Daily reminder that transgendered people are mentally ill

Daily reminder that transgendered people are mentally ill

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Please kill the whole LGBTQP+ with fire.

obvious samefag is obvious

filename, check it

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Why do you care what consenting adults do with each other?
I'm against pushing a sexual agenda on children, but consenting adults should be able to have sex in whatever means they feel necessary

so are cuckolds

>it's only about having sex and has nothing to do with anyone else

they're allowed to have kids though

All I'm saying is that life is short. Worrying about what other people do in their bedrooms seems like a stupid thing to care about.
Again, pushing a sexual agenda onto children is reprehensible in my opinion.

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OP was merely reminding you that theyre mentally ill

nobody gives a shit what they do in the bedroom

what people get fucking annoyed with is their constant harping on about "equal rights", when what they really want are extra rights because of what's between their legs and how they use it.

If a mental illness by definition has to cause significant impairment or distress, and I can function normally and am comfortable with who I am, then that just makes you a retard that doesn't understand what a mental illness is, OP.

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wasnt this the guy that got voted as the blackest man ever, in a thread once?

Kony 2012

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You can't function normally otherwise you'd recognize yourself as your both sex you fucking retard


This phone is almost as much of a faggot as you are.

Thank you midnight Nigga

Pretty sure holding a decent paying job and having a social life means I function well by every definition, but alright