Like what truly happens? I've had moments in my dreams when I've done it. Every time I did jump...

Like what truly happens? I've had moments in my dreams when I've done it. Every time I did jump. And funny thing is it seemed SO REAL. Like threre was my dad saying "I know I molested you and beat the shit out of you for 6 years but I bet you won't do it". But I did do it and I jumped but then I woke up.

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i'm a smack addict and an alcoholic. I don't really contribute an awful lot to society. I mostly drain it's resourses.

In the old days i'd be kicked off a cliff

Join th army, become a monk, take spychadelics, go and live off the fat of the land. There's lots of things you could do.

i'll break this down one by one
>join the army
I couldn't pass the fitness requirements, and even then with my mental illness record they wouldn't let me join
>become a monk
yeah no thanks i'd rather die
>take spychadelics
have done didn't do much . maybe I didn't do it enough
man there are a lot of things that take effort. But get this I don't want to do ANYTHING. i have no goals no achievements. nothing that really seems worth it. nothing to wake up tomorrow for. literally nothing.

Our lives are the product of our of habits and you have fallen into unhealthy habits and that is why you feel unhealthy. You need to switch your unhealthy habits to healthy habits. Find a path off hard drugs and alcohol Wean yourself off, go cold turkey, replace with weed, do it until you succeed. Those are all consuming and will be hard to progress otherwise. Start jogging and eating fewer processed foods. Breaking the habits is the hardest part, once you form the new habits they will be surprisingly easy to maintain.

and who exactly are you telling me what to do. your posting on Sup Forums so you ain't better than I am. Dying is a human right. A man chooses, a slave obeys. If I don't want to live then it is my human right not to do so.

See wasn't always like that.The goverment didn't used to control what you could do.

I'm not telling you what to do retard, I'm giving you advice. I'll admit browsing Sup Forums is one of my worst habits, same can't be said for yourself.

If you want to kill yourself go ahead. I assumed you didn't since you made this thread. Just know that you are doing it heavily under the influence of the unhealthy but changeable habits I previously outlined.

isn't this the plot of mr. robot

you are right, but all you need to know is: if I don't kill myself. If i have children with some roastie whore that I hate. My children will end up thinking the same stuff that I do. Trust me you don't want my genes passed on. Why do you even want me alive? So I can have these "good" habits and not being a statistic? man fuck you. only reason you don't me to die is only because you saw this post and NOW you feel PERSONALY responsible. IF you saw "6508" instead of "6507" you wouldn't give a fuck

This pic is a post-op tranny, your realize that, right?

Good lord she's ugly


>If i have children with some roastie whore that I hate. My children will end up thinking the same stuff that I do. Trust me you don't want my genes passed on.
No one is forcing you to have children or get married.
>Why do you even want me alive? So I can have these "good" habits and not being a statistic? man fuck you. only reason you don't me to die is only because you saw this post and NOW you feel PERSONALY responsible. IF you saw "6508" instead of "6507" you wouldn't give a fuck
Personally I don't give too much of a shit if you're alive. I certainly wouldn't feel responsible if you weren't. The reason I commented is I was bored and decided to give you information that might be helpful, since it took decently little effort on my part and could potentially snowball into significant positive trends in your life. I can't give advice to a statistic, otherwise I would. The benefit in you living is in experiencing the inherently positive aspects of life that one can experience when they are not depressed or poisoning themselves and that is so inherently rare since we presumably only live once.

it's not the ususal picsure I'd use. Now I'm beginnng to understand why...

nah I seriously didn't know. To be honest it is Sup Forums after all you can't blame me.

because all that shit about "unhealthy habits" and "poisioning my body"
ok boomer
that isn't' a very Sup Forums thing to say but I think it fits it best

>ok boomer
Not a boomer and it certainly wouldn't take one to tell you that smack and alcohol addictions are literally unhealthy and poisonous. Think you convinced me there's no point in you living though, so congrats on that.

yeah but you have to ask yourself.... every smack and acoholic weren't always like that. You have to think of what eniromental, physiological factors led them to be like that.No no shit they are unhealthy and poisonous. I simply don't have an alternative. When I go months sober I'm even worse offf.

Trust me people like me are so broken; you (society) would rather have me like that TRUST ME.

Stop giving drugs a bad name OP, you've got substance abuse issues and depression issues.

If you don't want to die look for sympathy somewhere else, if you want to die then die. You only get one life.

fair enough. I had depression issues before i had drug issues.

I'll take this post as me (doesn't matter all you) going to see my doctor again.
BEcause it's like this. If I see my doctor recently and it doesn't help; everyone will say: at least he tried. If I don't see my doctor everyone will say "ah he just killed himself he didn't even try to get help"

Obviously you weren't always like that, and I'm sure shitty destiny factors are what heavily influenced your current situation. But the current situation onward is yours to fix, whether fair or not, if you choose to.

I'd recommend watching/listening to Joe Rogan's recent interview with Arti Lange who shared handful of your problems. (plus it's prty jokes) He would agree getting clean is the hardest part but compare him now to where he was before and he is clearly living a substantially healthier and more fulfilling life. Search up the interview they did together back in 2014 or so and you'll see how much he's changed.