Conservative thinking in a nutshell. Your whole political system is a logical fallacy; an appeal to authority

Conservative thinking in a nutshell. Your whole political system is a logical fallacy; an appeal to authority.

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I have a lot of liberal views but unfortunately I have to call myself conservative because every popular liberal politician is retarded.

This is the most normalfag shit I've ever seen

That's not how ideology works, chief.

Honestly, fuck both sides
At one point I identified as liberal
However, while conservatives have largely remained the same, liberal politicians seem to be getting more and more extreme with their views.

You forgot the part where they believe women are property and minorities are a disease

im sick of these tories lying and doing anything they want when they are just a bunch of pedos

your OP is liberal thinking, bud. most conservatives don't want to take medicine, especially don't agree with the rampant use of marijuana. if you think the amount of caffeine in coffee is anything to report (2mg usually), you're retarded, and alcohol isn't a drug, it's a poison if anything but so are most spices.


the line is drew where the draw it and lead u to believe that illegal drugs are the worst when its actually legal prescribed or alcohol and nicotine that ruins more lives

Not to mention, both parties are the parties of big business. They differ only enough to make voters feel like they're making a difference. Bernie is the only candidate who actually wants to change the status quo. Yang a close second. But generally, candidates just want to keep everything the same.

Prescribed drugs also ruin tons of lives, especially when there are quack doctors who will sell them out to any junkies looking to get a high

thats what im saying but no one ever talks about what the government sell just the weed, cocaine and heroin

I don't disagree with you that alcohol and prescription drugs get abused, but I wouldn't say they ruin MORE lives than illegal drugs do when you take into consideration the amount of innocent people killed during territorial disputes

and yes, illegal drugs are worse because they are illegal. spoiler, getting "legal" drugs that aren't prescribed to you are also illegal drugs (e.g. little timmy's mom gives him some of her vicodine is illegal drug use; taking more than the prescribed amount is illegal drug use) and if you want to build with alcohol, being over the allowable blood alcohol level is illegal and dangerous

>most conservatives don't want to take medicine
>amount of caffeine in coffee is 2mg usually
>alcohol isn't a drug

hoo, boy, you really shouldn't be the one calling people retarded, son.

There is zero correlation between conservative belief and complete abstinence from drugs.
Coffee generally has 80-100 mg of caffeine per cup (240 mL).
Alcohol is classified as a drug and there's no valid reason to think otherwise - it checks all the boxes.

im just saying that they are very hypocritical thats all

But lefties these days all want authority, they want big daddy government to wrap the world in cotton wool for them, conservatives are all about personal responsibility

no they are about the rich getting richer thye are saying they want to cut taxes for the "upper class"

Fuck bernie and all the socialists like him
They spout a ton of "free x for everyone" plans which will never be financially possible in the US. It honestly makes me wonder if the intent behind these plans is to actually improve lives or to just get elected, because there seems to be very little thought being put into how to make them actually work in the USA

we are talking about the uk you bad mong

The fun part is, in my country we used to make fun of republicans, but we switched to making fun of democrats years ago, when all the genderoolitics started.

Bernies change would be for the worse.

We need an actual conservative party.

One that will reduce military spending, bring our troops home and secure our southern boarder. Considering the Mexican government has lost all control to the Cartel and even back down military to them now.

Reduce all social programs. No more immigrants that will become a public charge.

Get rid of programs like social security. Systems which require an ever growing population to feed the machine.

Less regulations promoting small business to open.

Both parties have continued to increase government control and spending.

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>Alcohol is classified as a drug
drugs (aka narcotics) occur naturally in nature, alcohol has to be fermented to exist, thus not a drug

>coffee generally has 80-100mg
that is black coffee, most people pour at least 25% with milk, and different brewing methods (and beans) generate less caffeine. starbucks brew has 40mg to start with, cut by 25% with milk). and I meant to type 20, sue me

20mg (hell even 100mg) of any drug isn't going to have an effect on a normal 150lb adult human. people who claim to need a "caffeine fix" are more interested in the mental stimulation, like those who have an oral fixation and are trying to stop smoking cigarettes put lollipops in their mouths.

We can’t do what Europe has been doing for thirty years!

It will never work! Also we subsidize profitable businesses with our tax dollars and the rich enjoy the lowest tax rate they have ever had...

