political system

>Highlights the popular vote but ignores the electoral vote which is the one that decides the presidency.

The US isn't a democracy, it's a republic. I don't know how y'all keep forgetting this. It's literally in our pledge of allegiance.

It's a representative republic, aka a representative democracy.

No, it doesn't. Greatest place there is to live. Must suck living somewhere with out freedom. There are good reasons why the system is designed like it is. Once again, learn some civics.

Shut up, Ivan.

To the republic for which it stands one nation under god

You have no idea how the US government works. The president is only one part of the government, and honestly, isn't as important as people try to pretend it is.

I'm slightly left leaning and voted for Hillary, but you're a fucking idiot who should stop talking until you actually understand the subject you're talking about.

Direct democracy is rule by mob. Look at the rights abuses in the UK, the EU, Australia, and more.

The USA is a republic, not a democracy, retard.

Constitutional Republic, not a democracy.

The reason you have two parties is because one prefers public empowered government and the other prefers mob rule.

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the father of democracy would be greece, specifically Cleisthenes

We are a Constitutional Republic, not a Democracy.

the US is not a democracy
it is a republic
the vast majority of the representatives are democratically elected with a highest percentage of votes
but very few are elected with a majority of votes bc multiple candidates are allowed in most elections

because Republicans are corrupt criminals

half right. US is not a democracy.
It's a constitutional republic with an emphasis on protecting the minority from majority zealotry.

funny how it's the dems that complain about the electoral college, yet they literally have super delegates, which despite being only 15% of all delegates, they hold 70% of the total voting power when it comes to choosing a nominee. they are free to choose any of the dem candidates but almost exclusively vote for the establishment candidate. regular delegates are mandated to vote whoever their constituents support.
electoral college bad tho

Ah the ghettos has n the inner cities don’t decide the country? Huh.

Dems: More illegals!