I just realized my jaw line is horrendously fucked, what caused this? Im lean everywhere else but I have fat here?

I just realized my jaw line is horrendously fucked, what caused this? Im lean everywhere else but I have fat here?

Can I get rid of it?

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cardio or fat burning exercises

try sucking dick. seriously. i mean, have you ever seen a faggot with a jawline like yours? didnt think so

I have to avoid cardio tho, since im trying to gain weight.

I tried to look up cardio for the jaw but its all snake oil stuff.

I know lol its fucked, Never notice it till now

everyone else in your life noticed it

honestly youre pretty fucking insecure if you think even a single person (besides yourself and now us) has ever looked at that or noticed it ever before

Ye I know its real bad, kinda embarrasing all my profile shots I have taken today are shocking.

Hence why I want to get rid of it, is it possible?

Na man look its v noticable.

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no retard. dumb bait


Am following because I have the same problem. Thin everywhere but a bag of fat under my chin. Maybe it's genetics?

Time to ascend into your true form as a neck beard

Grow a beard

It's genetic I'm afraid fellow fatnecks
Or Surgery, but thats for faggots.

Mewing will help with it

i have a very good jaw line, but im fat
so you still kinda win

Grow a beard