How can i lose weight in your country? I don't want to be fat anymore

How can i lose weight in your country? I don't want to be fat anymore.

Stop eating. No, really. Try intermittent fasting.

I don't understand how people can get fat.

they eat

But I need energy

>But I need energy

What do you think all that fat on your body is for?

You just eat whatever you want

How much of it can be used for energy? Isn't that very ineffective?

Most of it
Exercise more
There is no way on earth other than liposuction to loose weight and maintain it other than diet and exercise, nothing besides that

And I will elaborate on that
With Liposuction but no diet and exercise you will get fat in other areas of your body
Once you gain a fat cell its yours to keep for ever
You can make it smaller or larger, diet and exercise don't need to be extreme but constant
Its a life long change, if you do the stupid thing of stop eating and exercise like hell your body will think it may starve soon so everything you eat will be transformed into fat
It takes time and a change of lifestyle

So if I am fat I will always be fat? Explain this fat cell shit please I want to be fit and jacked

Hyper proteinic diet without carbs

>So if I am fat I will always be fat?
You may.
Its simple, you eat more than you need it gets stored into fat deposits in cells of fat. These shrink when they are needed or get larger when you keep eating more than you should. They will be there for ever, but at a smaller size well you will be thin, liposuction removes them, but since your body detects you have nowhere to put more fat it will create more somewhere else.
>I want to be fit and jacked
Quit eating garbage, eat full normal meals, reduce your meat intake as much as you can (no need to be a vegan) quit soft drinks those do the worst for you, make an easy middle to high intensity exercise routine over time. If you are already fat is easier to regain the weight so just keep it up.
Go to a nutrologist and ask them for a good diet for your body, not all diets work on some people.
But this is some long run shit

Can I use some sort of drugs to fix the fat cells?

Live for 250$/month

Count calories and set a daily limit. It's not hard. If you're not full enough, change your diet to something less calorie dense. The hard part is often to not gain the weight back again once you've lost it, so keep that in mind.

No, drugs that do that will do it as the same time they destroy everything else
There is no way other than the hard way to do this man :^)
You are fugged just like the rest of the world

I already do that, and if I try to eat more than what I usually eat I feel disgusted. Never gone past 62kg.

What about some sort of steroid or fatburner? I've heard high enough testosterone means you can lose a lot of fat without losing any muscle.

You will damage your tissue in the long run
Muscles are heavier than fat, you probably want to gain those and loose the fat

What tissue will be damaged

I'd rather be fat than get testicular cancer. Your endocrine system is probably fine, there is no need to fuck around with it.

I'm sure the risks are not that high.

Muscle, skin, fat deposits
Heck you may even damage your veins and lungs if you use them wrong.
Steroids are medical drugs and should only be used in adequate treatments
(Even tho you want to loose a fat you will still need a healthy layer of it)

How would it do that

Well steroids have direct effect on your blood pressure and inmune system (depending on the type), and mores shit, they stimulate tissue growth...
If bells haven't ringed in your head if they stimulate the wrong cells to grow you get the magic of cancer

What if I take anti blood pressure meds or eat a meticulously diet and do tons of cardio?

> eat a meticulously diet and do tons of cardio
That's enough to make you loose weight
>anti blood pressure meds
Will kill you, mixing meds is on the top of my "most idiotic things a human can do to itself"

How is it bad itll counteract the negative side effects.

Because there is nothing wrong (I will hope) with your blood pressure now the meds may over effect
You already have the answer, cardio, lift weights and eat better

I want to use steroids so I can be leaner and more muscled.

>I don't understand how people can get fat.
Sit still, eat. Done.
I'm at 129 kg (190 cm). My job is stationary, sit down all day. Eat unhealthy. Drink beer. Belly grows.

Go vegan and exercise.

Skip the soda.

do not eat after 7pm
get bread out of your life
do bodyweight exercises if you are too lazy to hit the gym

praise canan karatay


>do not eat after 7pm
Literally impossible in my life.
I start working at 11, come home passed 7 at night and cook dinner.

Stick to three meals a day and start doing jogging and bodyweight exercises.
Just don't sit still all day. Try working standing up or going for a run every other morning as well as packing healthier lunches.

eating out of boredom

t. former fatty

For christ's sake, just drink lots of coffee and smoke

Massive amounts of fiber helps keep you full. Oatmeal, chia seeds, etc, are great. Do not eat white bread, non-whole wheat pasta, etc. Eat lots of protein and fat also.

I pretty painlessly dropped from 68 kilos to 63 doing this (at 177cm), which is very hard to do if you are already thin. I also maintained my strength.

Exercising once a week, and eating very little out of depression.

I guess I can thank the first girl I fell for for something.

then have a heavier lunch and just low carbs for dinner

if you like tormenting yourself and wanna see yourself lose weight faster:
eat nothing but yogurt after you get home till sleep. Have a champion's breakfast in the morming

just count calories
I have lost 10 kilos in one month (190cm, 116-106)