That part is good

"Free" as in "free healthcare" or "free education" are never understood as absolutely free. The terms can't be removed from the context of a government that collects taxes, so some expense has to be paid, but it's no where near as burdensome as private costs.
These concepts may not work in a country like the US for various reasons, but they are concepts that work and work well.

It is not just finance there is also the supply problem to. Just becouse everybody needs or wants somthing doesn't mean that it is available especially with the government.

Nigger there is no "allowable" blood alcohol level. Either you're impaired or you aren't in the eyes of the law. If there's any alcohol in your blood and you're driving them you're breaking the law. Now if you're at home and not breaking any other laws you can literally drink yourself to death and there law can't stay anything. Also, it being illegal is a poor choice of a basis on which to decide if something is good to do or not.

Thanks m8 :^)

I agree there are better ways over our current system, however what they preach about at rallies, in debates and on their websites is never a reasonable plan that has thought and considerations put into it.

This is what people don't realize.

There's only so much resources. There will be rationing and people want to give this control to the government.

Just look at the NHS in Britain, It gets more expensive every year. It's not sustainable.

"The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other peoples money"

Nigger have you never seen animals eat old pumpkins and get drunk? It happens in nature just fine.

Just start calling american "liberals" socialist or social democrats, thats what they are
The only reason they call themselves liberal is that everything with the term social in it is perceived as pure evil by boomers due to stupid Reagan era propaganda
The USA where not the good guys in the cold war, and they are not today
>they only where the good guys in the independence war
>not saying the Communists where the good guys, nobody was

>hes calling socialism unsustainable while capitalism marches us into dystopia
read a book

>drugs occur naturally in nature
HAHA. Please tell me someone you trusted too much told you and you didn't come up with that bs yourself. Good lord.
Chemicals exist in nature, not drugs. Chemicals may or may not be drugs depending on how they are used, and many manufactured drugs are lab created compounds or completely synthesized substances not found in nature.

>most people pour with milk
Holy shit, you're retarded. Also, most people don't depend on Starbucks for their coffee.

I guarantee you the vast majority of coffee drinkers drink it primarily for the effect of caffeine.

>If there's any alcohol in your blood and you're driving them you're breaking the law
are you 18?
>Most states have now set .08% blood alcohol concentration (BAC) as the legal limit

>it being illegal is a poor choice of a basis
it's an excellent basis, I know the government and agencies can be corrupted, but most of the basis for making a drug or alcohol illegal is amount needed for impairment based on actual hard science

Unfortunately here in the US we still have birth right citizenship.

We bring in over a million legal immigrants every year. 60% end up as a public charge.

Then we have more than 100k illegal crossings at the southern border every month for a few years now.

Anyone that has their child on US soil will be entitled to any and all social benefits.

Now you even have democrat politicians advocating for free health care for illegal immigrants and giving them other social benefits.

These policies would ruin the US.

HAHA. Please tell me someone you trusted too much told you and you didn't come up with that bs yourself. Good lord.

Bitch are you retarded? If you need a caffeine fix it's to keep the coffee migraine from ruining your life, not to mentally stimulate your sperg ass. Conflating psycho somatic responses with real and measurable chemical dependencies? Did you not pay attention in psychology, biology, or basically any other class?

This is what people don't realize.

Nothing is created or destroyed. Elements are all still here.
The meme of scarcity is totally the fault of bad management and is promoted by exploiters who benefit disproportionately from the bad management.
There is no scarcity, only the bad management of production and distribution.

When you produce to exploit, you create a system that holds back what is needed by not producing it OR WORSE holds back what is needed because of the FUCKING BOOKKEEPING of economics.

You are a pathetic shill for the exploiters, mr. moron! Your conservatism is a lie. You are either stupid or evil or both.

>more than 100k illegal crossings at the border every few months
post evidence or I'll be convinced that bull shit wrote this post

.08 bac is for drunk driving but if you're under that you're still impaired driving which is still against the law. Unless you blow zeroes you're getting cited.

1: opium is also "nature" (learn to write properly)
2: they are also drugs, and so is nicotine
3: if it's prescribed it's medicine, and also a drug
4: ??? you stopped making sense here, are you so upset you receded into making strawmen?

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Hmm an un perfect system that allows for personal freedom and has created the most wealth and lifted the most people out of poverty.

Or a system that always ends in failure and an authoritarian state.

