Muh bitch mommy hasn’t made me anything to eat all day. how do i cook anons

muh bitch mommy hasn’t made me anything to eat all day. how do i cook anons

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mix ammonia and bleach and the tendies will arrive at your door within minutes. Your mom does it all the time.

thank u user, tendie time

just do it. fuck youre on the gosh darn interwebz how do you not look up a recipe.
just do basics mane look at cooking with babish.

What are you trying to cook user

anything i’m hungry it’s 5am i haven’t ate since like monday morning

>leaving Sup Forums

update: my fat ass figured out how to work fryer. putting 4 chicken steaks in and like a fuckton of fries. no tendies in house. :(

Light a fire. Put uncooked food over said fire. Enjoy your meal.

use a microwave and put in popcorn, 2 minutes later you have food

>how do i cook anons

It's spelt onions

boil some cut up potatoes until they're soft. its not hard faggot. mash them and stir in sriracha if you want to make the white man's curry.

post your cooking rig and current progress

it is spell anions

i have never used this my mommy usually does it. they are halfway done i think?

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Whaddayagot in the pantry/fridge


What happened to your wall?

inb4 op starts a grease fire and lights up his house like a christmas tree

it'll be fine i'm sure he's got a sink

muh chaddy stepdaddy got angry at my mom, theres lots around the house

i have never said that. nor have i implied it.