Is global warming man-made?

Is global warming man-made?

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At the current rate? Vastly exceeding the rate of change before? As we 'should' be entering a global cooling period setting record highs every year? Yeah it's definitely worsened by humans. One hundred percent without a doubt.


The lie of it is man-made yes

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what a bunch of psychopaths


OK glowie

If you bought stuff on black Friday, you are part of the problem.

>Jenny McCarthy is Drake's best friend. Another horrible name is JEFFREY DAHMER.



>ok fwendie :p


Fuck this gay thread it's now a ylyl

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yes, though it refers more to an increase in energy in our weather systems rather than temperature because you are an unscientific fuck who has absolutely no worth to the future

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OP and all his clones

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mostly, yes. there are some natural causes but their effect is negligible over the past 200+ years


Is this Kirby cock manmade.or is it natural?

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have sex.


Lose weight.


How come I never see infographics with federalist society deatheaters called out or shit sponsored be Koch? It's not like wealthy blowhards of all stripes try and fund policy advocacy

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no its only accellerated by man. the earth would warm up anyway just not to this degree where were done in like 50 years if nothing changes

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It might have something to do with the victim complex of the right? Who's to say really, but they certainly love thinking they're the only ones with problems.

Climate change is a natural process in the planet that is getting more extreme thanks to a number of factors, a noticeable one being the increase of greenhouse gases emitted by humans. The impact humans have on climate change is unknown, but there is indeed an impact. It is not know how bad climate change is, as we have been making inaccurate predictions for decades.

>no its only accellerated by man. the earth would warm up anyway just not to this degree

thats what man made global warming means, thats what the term stands for.

no one is claiming that man is somehow responsible for the sun heating the earth. Its all these extra things we do that help heat the earth beyond something life currently is adapted for over a timespan live cannot evolve fast enough to weather.

Yes, to a degree. But CO2 is not the main cause.
>CO2 creates logarithmic warming, not exponential
>1.65 degrees of warming per doubling of atmospheric CO2
>we'd need to increase CO2 by 400ppm to see 1.65 degrees more warming
>then 800ppm after that
>and the warming would take about 50 years
CO2 is a non-issue. It is pushed by policy makers as a way to tax. It is simply a means to restructure society. If you don't know this by now, you're being willfully ignorant.

>not one ontemporaty climate model has made even a single accurate prediction
>models require forcing to work
>data is regularly "adjusted"
>consensus studies are outright rigged
>all of this is funded by hundreds of billions of tax dollars
>by corrupt politicians
>to scare the public into relinquishing their rights and their wealth

Science doesn't need consensus. Politicians do. It's all about power and money, not science.

prove it

Suck more Cock.



It's a waste of time:
>you, like 99% of agw proponents, are likely not open to opposing views
>you would believe media sources over opposing peer reviewed papers
>you're just not going to listen to a random Sup Forumstard, I've seen this a hundred times already

Look it all up, if you want an opposing view. Look at:
>climate model predictions and their complete lack of accuracy
>climate model forcing
>climate gate scandals
>NASA temperature record tampering
>institutions that fire dissenting scientists
>the methodology of Cook's consensus study, and the data (readily available)
>recent confirmation of Callendar's model and predictions
>plant stomata fossil records vs ice core records for historic CO2 levels

I worked in climate modeling for four years. The scientists are good people, but the administrators are money grubbing policy whores. You cannot dissent and keep your job. It's a joke.


gain height.

High IQ post. Dare I say, blacknoise.

prove the thing you said in your first post or provide sources for any of your claims that aren't funded by the fossil fuel industry


avoiding the whitenoise label is easy

post literally anything you came up with yourself



I said many things. I could ask for the same from you: provide any proof that CO2 is the main driving force of AGW, without using sources from partisan government-funded institutions.

Oil is a trillion dollar industry, that uses a small portion of profits for corporate propaganda. Climate policy is a hundred billion dollar industry that uses all its money, ultimately, on propaganda. I don't trust either.

I have no interest in citing sources on my claims. You will just flail about with logical fallacies and the result will be you dismissing all claims without consideration and my wasted effort. If you want dissenting views, look them up yourself. It's easy. Scientists publish their work.

You're right! I'll make a infograph on every kikel corrupting the western world
>not enough space

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Fag noise

You made the claim. Prove it.



>I have no interest citing sources
>You have to cite sources tho
Ok lol

Kek, he won't.

