My wife faxes you this pic and says "teheheh my husband isn't home yet wanna come over and fuck?" Wut do?

My wife faxes you this pic and says "teheheh my husband isn't home yet wanna come over and fuck?" Wut do?

Attached: 1559923868262.jpg (720x960, 34K)

Probably cry and unfriend your entire demographic.

Find out where I got a fax machine

Why is she standing on a chair taking this pic?

Call her fucking handler to get this beast back in her straight jacket.

So she took this picture on her phone, saved it, uploaded it to the computer, printed THIS ONE out, even though it's blurry, then faxed it to the guy she's cheating on you with. Not only is your wife a skank, but she is also a moron.
On the other hand, if she's going to put in that much effort to fax this picture, just imagine what she'd be willing to do in bed.
Not with you, though. With that other guy.

What is your goal with these threads?

inb4 no reply

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What do you mean?

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Does she have down syndrome kinda looks like it a little which would explain why she’s standing on a chair

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it was a simple question. what do you intend to accomplish with these threads? you make about 50 of them a day. what is your goal?


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okay so you're just trolling. got it


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Can u fuckin not with this ugly cow and the same fucking lame thread everyday


Huh? Her? Hur? Dur? Stfu u waste of space


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Fucking nothing, ask her how she got in and why she doesnt eat lowfat yogurt, no ody would do anything but u and if u want validation take it to reddit fag

Backtracing leads me nowhere. Either you're hitting this or the pics are you.

Some people cannot get aroused without feeling jealousy or competition. OP wants to know how someone else would pleasure his wife so he would presumably do better and thus be aroused enough to fuck his potato sack wife.

Seriously if not DS then she’s some kind of retarded cause she ain’t normal

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