What have you done to heal race relations in this country today?

What have you done to heal race relations in this country today?

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Instead of closing the door at the store on a nigger I let the door do it's own work

Banged a mixed girl

I flipped off a nigger in traffic driving slow in the passing lane. Also listened to some moonman.

Not chimp out.

I nodded at a nigger playing Pokemon go because he's probably not the shooting type.

muttered "americans deserve niggers" then saw no non-whites all day

moon man moon man can't you see

me and my buddy got really high while driving around and screamed nigger out the window multiple times while my other friend was freaking out telling us to quit down

every time I see that picture I keep thinking I went to basic training with him.

Any word on what his MOS was?

fucking kek'd/10

>have young nigger friend
>started coming over with another friend to smoke and hang, then solo
>this goes on for over a year
>he's typical dumbnigger, but young and impressionable
>wind up getting him "woke" as they call their primitive redpill
>turn him onto appreciating more thoughtful, less thuggish rap/music
>show him videos of black Trump supporters when he repeated some facebook garbage, answered questions he had after
It's a work in progress, and I doubt he'll ever be a doctor or anything, but one less dumb nigger and one more average black person counts in my book. Seriously though, I had to subtly get him to work on even basic motor skills and problem solving at first, I'm trying to get him to the point that he can roll a joint now as that takes hand/eye coordination that's apparently just a step beyond him at the moment though.
I could've just told him to fuck off the first time we met I suppose, but this is turning out kind of interesting.

I Tweeted in support of people of color while fervently praying that they remember I was a white ally when my actions finally cause them to hold a position of power over me.

How does it feel having a pet nigger? Are you worried that it will turn on you in any second?

Not as much as I would be if he were full-black, he's the typical offspring of a fat white woman and a black man who came through town (literally) and ditched, so as often as this kid listens to rap he'll also turn on the classic rock station and get into Sweet Home Alabama or something, the white definitely shows in some spots, occasionally he'll come to a conclusion about something before I've led him there and those moments of "yeah, I get it!" are worth the endeavor.
It's too bad I'm a felon, I'd live to teach public school.

>drug addict
Yeah okay, keep pretending you're above him and he's just a stupid nigger. You're just as bad as your average nigger you faggot. Seriously kill yourself


>Listen sucka, I'm blacker than the ace of spades and more militant than you and your whole damn army put together. While you out there, chanting at rallies and brow-beating politicians, I'm taking out any money-fronting sucka on a humble that gets in my way. So I tell you what, when your so called revolution starts, you call me, and I'll be right down front showing you how it's done. But until then, you need to SHUT the FUCK UP when grown folks is talking

Through working at a soup kitchen I've helped more blacks than blm

And how's your project to better your fellow man coming along, has yelling at strangers on the internet yielded any results so far?

I talked to a white guy and helped him get an item from a shelf.

Thank you, some of us are short.

Why heal? Let it burn and fester. Until it is out of control that people accept any solution. Then it is time for the final solution.

Just imagine a Nigger free America.

Ayy yo homes

what the fuck you posting about me on these forumz behind my back

Im gonna knock yo racist ass out when I get back from Austrayia

I've been red pilling people on blacks.

You fucker

spics and niggers need to hang from trees

I made this video youtube.com/watch?v=8fy_LPhpPA4&feature=youtu.be

Sarcastically I'm in charge

I gave that video a thumbs up.

These beuTiful goddess 's have third Eye shootin

An Melanated aim put some respek on deez beautiful goddess's

dey can kill THE HONKY jus by speeking they psychic 3rd I

DEEZ wimmyn be gods and qeeuns


Most likely a POG.

How do you expect to better others when you yourself are a shit human bean?