I would accept that criticism against freshmen politicians or just general uninformed advocates of socialist policy, but against someone like Sanders, not so much.
I not even a fan of Sanders, but I know his policies are thorough thought out, mostly because he's been advocating them for decades.
The real fault with implementing robust socialized health and education (like those seen in Scandinavia) is that can't be done half-assed. If states or corporations are allowed to opt out or otherwise detriment the system, it can fall apart easily in the early stages and then opponents of it can seize the opportunity to to claim the concept is a failure and damage public support, something this type of system depends on entirely.

how does politics from the uk turn into us politics yankes have to be involved in everything

You should be a lawyer. You have a strong grasp of law. Why do you think .08 is called the legal limit?

your whole post is liberal thinking in a nutshell. your whole political system is based on "everythink i don't like is evil"; only a retard thinks in extremes.

lot of stupid shit I've seen in this thread but this reigns supreme.

>thinking opium should be illegal
The founding fathers rotate in their graves because of what you want to conserve

The reason scandanavian countries can do big social programs is because they have less parasites than the US. We have too many losers that already dont contribute. (Negroes)

It's an American website. Fuck off to your own British website if you don't like it.

>everything that wants to surpress personal freedom is evil
It is dumb cunt

fuck u bunch of school shooting capitalists

Go get stabbed faggot

It separates a criminal offense from a moving violation. Similar to the difference between jaywalking and insurance fraud when the jaywalking is done to get hurt by a driver specifically.

>pulls people out of poverty
I cant hear you over the sound of millions dying from lack of ways to pay to stay alive

>a system that always ends in failure
yep, capitalism.
you cant make this shit up, you're deeply deluded or have corporate interests

It’s all just chemicals Alcohol weed pills they are the same category

Is the UK not capitalist also?

yeh but im not so fuck u

If only you knew how many sociology students I know believe this garbage. I'd say it's not about left or right but if you are the type of person who believes in a moral right to socially enforce their beliefs on others you'll end up with these selfmasturbatory beliefs. These people used to be Conservatives by majority, but the tide turned in the sixties.

That's just false.
"Liberal" is used foremost because of principles of equal treatment and equal opportunity that supersede economic policy. Most liberals do not want communism or even a majority public ownership. The aspect of socialist policy that appeals to modern liberals is creating fundamental rights that allow for equal opportunity (health and education).
There are certainly individuals and groups among self-identified liberals that want more intense socialized policy, but trying to paint all liberals as socialists is just self-serving bias.

My bad. It was for a few months. Still were looking at around 500k a year past few years and almost million in 2019.

Holy shit you're too stupid to live

Also this is just the people that were apprehended.

Who knows how many got through undetected.

No, fuck you, you pinko commie shit stain.

Name one country with a socialist economy that thrived.

Socialist/Communist push for some made up utopia.

Capitalism is the best system that has been tried.

it's my personnal freedom to rape your anus till you bleed to death in agony. don't try to stop me you evil surpresser.

Canada, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Switzerland

Need me to keep going?

im against commies u spaz

wow, who would've known, your rhetoric was written by mr bull shit to scare people into thinking theres a HUGE CRISIS!! AHHHH, yep.

what does this picture have anything to do with conservatism? conservatism is about spending less than you make and not being shackled to pay for the living costs of people you have absolutely no obligation to through taxation

I think the thing you are misunderstanding is that there is no such thing as a "socialist economy". Socialism is enacted through social welfare policies whose aims are to better the lives of the people participating in that system.
This is in stark contrast to communism, which is indeed an economic policy.

The most successful nations have a mix thereof.
And most primarily capitalistic nations are relatively young.

Fucking idiot.

None of those countries have a socialist economy.

They are all capitalist economies with social programs.
This is the problem, kids thinking they have an understanding of what socialism is because they grew up in a comfy capitalist economy.

>They are all capitalist economies with social programs.
Okay then why don't we do that?
It's all the same, really.

That would be Social Democracy. Not socialism.

"a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole."

If they community as a whole owns and regulates all industries and businesses. It is no longer capitalism.