God you faggots are being noisy.

Can all you nazis, white supremacists. Christian dominionist and other assorted Sup Forumstards please fuck off to Idaho already and start your racially pure American Redoubt so we don't have to deal with you in the rest of the world please?


>missing the point
Any source I cite will be immediately dismissed. If it's not funded by the climate science industry, it will not be considered reputable. And since they only fund their prescribed agenda, there will be no acceptable dissent.

It's like a holy book that makes a bunch of outlandish claims, but also says it is sufficient evidence of itself. It is pointless arguing with an ideologue, whether religious or political. I was just pointing out that his sources are homogenic, and just as flawed as the opposing propaganda.

Can't /thread your own post faggot.

Nobody cares. You aren't smart.

Grow up.

Need a scapegoat? Or do you need some cage filling?
Keep shilling buddy. Go back to your robocalls Scott Rhodes 2.0

your mother is man made

No, it's affected by changes in the Earth's orbit around the Sun. CO2 emissions increasing generally follow behind the Earth's climate warming rather than preceding it; so not only is an increase in green house gases not a cause of a warming climate, they're not even a correlation.

You have to do this part first.

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The entire middle of the country is already like this. The majority of the coasts are shit. Stay in your crime ridden democratic run cities so we dont have to deal with your mentally I'll children

Are you scared? yOU THINK a takeover and rebuild of the West, can be done with words and bad smells?

We don't have conclusive evidence either way. We do have evidence that humans have impacted the environment, though not necessarily the climate. It would be stupid not to take some sort of remedial action even if climate change winds up not being artificial.


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>when you click on the clover bookmark when you meant to click on the alien

Enjoy your much higher crime rates, poverty rates, corruption, etc.
Shouldn't you be promoting the extermination of the blacks and browns? Margaret sanger was doing God's work.

Ok boomer

it's accelerated by man. climate change occurred since earth has a climate. what we see today would normally happen over a few hundred years.
so the answer is no, it is not caused by humans, but accelerated by them.
it is importand to note that natural climate change, over a long time, is good because flora and fauna can addept to it. when it happens too fast mass extinction happens.
but personally i would worry more about all the toxins and chemicals we pump into our water/the oceans. this is what will kill us in the end. animals and plants don't have cleaned tapwater.

>enjoy the shitshow
>they capitalise on it.

I heard the same story in the 70s
And 80s
And 90s
And 00s
And 10s
And here we are, population still growing exponentially, cheap abundant energy for most of the world. The standards of living have gone up in the vast majority of the world. So where is the ceiling? Cause I've been hearing about the catastrophic repercussions were facing for the past 50 years and nothing has changed for the worse.



Ok boomer. Why the fuck are you here at fifty you fucking loser lol?

people with no friends be always supicious of people who have friends

if youre old enough to have heard it in the 70s, then you wont matter when it hits. count yourself lucky

Classic kiddy tactic.
You incarcerate more blacks and browns than any other municipalities on the face of the planet. You kill far more black and brown babies than any other localities on the face of the planet.
God you're so virtuous.
Long live Margaret Sanger's philosophies.


Let's get it on. See you sometime soon before you see me.
No it isn't it is largely urban vs rural regardless of where you are. The peasantry has always been superstitious, reactionary and resistant to change.

When exactly will that be? Cause in the 70s we had 20 years to go.
In the 80s, 20 years to go
90s, 20
00s, 20
10s, 20
But because you're here now, now it's for real? Get a grip.

This thread is about climate change. Why are you posting this garbage here?

Post your buggywhip grandpa.

And you probably bitch when brown people emigrate in mass because the global south is becoming less habitable. Hope you like Bangladeshi food because there is going to be a lot more of it around once sea level rise and crazy monsoons make it uninhabitable for 300 million people.

Nah nobody in the 70s said the human race would die off by the 90s or at any time since then.

Lol this.

What about all the devastating hurricanes, heat waves, slowing ocean currents, and melting polar ice/mountain glaciers? Do you think that the gasoline just disappears into nothing when you run your car?

Imagine being this retarded

I'm at my day job, where I am over paid for what I produce, doing basically nothing aside from shitposting.
What are you doing kid?

Say that to my face motherfucker not online.
Then see what happens.

Chicken Little

You support the incarceration and murder of more blacks and browns than any other population on the face of the planet.
Hello? Imagine being so hypocritical.

Yoire right. Greta said 12 years.