Liberal means literally wanting freedom, but for some reason American liberals are anti gun, also they are often pro affirmative action - which is not equal opportunity at all
Some social programs to create equal opportunities are needed, the money for that should come from public owned automation in my opinion, this is the only way to get it without the use of slavery
>billionaires should just be disowned most their wealth, that they stole themselves anyways
Those social policys are not liberal tho, they are socialism, the liberal way to reach equal opportunity would be to let everyone claim their own spot of uninhabited land for free and let him do with it as he pleases
American conservatives dont want freedom either, they are against drugs and gay/trans rights which is fucking stupid
You dont get the concept


Most successful nations have a regulated capitalist economy that pays for the social programs.

We are doing that.....

Just to a different degree.

Look at how much we spend in welfare.

Food stamps, housing assistance, child assistance, the list goes on and on.

All of those EU countries don't have birth right citizenship though.

You can't have a policy in the US that allows anyone that comes here illegally and have a kid and have a massive welfare state.

It's not sustainable and will fail.

Conservatism is about conserving values you grew up with, thats all it is

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it's easy to argue with something when you make up its definition

> u r very smart

What a fucking waste of trips to be so moronic. You can LEGALLY be driving under the influence of alcohol as long as your toxicity is at or below 0.08%, meaning you cannot be fined or charged by other means you mongoloid

>Someone comes into the United States illegally to get benefits
>They become citizens and pay taxes into all of the benefits
Relly make u thonk...

Also, Mexican healthcare is already free, so they wouldn't be coming for that.

The social programs aren't some gift of capitalism. They're deliberating allocated funding by way of taxation.
The mix varies from country to country, but quality of life is notably proportionate to the abundance of social programs in those nations.

Way to pick countries that are overwhelmingly one race. If you concede that more socialist policies are only effective the more of a homogeneous a country is then I'll say you're alright. I'd gladly hop on the Obamacare train if it meant no more niggers, sand monkeys, or spics

oh but it gets worse/better
>conservatives believe in a strict literal interpretation of the constitution
>conservatives believe that the US should be independent and not subject to the laws of other nations
>SCotUS has ruled on multiple occasions that recreational drug use is a protected right under the 9th amendment and that states must respect that right
>Nixon doesn't like that so he signs treaties to ban recreational drug use and Congress ratifies them
>SCotuS rules that international treaty supersedes the constitution

I didn't make it up
Its a thousand years old roman term that literally means freedom

They do all the time.

"They pay taxes"

Most of these people will end up as a drain on the economy. They will take more out in benefits then they put back into the system.

Advocating for open borders and letting in everyone with a welfare state is fucking retarded.

"Just tax the rich for everything" will run out real quick

>you don't get the concept
you don't get it. personal freedom needs to have borders. if your action hurts others or society, it should not be "my freedom" to do it. it needs to be banned. drugs hurt others and society. they need to be banned.
driving your car on the freeway while smoking a joint? you probably kill yourself and others with your behaviour. ban it.
going to work while high on mushrooms? bad idea. banned. (yeah, i know you life from foodstamps anyways)
personal freedom is a illusion. deal with it retard.

And Europe is going to hell :)

No, they don't work well.

Those social programs can only be paid for by the productivity of capitalism.

That's all well for a country that has limited immigration.

You can't have mass immigration and a welfare state.

Look at Britain NHS. It is being overwhelmed. It is getting more expensive every single year.

You're eventually going to run out of other peoples money to spend.

>>Nothing is created or destroyed
Man, look at all these cars that were always here
If you're talking about the natural resources for things not being scarce, that's wrong. And the market is most efficient at "distributing" resources.

Where do you guys even get this bullshit?

And this border is my personal freedom you damp cunt
Drugs dont hurt others, except for public smoking
Drugs only hurt the user
>driving on drugs = bad idea
Ban driving on drugs, not drugs
>workin on drugs = bad idea
So my freedom should end when some rich guy wants to use me to get richer?
Modern conservatives in a nutshell

Let me point to all the white countries that for now vast majority one race.

We can all agree that absolute freedom is incompatible with reality. Freedoms naturally infringe upon each other and there's not always time or means for calm arbitration.
So, anyone with half a brain claiming to speak for freedom in modern times knows that freedom comes conditioned on potential negative impacts. This is where concepts like gun control have to be given serious thought, and can't just be brushed off as some inalienable right from times past.

Also, claiming all liberals support affirmative action today is false. There are certainly many loud advocates for diverse or equal representation, and many go way too far, but there's no consensus that merit should be completely ignored for the sake of diversity.